So there is Hours of video you need to see to Grasp this. Make up your own mind. But the Great Reset is Not just to just bring in some socialist Ideal.( it does that too) It is also meant to stamp out this little 250 year rebellion we got here. The idea that we have escaped their Rule is Blasphemy to some and just unacceptable to others. Do not KID yourself to think they are all Anti-religion atheist. Some of them believe in a divine rule of kings, and thus they feel it is a God given right to command us. And yes, yes there are those among them that just want to be in charge and either do not believe in any other higher power than themselves or are unironically Satanist. But you are kidding yourself if you think they are all the same. The only thing they have in common is the believe you dirty peons SHOULD BE DOING AS YOU ARE TOLD! And also many of you have to die so that the correct people live.

They have many tools- Debt is one. https://youtu.be/mII9NZ8MMVM

They have tried this before. https://youtu.be/jiHm2S0w3_Q

They Created the problem of terrorist to take our freedom https://youtu.be/PGPqLX9XYbk

The Deep state is a Snake with many heads https://youtu.be/PUixtjXtyaE

They Feel in control of everything https://youtu.be/trJghJkirF4

They HAVE moved in again https://youtu.be/O31AfWoBfaI