These people clearly aren't for America.


Sorry about the abcnews link.

ACB was the worst choice Trump could have ever made.


Uh.... what the fuck is going on here?

According to an article on HuffinPooPoo.

FALSE alarm, sorry frens, it's just some former CIA director's wet dream.


I have noticed since USAID was shut down, 95% of the bot replies in Yahoo's comments have gone bye bye.

Threads that would easily get 15 - 20k comments are barely managing 5k if that.

The USAID Gravy train is dried the fuck up.


Does anyone know which Marine unit this is? Could it be the fabled 10th mountain?


I can't wait for Trump to finally take office tomorrow - feels like we can all breathe again after these crazy last 4 years! Been feeling like we've been stuck in this bad dream where everything's falling apart - all the fighting, America getting weaker, nobody trusting anyone in charge anymore. (I still don't trust a DemonRat as far as I can throw one.)

Honestly, the last administration was rough. Like, how many times did they ignore what actual Americans needed? Making decisions that left regular folks hanging? But tomorrow's gonna be different. Trump's stepping up, and I really think he can help fix things, y'know? Get us back to being strong and proud again.

What I'm most excited about is how Trump seems to actually care about regular people - bringing back jobs, keeping us safe, and making America feel united again instead of everyone being at each other's throats. It's like we finally have a shot at putting all this drama behind us.

Maybe I'm being too optimistic lol but I can't help feeling hopeful! The nightmare's almost over, and things are finally looking up. It can't come soon enough, tbh! Just my 2 cents, but I wanted to share how pumped I am for tomorrow!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


What the fuck is he thinking? Why would he appoint a hedgie to the treasury? Especially a George Soros Hedgie..


Well frens, we know what to do. Everyone that voted for that cunt needs to be primaried.


Guys, we were wrong about the

"They never thought she'd lose; now they all lose." Q drop.

It was never about Hillary; it was always about Kamala.

Think about it: how many billionaires supported her? How many of the Pedowood Elites supported her? How many in the PedoMusic industry supported her?

Her winning was THEIR only fucking chance to escape justice. Now, they all lose.



Looks like fuckery is afoot in Georgia... cause, why not?


What sort of feelings did you get at the polling stations?

Mine was steady, but there weren't many democrats there, from what I could tell. Lots of enthusiasm for Trump.


And I can tell you this: turnout is NOT there for the Dems. Even the Dems that are usually there passing out flyers and stuff and stumping for the candidates outside of the building were MIA.

Democrats are not feeling this election.

Someone check out around Langley AFB and see why the fuck so many jets are up today. I have had so many of them fly overhead today that it isn't funny.


All it took was 10 billion in losses and idiots panic-buying everything in sight.

They have reached a tentative agreement and have extended the master contract to Jan of 2025.


They were not able to come to an agreement. The strike starts at 11:59 PM.

I truly hope you guys stocked up when I originally posted about this...


Don't worry about the polls.

Who else thinks that Kamablah's internal polling shows her getting dick whipped by Trump?


I got word from my cousin, who is a longshoreman. On October 1st, longshoremen will be shutting down all East Coast ports from Texas to Maine. Nothing will be offloaded from the ships coming into these ports.

While some goods may trickle in from the West Coast, you can expect prices of those goods to double, possibly triple.

The rising cost of goods will be blamed on the Biden/Harris regime. This could propel Trump even further. My cousin believes that this strike could last a month or more because no one is budging.

Stay safe frens.

If she wins we are fucked... πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by MathDoesntAddUp ago by MathDoesntAddUp

No joke... her voice, everything. The way she talks like that... we will be the laughingstock of the whole world. No one will fear her.


Just as the Q post said...

Change my mind.


DJT is trading at $73 a share, to the fucking moooooooon we go.


Seriously, I know that Q has told us that this was going to happen, but when the fuck are the Democrats going to start doing the same? I don't like this one bit.



With this new lawsuit bullshit popping up, no doubt yet another democrat ploy, do you all believe that the merge will be going through on the 22nd?


What if when Q wrote in #1105 class action lawsuits are effective, he was referring to the J6 prisoners suing the US government and Piglosi?

Think about it - On the 4th of January, a federal court agreed to hear how Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed. If they go by the law and find that he was unconstitutionally appointed, then every single J6 case has to be thrown out and overturned.

This allows every single person who was tried and sentenced unfairly to get together and sue the fuck out of this government for malicious persecution amongst other things.

I could be wrong, and it could be referring to 2 billion people suing Big Pharma, what do you all think?


Just saw on Twitter that the fucker is stepping down, are we officially in the end game?

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