MemeToDeath2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

IRS has already been neutralized. Media is hiding it. SCOTUS ruled on 27JUN24 all IRS tax courts null and void, 28JUN24 all IRS rules and regulations null and void, 01JUL24 all IRS agents are individually liable for “unofficial acts” which include attempts to enforce voided rules in voided courts.

IRS must sue you in Federal Court now, and you file motion to dismiss for 1. No jurisdiction and 2. No standing - they cannot prove actual damages from you not paying taxes.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Taxation of labor capital violates 4th Amendment. Corporations committing compelled fraud by intentional misclassification as “taxable income” on W-2 are liable for 203x damages for every dollar with-held without your consent. You automatically have standing.

All labor capital traded for hours of labor is untaxable within the boundaries of the Republic. DC, federal lands, and territories are not in the Republic.

File form 4852 with 1040-X to get all payroll taxes refunded going back 5 years: https://greatawakening.win/p/16aADrV8r4/for-anons-needing-irs-assistance/

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eisenhower had to play both sides to keep from getting murdered. He helped setup the infrastructure for the ‘good guys’ by duplicating some infrastructure setup by the ‘bad guys’, then let them do their thing. It is much deeper on the military side than just Ike, but he gave them cover to operate. Compartmentalization works both ways.

I strongly suspect the military group behind Q actually goes back to Andrew Jackson as a response to the infiltration and sabotage of War of 1812 and theft of 1824 election by British agents. Note that the precursor to the DoD Law of War (2023 update) first published in 1825 (likely prior to 3-4-1825 inauguration of JQA) as “Military Laws of the US”. https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTa2w00Z/checkmate-deep-state-bitches-mil/c/

Note that Jacksonville, FL (named after A. Jackson) is the HQ for military Judge Advocate Generals (JAGs) and their NFL team is also the Jags, shorthand. Not an accident.

And anything AJ was doing likely goes back to George Washington’s spy operation that appeared to be worldwide, pieces of which may have existed prior to 1765.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. It will not work, but they may still try. Trump cabinet in place, especially HHS, DHS, and DOJ derails it completely.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Terms of US Corporation bankruptcy may have been assumption of debt by Republic with modified repayment options.

We likely will see similar arrangements as Corp States (municipal service corps) get put into bankruptcy and sovereign states assume debt repayment obligations to un-encumber sovereign state lands being used as collateral fraudulently. This may be why we are seeing a red state/blue state economic split. Red states are on accelerated path to sovereignty restoration and economic golden age while blue states are getting destroyed over 4 years (without massive citizen pushback) to show the contrast.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

US Republic may be contractually obligated to pay the debt. Paying off most while rescinding some of the fraudulent parts prevents assets backing the debt as collateral from being lawfully seized by the bankers. Debt is about future asset seizure, nothing else. A “legal” means of asset theft once the bankers engineer a financial crash.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Long running theory is that the debt will be effectively paid off with the bankers assets, one way or another.

One example is US Treasury creates Bitcoin strategic stockpile and then bankers are “incentivized” to buy Bitcoin, pumping up the valuation with both demand and lack of inflation aspects. Unleashing American natural resources (not owned by bankers) to create energy (for the economy) and to create Bitcoin appears to be the heart of one viable plan. Banker-owned natural resources used for the same purpose ALSO drive up Bitcoin valuation.

Constant creation of energy to create or buy Bitcoin represents a nearly 100% efficient power generation device where energy can be created, stored, then used later with minimal losses. Details of how exactly this might work still being worked out, but the foundation is there.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not crystal clear yet.

Some observations:

  1. WAR is likely to be stopped, but scare events are likely until 1-21-25

  2. PANDEMIC attempt repeat in March 2025 similar to 2020 being teased with either Bird Flu, Swine Flu (1976), or MonkeyPOX. Most likely Bird Flu with new vaccine attempt, imo. This may yet be defused. Suspected setup as trigger to crash the market just like 2020.

  3. MARKET CRASH attempt #1 Mar-Apr 2025 OR attempt #2 Sep-Oct 2025 to be blamed on “Trump admin tariff policy”. Cash moving into Bitcoin & related stocks, heavily shorted, silver miners, silver, gold may be creating liquidity squeeze that can crash Magnificent 7 (minus Tesla) while setting off smaller cap short squeezes, keeping SP500 fairly even (crackup BOOM theory). If possible Deep State will likely try again in 2029 in first year of POTUS with identical 1929 schedule.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Mini-cycle ‘09-‘29 of 1. Financial corruption, then 2. War, then 3. Pandemic, then 4. Financial collapse has been roughly repeated (or attempted) 3 times now (possibly 4) in 1809-1929, 1909-1929, and 2009-2029. Pandemics on this cycle in ~1817, 1917, delayed 2017 to 2020. Possibly also pandemic-like event in 1717.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

There were hidden Russian Patriots within Soviet Russia as well, possibly with a Q-type plan/org going back to pre Civil War or earlier. Putin is a product of the underground Russian Patriots that were using the Orthodox Church institution as cover. How does the O.C. survive 74 years of Communist rule?

