I thought it was strange for him to be front and center being involved in the nonsense at the Capitol.
Incredible how these 'Trump supporting domestic terrorists' are all linked to that 'IDEA' called Antifa.
Their narrative is falling apart.
This is incredible. I live in Hawaii and didn't know they had footage of this. I will share it with everyone I know. There is a huge sense of community here on the islands and people respect each other and show ALOHA. I am confident these NG members will be making their country and families proud!
This is his official Clout Hub account, not telegram. I don't believe he is on Telegram.
"wE gOt rIgHtS"
This was not a real article, but still hilarious.
Now that I think about it, no we didn't. I have been to plenty of protests at the Capitol regarding the lockdowns and nothing but Patriots who wanted their freedom and the beaches open. So maybe that is the key. They are deploying where there has been unrest before. I heard of plans of pantifa trying to come to the islands before, but due to quarantine issues they never bothered.
Loading just fine in Hawaii from VPN in Mainland US
No action here in Hawaii. Island of Oahu to be exact.
That is common for surf boards/paddle boards. Makes it so the ocean doesn't steal your shit lol
Every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner I tear up. Why must I be such a sappy patriot!?
I am on the island of Oahu where Honolulu is located. Obama was seen paddle boarding just a week or 2 ago in Kailua.
"You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong." His supporters then marched to the Capitol before overwhelming police lines and stormed the building to try and prevent lawmakers from ratifying Joe Biden’s election victory.
They ignore the basic fact that the rioters had already breached the capitol before he was finished with his speech, plus the 40 minute walk over from the speech site.
I found it! Mahalo from Hawaii patriot
On the 8th he posted one saying "Get your popcorn ready baby"
Although don't see the one that says BOOM.
This post is not in the channel.
I just noticed that the other one was the Sec of Def. Very interesting stuff to say the least! I am on the edge of my seat. I just hope the public awakening comes swiftly
Only thing that throws me off for this one is Q mentions "SEC OF DEF" and Pompeo is the Sec of State. I hope this is the beginning of the end though!
Just curious, wtf were you searching for? lmao
Personally, I believe that there will be an override of the media though the EAS for 10 days of 'darkness'. Should be a hell of a ride either way!
I wish they had some sources for their claims of what Trump allegedly said regarding the Insurrection Act and revoking MSM licenses. Too much hopium, not enough sauce.
Back in 2018 Angela Merkel said she would step down in 2021 which I believe will be in September. The others are all recent and unexpected though. Very interesting to say the least. Wipe the slate clean and start fresh! That way more patriots around the world would have interest in running for office. I have never tried to run due to the corruption and deceit.
I have never felt such anticipation in my life before. I am so ready for the DON of a new age. Our loved ones will be coming to the educated 'conspiracy theorists' for answers and damn it am I ready. I am ready to red pill the fucking world!
You'd think he'd be angry at Trump for calling the Mexicans 'rapists' but maybe he's, you know, educated.
These celebrities are some ugly mother fuckers.