MaxItout 5 points ago +5 / -0

she seems like a nice Girl. We got leave our soldiers alone. They can get it trouble. we do not want patriots rooted out by the deep state. I would even say delete this post from here. although the damage maybe done.

MaxItout 7 points ago +7 / -0

I do not think it wraps all up neatly in a bow like that. I think this Fraud was deeper than just vote swaps. The Fraud here was wide scale. From Dead voters to the elderly and the mentally handicap to just Fake voters. Remember there was 10,000 Fake licenses that came in like what 7 months ago that got caught. Ballots processed around the world physically and digitally. The Democrat HAVE fought TOOTH and NAIL to make sure our elections were faulty. No ID needed to vote.. that is Racist. But Needing to Get EVERY person a COVID VAX ID is good. and you can call them hypocrites. They Do not care, if you call them hypocrites you are playing the wrong game. It is about winning and power. WHAT EVER THAT TAKES. If saving a puppy one day got them power and killing it the next kept that power.. that is what they do. Some would say they have no principles, but they do the Principal of POWER!

MaxItout 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a LARP, Cause those of us know What the commies REALY want. And this is surface level dribble.

MaxItout 1 point ago +1 / -0

why do I feel like another deadline will pass with no action?