MAGAnaga 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think so, I'm just being pragmatic.

One single rally with our faces and flags on the screens of millions of media watchers accomplishes more to forward our goals than any hundred Q drops.

Consider it this way:

If a would be ruler establishes and equips and army, gives them the best Intel, points them at a conflict and shouts to go into action, and at the last minute raise their hands and laughs and says it's just a joke.

Well that Army still has the best Intel, is still equipped, and can still see the conflict in front of them.

Do they really need the person who first got the ball rolling anymore?

MAGAnaga 5 points ago +5 / -0

And you don't need God to know that Trump is still in control.

MAGAnaga 9 points ago +10 / -1

That's libshit psyops getting to you, trying to wear you down.

Don't fall for it, you know in your heart what is true a nothing and take that from you.

MAGAnaga 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone here is missing the most critical point:

It doesn't matter!

Look at all the things we have accomplished, all the truth we uncovered.

Even if the minuscule outside chance is true and it started as a joke, what we have learned and done is REAL.

We literally have idealist compatriots as fucking elected congress seats.

Never before has the world been more aware of the Insidious prevalence of child trafficking.

Hell we even have our own Forum ecosystem now!

We have created so much, learn so much, met so many like-minded friends.

Again even if the minuscule chance is true we have still done great things and will do greater!

We don't need prophecy, we need resolve, Unity, and a path forward.

And even without any external Source just us alone are enough to accomplish all of these things.

MAGAnaga 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way we come off as silly as if they deliberately misinterpret.

Because if they understood as we did, they'd be one of us.

by Hot_Rod
MAGAnaga 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know this sounds silly but YouTube also uses downvotes as a form of Engagement popularity for ranking.

Going on the concept that there is no bad press.

The best thing we can do is not vote at all but getting to the comment section and destroy their arguments with logic.

MAGAnaga 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure this is actually the plan, a lot of Libs don't actually like Biden and wouldn't miss him if he did get assassinated.

So they false flag it and then pretend outrage and use it to warm-up the party vans.