Alright fair, I still don't understand the purpose or benefit of such a vague definition because that could be applied to any group of people and labeled as harassment so why make a special law just for antisemitism.
They took out ISIS:
The bill defines antisemitism
The bill provides the most vague and useless definition ever:
the term "antisemitism" means a certain perception of Jews that may be expressed as hatred toward Jews, including rhetorical and physical acts of antisemitism directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property, or toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.
Some would say the bible itself is now antisemitism.
The position originally was supposed to go to a civilian
That's an interesting idea but if that were true then why was the first Secretary of Defense James Forrestal who was a Lieutenant in the Navy?
Edit: So I did some more research on this and it seems like most Secretary of Defense were not generals. I went off Wikipedia so bare that in mind, break down it below.
MIL Rank
Lieutenant x3
General x3
Lieutenant Colonel x2
First Lieutenant x3
Captain x4
Sergeant x1
Colonel x1
Unknown x1 (Bill Clements)
Patrick M. Shanahan (Business, Politician)
James R. Schlesinger (Economist)
Harold Brown (Physicist)
Dick Cheney (Politician)
William Cohen (Business, Politician)
Ashton Carter (Physicist, Politician)
David Norquist (Politician)
He trusted some generals when he took out ISIS, I remember that story he told when they said he went over there and they told him it'd only take a few weeks to deal with ISIS vs the years long time frame someone told him in Washington.
Edit: Source of Trump talking about the generals
Though he does describe them as "central casting" but considering they delivered I think this is him saying they looked good not that they're fake generals.
All the sections referenced in the memorandum talk about selling or transferring nuclear submarines and other equipment to Australia as part of the AUKUS partnership.
I'm not sure this is anything important, the section that says the transfer is only allowed to happen one year after the date of signing which would be December 22, 2024.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
ArtII.S1.C5.1Qualifications for the Presidency
22.7 MEGABYTES per Second..... Just in case you missed it, that's as fast as it can possibly get, and it had to be DL'ed directly to some sort of Storage device, NOT just another Computer, but directly into another hard drive, an External Hard Drive.....
That's just incorrect, 22 MB/s is far from the fastest data transfer speeds you can get, you can get far more than that from most broadband now.
You can fairly easily setup real 10Gbps networks, and even faster, using fiber cable. Fiber SAN with flash storage, even basic usenet can easily saturate 40MB/s and that's over the internet not local.
I'm not arguing about someone getting these files locally but let's not spread incorrect information (network/storage performance limits) that can easily be dis-proven.
Q clock is disinfo, never used or even referenced by Q in this manor, date fagging gets us no where anyway but the clock has never made sense.
Excellent post that explains when this clock crap showed up:
Quota from the post below:
To date I’ve seen it in countless posts and every single memory I have of anyone talking about it falls into three categories.
- People (possibly clowns) pointing to it with exclamation marks with grandiose claims of great meaning trying to get people to spread it around.
- People who spread it around without knowing what it is and copy pasting the former category.
- People who are perplexed by it and ask what it is and how it works and get no answers or vague ones. This template is the same as many other disinfo pushes.
I've read a few sections from the PDFs on their policy website, just normal ideas, no religious aspects as far as I can tell but I guess since its normal and insists on strengthening America and mentions support families and children they think its insanity.
Edit: Reading more sections, it supports the ban on abortion, removal of legal gay marriage, and banning of porn so I guess this is the religious aspect some are talking about, not exactly "fascist".
IMO fascism would include vast control of individual lives, abortion is murder under most circumstances (convenience), I don't think the government should be involved in marriage at all but they want their cut of taxes, and porn can be dangerous if abused but I don't think it needs to be out right banned either but even if it was my mind would not jump to "fascist".
I don't agree with everything in the document but this isn't world ending.
Trump mentioned in his Agenda 47 video that he would declare cartels as terrorist organizations and use US military assets against them. Not sure on the other sources.