MakeALaskaGreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

This tweet occurred 17 hours after Don he’s tweet that there was only 17 more hours to go.

MakeALaskaGreatAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

No Pence isn't part of the plan. He just doesn't want to destroy the GOP by removing Trump. He thinks we will come back eventually is my take.

I believe pence is a traitor and its why he betrayed Flynn early on causing havoc in the administration and leading to an attempt to remove the president at least indirectly.

There was no need at all for Pence to betray the president as part of the plan. Trump has everything set up to take down his enemies. He already knows who the traitors are all he has to do is walk the walk because the time for talk is over.

MakeALaskaGreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

No I think Pence likes little boys and thats why he did it.