Watch DJT closely. It is very odd that there are no options trading, imo. A change in that might be a “game on” signal.
Good point. Computer simulation of “market prices” via software algorithms began in 1970s with more control implemented after each crash or mini crash in 1981-83, ‘87, ‘91, ‘00, and ‘08. 1971 “repriced” to Petro-dollar from Gold and allowed non computer manipulation of stock prices indirectly by manipulating oil price (per artificial oil supply restrictions).
Historical US locations of foreign agents, likely controlled by MI-6/Mossad and predecessors:
SWAMP #1: New York (former Dutch colony, NYC is likely foreign territory like City of London & DC)
SWAMP #2: South Carolina (former ‘Royal Colony’)
SWAMP #3: Louisiana (former French Colony, circa 1803)
SWAMP #4: Washington D.C. (Foreign territory outside of 1789 Republic, circa 1871)
Instigators of War of 1812: NY, SC, LA
Instigators of CW attempt 1832: NY, SC
Instigators of CW 1861: NY, SC with help from LA
Which 2 original colonies refused to ever ratify or re-ratify TONA XIII (1810-1861), automatically stripping foreign agents of citizenship? NY & SC [with all records destroyed in LA]
Yep. These headlines are CIA public comms to cabal operatives telling everyone who has blackmail info and who has the power to release it.
Market has been a complete simulation since 2009, partial simulation since 2002, and selective simulation since 1989. It is possible we have not seen a real price since 2008.
Correct. Only DJT may be up there with GME now due to no DJT options being traded (more fake shares must be created). Others are much lower probability.
Agreed. $1T is cabal marker for “elite company”. I recommend $3.33T or $6.66T to mock them. Or even $10T or $107T as “God level company” to rub it in even more.
Note that they have been holding keystone MSFT at $3.3T for sometime now. They had been holding it around $3.22T for a while, but people started noticing:
Microsoft is the “KEYSTONE”:
Biden likely “took a deal” or was replaced sometime in the 2013-2016 timeframe, making him a mole inside the Obama admin (based on Biden speech videos).
Body language of Obama toward Joe turned to ice sometime in 2013-14 indicating that Obama knew something was up with Joe and Obama was being very guarded when Joe was around. Biden probably turned over lots of evidence on Obama; this is why Obama has to classify and seal all his Presidential Records in attempt to thwart (likely undone now).
Obama was probably flipped at some point to save his own skin (suspected 2016 or 2017) and likely gave up everyone else in intel community like Brennan. McCain and Bush Sr. info (2017) confirmed treason by Clintons and Obama. Bush Sr. appears to have signed “legacy deal” indicating cooperation. Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan resignations are additional evidence of Bush/McCain criminal network takedown of which Obama and Clinton were integral parts.
...our government and its law enforcement actors covering it up and taking no action to correct it.
It appears to be a massive worldwide sting operation. Some circumstantial evidence that information gathered and deals setup by Hunter (starting ~2014) were used by Xi in his anti-corruption takedown of globalist CCP faction.
Yes. I believe the good guys had control of Great Britain at one point and were using red, white, and blue in flag as signal. Good guys and bad guys fighting hard for control of these colors for over 500 years now, imo. Flags and symbology appear to be VERY IMPORTANT to the cabal for some reason; speculated to be due to their adherence to RITUAL.
United Healthcare story goes way back. Start with their rollup of competitors via “mergers and acquisitions” that started prior to 2008. Somehow they knew back in mid 2000s that Obamacare was coming in 2013. Lots of shady deals and bribes to consolidate the industry and eliminate competition.
“United” is a favorite cabal rollup Corp name. Reference “United Airlines” attempt to rollup airline industry, “United Technologies” attempt to rollup aerospace, and “United Defense” attempt to rollup Tier2 military/industrial complex players. “United Fruit” appears to be first Amer/British collaboration and origin of American Front Corps being used by intelligence agencies for nefarious activity (see Big 6 Tech Giants).
