No sooner had he stepped inside a cathedral, than air raid sirens sounded. Security and media were scattering like angry ants.

Not long after the air raid sirens sounded and it was like ants scattering at a BBQ.


The theme continues with the alleged recruitment of former servicemen of the Afghan armed forces by Russia.

They are offered $1,500 to $3,000 a month for 6 months of training in Russia, $7,000 a month on the battlefield, and Russian citizenship for them and their next of kin.

According to the Afghans, "If our situation is not taken care of 'financially', then we will participate in the war between Russia and Ukraine."

NATO trained them. Now these Afghan fighters are joining Russia to help Russia fight against Ukraine. Left without a cause - or a job, and exposed to Taliban retaliation after Kabul’s fall, these fighting men are being recruited into Russia’s Forces by a network of their peers.

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Listen to Gonzalo Lira.

Biden is about to arrive in Poland Zelensky is on his way to Poland

There are 50,000 Polish soldiers massing on the borders with Belarus There are another 100,000 American soldiers in Europe

Tanks from the USA and European countries are staging in Poland.

Belarus borders Poland.


Exactly a year ago, the Ukrainian regime began artillery preparations before the attack on Donbass.

During the week from February 17 to February 24, 2022, only in the Luhansk People’s Republic ( LPR), 551 attacks were made on 46 settlements of the Republic .

5318 ammunition of various calibers (1275 shells, 2782 mines, 29 missiles, 685 grenades, 51 rounds) were fired in the LPR. 700-800 ammunition arrived per day. In three places there were attempts to break through the defense.

8 civilians became victims, of which 4 people died and 4 were injured .

A 150,000-strong group armed and trained by NATO was preparing to sweep away the Donbass. And if it weren’t for Russia’s decision to start a SMO, we would have simply been razed to the ground. And neither the UN nor the OSCE would have noticed this.

But this goes back much further - to 2014/15 when the MINSK ACCORDS were a trick which gave those in the Donbas the rights to live and worship and even speak their own Russian Language as they chose, independent of Ukraine. The ink had not dried when they were trashed. Since then, 16,000 Russian speaking civilians have been murdered.


Falling like ten pins. Sooooon. Hearing from sources I trust that Trudeau is on the way out.


Please pass this on to family and friends before it is removed.


Hello Intel Slava, I am an officer of the French Army. I have been reading your page for some time to get a different view of the conflict in Ukraine. Thank you for what you do.

If I write to you today, it is to tell you exactly what it is like to be an officer in a Western European army in 2023.

In concrete terms, we are constantly being told about "high-intensity warfare" and "the return of modern warfare". We, specifically, are told about the importance of our role as armored officers, because "tanks will play a major role against our enemies". We are constantly being fed a pro-war arguments, very anti-Russian, very pro-NATO discourses (no surprise there). In other words, we are in an era like in 1872, when France had just lost against Germany, and the whole country was in propaganda mode to prepare the "revenge" (we call this "revanchisme" in France).

That's kind of the feeling I get (even if I don't really see the revenge we would have to take on the Russians, Lol).

But this bellicose speech is a facade, like a cat growling at a bear hoping to scare it. In reality our army is in tatters. We are unable to maintain our Leclerc tanks for example: only fifty of them are functional, a shame for "the first army in Europe"... A shame for an armored cavalry officer like me... It is not better in other sectors of the army, we have for example almost no more CAESAR (thanks Ukraine!). In other words, we have neither tanks nor guns.

The French like to make fun of China, which they say is a "paper tiger". The paper tiger is us. Our army was unable to eliminate 500 terrorists in Africa, it would not last 2 days in a real modern war.

But the most ridiculous thing is what? It is that our army is wallowing in this mediocrity. Like an old man who contemplates his reflection in the mirror, dreaming of his past glory. I'm thinking of a specific episode that happened recently and that justified my writing to you: an evaluation for my officer class that we just passed consisted in "eating properly" and "knowing how to set a table in a noble way", to respect the tradition of armored cavalry officers (supposed to be particularly noble)... Funny if it was just some tradition. Except no: it was decisive. Those who misaligned knives and forks got very bad marks, which would be reflected in their career and choice of regiment. The French army breaks the ambitions of young people who have been preparing for 6 years to lead tanks, for a story of forks...

This army is ridiculous, it is only a shadow of its former self. It disgusts all the sincere French patriots: most of my comrades consider leaving the army as soon as they can. For this reason in particular, because the army brings nothing. But also because they do not want, for some of them, to be the minions of NATO while they enlisted to serve France...

TL;DR: you don't have to worry about Western European countries, our arrogance is theater.

I give you my greetings, take care of yourselves and let's pray (whatever our obedience) that this conflict will stop and that Europe will find again a peaceful and multipolar balance.


Mother that posted on FB that school should not be promoting LGBT agendas to children. The Military got behind the campaign to have her removed because she was deemed a terrorist.

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