Not to mention the MSM nonsense. Daily Mail, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. This is a Q site, and you guys want to post links to people who are actively against you and will not hesitate to lie and call you terrorists to anyone who will listen.
The reason they don't is because most of the new people here and even some of the old ones don't believe Q is real. In fact, they're not here for Q, they're here for Trump and some semblance of hope. Hence the influx of MSM articles and taking everything they see or hear at face value.
Agreed. Furthermore, if people here insist on linking to MSM articles, don't just accept or otherwise believe anything they until it can be verified. Remember, these are the same people that told you that Trump incited a riot and applauded the lack of due process as he was impeached a second time.
That depends. For instance, if they said that Q predicted something incorrectly, that in and of itself is wrong because Q doesn't make predictions. Reading Q's posts has only gotten me to ask questions about events, about why Trump was in Saudi Arabia or more recently Pence went through with certifying Joe Biden but wouldn't use the 25th Amendment.
Yes. This is why we don't know what's coming next. There's a lot of noise out there and some of us are all too ready to post it and talk about it anywhere and everywhere we can. We had 4800 posts here in the past couple of days talking about that ridiculous JCOS letter. That's why I'm sitting back patiently, just waiting for events to play out.
Who said anything about Simon Parkes?