MSCodeGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are inferior Courts and they actually have no impact on an Executive action, only the Supreme Court can constitutionally affect another Branch via a ruling. All of these rulings IMHO are simply going to force the Supreme Court to render an opinion that will stop such nonsense, it takes time to go through the process. If I'm wrong then the Executive can simply ignore them which has been done before.

MSCodeGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't want to necro this post, only just saw it. I examined each of these options and offer the following observations, use the data as you see fit:

Annin Flag Makers https://annin.com/ Wide variety including "Social interest" Rainbow and Diversity Flags https://view.publitas.com/p222-2684/annin-2024-commercial-catalog/page/44-45

Grace Alley https://gracealley.com/ Federal/State Government, Military, and Police/Firefighter No social interest flags found

Valley Forge Flags https://www.valleyforgeflag.com/ Wide variety No special interest flags found

Rushmore Rose https://rushmoreroseusa.com Almost entirely U.S. flags No social interest flags found

Made in USA Flags Company https://madeinusaflags.com/ American, Christian and Historical, no social interest flags found

Allegiance Flag Supply https://www.showallegiance.com Almost entirely U.S. flags, no social interest flags found

Veterans Flag Depot https://veteransflagdepot.com/ Federal/State Government, Military, and Police/Firefighter No social interest flags found

Flag Source https://www.flagsource.com/ Large selection including Pride flags https://www.flagsource.com/catalog/stock-products/specialty/pride-flags

Eder Flag https://ederflags.com Large selection including Pride flags https://ederflag.com/pages/specialty-flags

Gettysburg Flag Works https://www.gettysburgflag.com Large selection including "Gay Pride" flags https://www.gettysburgflag.com/flags-banners/awareness

Flags USA https://flagsusa.com/ Large selection with only a single Pride flag entry https://flagsusa.com/products/rainbow-pride-flag-for-outdoor-use

Flags of Valor https://www.flagsofvalor.com/ Wooden, Cloth flags No social interest flags found

Flagpole Farm https://flagpolefarm.com Large selection with only a single Pride flag entry https://flagpolefarm.com/product/rainbow/

MSCodeGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

" By intentionally faking the source of false authority (Supreme Court, Donald trump, FBI etc) and openly admitting that the source is fake, I am appealing solely to their capacity to discern truth from falsehood in the substance of what is being said. - Zach Moore "
