Sure there are a couple things I disagree with about. Same with GEOTUS. This fellow is HEAPS better than what we have had for a VERY LONG TIME. I embrace the change.

Just need to vent a bit about my friend who has buried his head in the sand. 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So

We spend a lot of time together. We live less than 15 minutes apart. Work in the same room and carpool to work. My best friend is a middle of the road anti-conspiracy (left or right) libertarian. Doesn't share any feelings about Trump/Biden/Killery or anyone else. I stopped talking politics with him. I only give quick comments to stories we here on the news driving in to work, which he never responds to.

He will only vote for the Libertarian candidate no matter who it is. He is blind to the bigger picture that is right in front of his eyes as large as life. It's frustrating. I just pray for him.

He is vaxxed and will get vaxxed again if needed. For a libertarian he has a odd trust in system. I dont' get it.

The most perplexing thing is that he is one of the most intelligent people I have EVER known. It's mind boggling. His head is buried so deep in the sand only his toes are poking out.

How can someone be wired to be incredibly intelligent but not see what's in front of them?

The only thing that makes sense is the sad fact that he is 100% an atheist. I have become a VERY devout follower of Lord Jesus. He wants nothing to do with it.

I will keep praying for his salvation and giving praise to the lord.


Imagine the salt.

Praise needed πŸŽ‰ πŸ† - WINNING - πŸ†
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So

I can't praise and thank the Heavenly Father enough. Please join me in thanking the Father for touching the marrow of my mother in law Cheryl. Her marrow has spontaneously started producing platelets on it's own. She no longer needs transfusions! Her leukemia treatment continues but being able to make her own platelets is HUGE! She went from a priest seeing her in a hospital bed to being at home. Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Even AI (ChatGPT) gets it (media.greatawakening.win) πŸ† - WINNING - πŸ†
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So

These people are stupid.


Be polite and professional in your interview.

They were extremely friendly and very accommodating. I am also grateful they saw me as valuable and look forward to helping them kick butt in the industry.

Take a chance no matter what the listed job requirements are. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by offering them something of value. YOU.


Almost too obvious.


The media is spread knowledge about this messed up rock arrangement and unintentionally red-pilling normies at the same time.

Possible Causes of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So
The Streisand Effect is Spreading 2000 Mules. Change my mind. (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So

I mean it's not like they have a double standard, right?


Thank you!


Incredible (not)


I live in a state that physically boarders **FUKIN CANADA! **

Not all can be so fortunate as I. With a stiff north wind I can sometimes smell the musky maple.


The Truth Is Always A Gotcha (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So

I can't wait to destroy them with a hammer when they arrive. :)

A Time Is Coming When Men Will Go Mad.....(it has arrived) (media.greatawakening.win) 🀑 Clown World 🌎
posted ago by Make_It_So ago by Make_It_So


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