United Fruit Company was run out of heavily infiltrated former French Colony Louisiana by foreign agents: ; Historically there are 3 main bases of foreign agents in US: Louisiana (French Colony), New York (Dutch Colony), S. Carolina (Royal Colony).
It was delayed due to election uncertainty. They now going to do it under Trump and blame it on “Trump tariff policy fears”. Whitehats could trigger it on Biden/Kamala if they refuse to leave, but it looks like Deep State believes they will successfully setup WW3 and leave enough disasters that they will leave to avoid public arrests for treason LIVE on TV.
Data (and Mar/Apr monthly put options) are pointing to a “crackup boom” with Big 6 getting wrecked while GME, DJT, RUM and other heavily shorted stocks (and possibly silver) short squeeze and spike. Theory is that the SP500 index stays the same or goes up (with mid cap spikes into trillions) while Big 6 intel fronts lose 90% (NVDA, MSFT, META, GOOG, AMZN, AAPL).
NARRATIVE RESULT: Media has a really hard time explaining “Trump’s crash” with GME at $1T, SP500 the same, but Big Tech wiped out.
NVDA has been getting “pumped” to replace TSLA in $T Club (TSLA now getting shorted since Elon joined Trump Team, but reached $1T due to short squeeze). Typical “pump scheme” involves artificially juicing sales and profits via channel stuffing and off-balance sheet related party transactions ala Enron, resulting in massive accounting fraud scandal and stock implosion after insiders sell at the peak. NVDA is suspected of doing this for the last 24 months. Enron x100.
“The Great $1T market cap scam inflating cabal companies and how it is likely to be used against them with GME at $1T $2T, $3T ($11,856) or higher. MSFT currently sits at $3.2T.” :
Update with "pardon" folder, Chinese flag and Kiev silhouette (bottom right under icecream).
Welcome Normies! Compendium #1 for y'all: " REPOST1: Greatest Digs/Links Compilation, Finance Category: PAYROLL TAXES, LAND PATENTS/TRUSTS, CRIMINAL BANKSTERS, CORPORATE US STATES":
Possibly Central Bank III to fully resolve. Bank II charter terminated in 1832, but not liquidated until 1841 as bankers kept trying to keep it alive as private entity and then revive it as Central Bak III later. 1841 Liquidation forced them to largely start from scratch, but they used updated 1816-1841 Bank charter-to-private-entity process in reverse as template in 1909-1913 Federal Reserve creation after a failed attempt in 1865-66.
Theory: How does one counter three successive 100 year cabal plans (1789-1889 Destr of France, 1889-1989 Destr of Russia, 1989-2089 Destr of America)? Maybe with a 200 year plan (1824-2024)?
Note that France, Russia, and America were the 3 primary allies standing against the British Empire to create the American Republic. We are very likely fighting a battle that goes back to at least 1489 (Papal fuckery with NWO gaining advantage) for control of the whole planet. Note also French, Russian, and American flag colors.
Patience and vigilance. It took Andrew Jackson 22+ years (1823-1845) to permanently end the Central Bank II and give a departing FU to the cabal. Active “Law of War” document began nearly 200 years ago at written order of Secretary of War in Dec 1824, during the “Transition Period”.
AJ ran for POTUS 1823-4, got it stolen, won 1828, served 1829-1837; ended Bank Charter 1832, stopped 1832 Civil War I attempt (retaliatory action organized by NY & SC), handed off Bank Termination to successor that liquidated it in 1841 [12 years from 1829 inauguration]. Note1: origins of Dod Law of War (updated 2023) manual appear to be this 1825 document published by allies of AJ:
[nearly 200 years in development?]
AJ saw the state he served as 1st Territorial Governor for, Florida, admitted into the Union in 1845 shortly before his death, changing the balance of power and postponing Civil War once again. Note2: both Jacksonville, FL and military JAGs (Judge Advocate Generals) pay great homage to Jackson. JAGs appear to have elevated “supervisory authority” during a “state of war” per ‘Law of War’ (still documenting LoW pertinent sauce from 2023 update, now 2 books).
