Dude, 90 degrees minus 23.4 is 66.6 degrees. Is that a coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences now? They made up the tilt- and it directly relates to the number of the beast. Along with a plethora of other numbers involving space and a round earth.
I know, it’s a hard one to wrap your head around. The cognitive dissonance is tough with this subject. My advise is to dive into what flat earthers believe and try to prove a globe.
Space isn’t real either. Learn basic flat earth concepts. You have no idea what they even think. Here. Start here. https://communities.win/c/FlatEarth/p/141roCfDT4/resources/c
Excuse me, who’s calling who a retard? You pull out wikihow as your fucking proof? Plus a Netflix doc? Omg dude. You really need to expand your research. You are not worth discussing this with until you’ve done some basic research that doesn’t have the globie spin on it (no pun intended). Read up, retard.
Some will never accept it until they do the work themselves. Get off your high horse built on nothing but indoctrination and expand your thinking. Are you so full of yourself that you know the world to be round because that’s what you were taught. Don’t you think we all were taught the same shit? Maybe these Flat Earth people did the same amount of research as maybe you have done with Q. Maybe.
Moving at speeds Mach 88 and still seeing the same constellations every year in the same spots is all the proof we need.
Also, why isn’t the moon pulled around the sun with its magical gravity power?
Here’s my favorite. Sun is rocketing straight at around 500,000 miles per hour and the earth (that’s spinning around the sun at 66,600 mph) must speed up to 566,600 mph at times and then slow down other times. Never once do we feel any of these speed changes. Not once.
Wake up. Don’t be such know-it-alls about something you’ve never researched. https://communities.win/c/FlatEarth/p/141roCfDT4/resources/c
Oh Hing. Learn my boy. Learn. https://communities.win/c/FlatEarth/p/141roCfDT4/resources/c
peepeesee you still haven’t done your research yet I see. Such a shame that someone who knows nothing about flat earth can continually push against it.
Everyone who does the research on flat earth NEVER goes back to the Satantic globe prison. That is 100% fact. Take that to the bank, Jack!
Check out this brainwashed fool. He believes his middle school teacher knows the shape of the earth. Lol. He also thinks the “air” rotates with the earth and that an unprovable “force” can pull billions of pounds of ocean water around a ball. Lol.
But that same magical force doesn’t drop clouds carrying billions of pounds of condensation from the sky. Unless someone turns the gravity on and it rains.
He thinks we should see the North Star every night in the same place because the earth “tilts” that way. Lol. I know. Absolutely retarded indoctrination.
I can’t wait to hear his rebuttal. Maybe he’ll explain what his 7th grade prof said about why the same constellations appear in the same spots every year for thousands of years when we are rocketing through space at Mach 88.
He doesn’t realize the truth yet. Poor dummy. The Great Awakening will happen without him I guess.
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