Patrick Swayze approves:
It’s now time to NOT BE NICE.
-Security Head at the ‘Roadhouse’
Aug. 26, 2024; Snopes (by Alex Kasprak):
Harris Is Not Campaigning with Nazi Slogan 'Strength Through Joy'
Alyssa’s endorsement of Kamala for those with Instagram access:
05NOV2024; “Alyssa Milano makes 2024 presidential endorsement with red lip selfie after considering run for congress”:
If the movie has key information disclosed, at least pay attention, imo.
Movies have been the most powerful form of mass psychological programming (largely for ill purposes) for nearly 33 years since the 1991 cabal control of several key Hollywood organizations. Good guys have taken some of it back now.
Evil rules when good men do nothing.
How can man die better: than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods.
-Horatius (Verse XXVII)
2013 ‘Oblivion’ ending scene + decode:
It would be “Totar Win”:
“Hot tub monkeys” real or a joke. Find out Dennis, please. Your first mission.
Some additional historical background on potential current and upcoming “swamp draining events” in NY, SC, LA, and DC areas.
Four historical US locations of foreign agents, likely controlled by MI-6/Mossad and predecessors:
SWAMP #1: New York (former Dutch colony, NYC is likely foreign territory like City of London & DC)
New York State was referred to as “Empire State” by George Washington because he recognized it as a direct extension of the British Empire. Washington’s spy ring was run out of Long Island and focused on NYC because that was the location of numerous Dutch families (and descendants) working for British intelligence when it was still ‘New Amsterdam’.
Culper Spy Ring (NY Area):
All manner of foreign agents running around in NYC with diplomatic immunity due to presence of UN built on land provided by the Rockefeller family. Manhattan borough that includes UN land appears to be a ‘foreign entity’ separated from sovereign New York State (suspected). This likely explains in part the strong presence of SDNY there. The UN would never have been located somewhere without “special protections”.
UN and Fed Reserve Banks likely control the IMF/Federal Reserve from NYC:
New York State #5 recipient of DoD cash at $28.1 billion:
SWAMP #2: South Carolina (former ‘Royal Colony’)
Long a refuge of landed gentry 100% loyal to King George and the Crown. Note Bush Sr. family land holdings in South Carolina (from mother’s side?) and lands of other British agents untouched by Civil War. Public “takedown” of Jeb Bush in 2016 was done in SC on purpose:
Why is Lady Lindsey (SC Senator) such a douchebag? How did Nikki Haley, likely MI-6 agent from Brahmin family, become SC Governor? Remember Strom Thurmond (research his family history and ties to British intelligence)?
SWAMP #3: Louisiana (former French Colony, circa 1803)
Key battle of New Orleans against the British and loyalists won by Andrew Jackson in War of 1812 is likely more complex than we are told. Battle of New Orleans (1815):
Hurricane Katrina targeting of Louisiana ~2004 was likely done on purpose for various nefarious purposes including removal of anti-Deep State forces that had gained momentum?
SWAMP #4: Washington D.C. (Foreign territory outside of 1789 Republic, circa 1871)
DC, Baltimore port, and all Federal Territories have become the criminal hubs of the modern era since the Oct 15, 1933 switch to a Corporate Gov’t. Alaska and Hawaii removed as Federal Territories in 1959 in attempt to free those resources from the cabal, imo.
Nancy Pelosi’s father was mayor of Baltimore 1947-1959 with the main purpose likely being organized crime/CIA control of Baltimore Port and the flow of goods being used for money laundering and/or delivery to nearby DC:
Instigators of War of 1812: NY, SC, LA
Instigators of Civil War attempt #1, 1832: NY, SC, Nullification Crisis:
Instigators of Civil War, 1861: NY (media), SC (Fort Sumter FF), with help from LA
Which 2 original colonies refused to ever ratify or re-ratify TONA XIII (1810-1861), automatically stripping foreign agents of citizenship? NY & SC [with all records destroyed in LA]