Russians appear to have all the historical documents on the cabal (and Vatican) going back to at least 1489, including family maps of all cabal family members provided by Iranian “agents”.

Family geneology of all cabal families rumored to have been compiled by Iranians over several centuries, including all Nazis, Ukrainians, Israelis, and Saudis. These Christian Iranians likely “converted” publicly to Islam for cover, but are working with Russia on this matter. Iranian Deep State may be gone now.

MemeToDeath2021 9 points ago +9 / -0

Tea Party (w/ Ron) was MAGA 1.0. “practice run” to reveal and record all Deep State methods for co-option and suppression of an attempt to take over the Republican Party apparatus. In hindsight it appears Q plan also involved possible takeover of Democrat Party with Tulsi Gabbard and other patriots placed in key positions (event dependent option).

MemeToDeath2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

JFK murder was going to be blamed on Russian (Soviet) agents in last ditch attempt to start WW3. This is why Oswald was “dirtied up” with time in Russia (SU) by CIA. “Lone gunman” theory was pushed to defuse the “Russian agent” narrative the media was going to use to try to start WW3 before the end of their target timeframe which was 12-31-64. Beginning of target timeframe was 1-1-1964, so doing this on 11-22-63, besides the numerology, gave them just over a month to run their “blame operation” to incite Americans against Russia (SU) and then start WW3 with a false flag event.

Identical operation being attempted now to try to take out Trump and blame it on “Iranian agents” as cover for US+Israel attack on Iran w/ Russia defending to artificially kickoff WW4 as I call it.

MemeToDeath2021 7 points ago +7 / -0

You may be more right than you know. Under the cabal 100 year and 25 year operational plan timeframes, WW3 was supposed to start in 1964. We were all supposed to be dead (or never born) 60 years ago.

1889 - “Pandemic” in Russia was beginning of 100 year plan to destroy/split Christian Russia

1914 - (+25 years) Start of WW1

1939 - (+25 years) Start of WW2

1964 - (+25 years) Start of WW3; attempted initially with engineered conflict in China, defused by Eisenhower; DS Pivoted to Cuban Missile crisis with Russia, but it got pulled forward and defused 3 years early (1961)

Global cabal operating plans are 100 years (33.3 years core mgmt each for TRINITY OF EVIL grandfather, father, son), with smaller, specific 25 year operational plans (several run in parallel?). Within US operational plans are 8 and 16 years to match up to Presidential election years and terms.

The 100 year operational plans are trace-able back to 1489 (marker for switch to NWO). So we are in the sixth right now 1989-2089 counting from then. But there are hints that it may go back to 1089 (regional rather than global?).

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ty. Much appreciated. This one is an original of mine. Original photo was llamas looking at a cat up on fence post. Cat replaced with retarded Biden turtle with a little meme magic. GAW inspired theme.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

66 years and 6 months 04JAN1960 to 04JUL2026 (250th celebration) https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=04&m1=1&y1=1960&d2=4&m2=7&y2=2026

Key issue identified by Eisenhower and THE MAIN REASON for Q plan:

END of military (Joint Chiefs) and intelligence agency (CIA, SoS) usurpation of C-I-C.

Eisenhower complained about it to Congress in 1958 letter. Note action taken against SoS Dulles by Ike. Both Kennedy and Nixon were likely part of it, thus the “control both sides” 1960 election. And the subsequent “takeout” of both.

Eisenhower & Team’s 66 year and 6 month plan to Save America: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQSgzHq/the-66-year-and-6-month-plan-to-/c/

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Restrained by force (power projection). If you look closely you see that this is what the globalist do. They take over all institutions capable of power projection onto them (of all types) to prevent it from being projected against them in the cause of LAW and justice.

Co-opting state sovereignty unconstitutionally by Fed gov’t within the US is a microcosm of this.

MemeToDeath2021 7 points ago +7 / -0

You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just want to help the poor stupid guy get down.


MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did the same thing in January 2020. Huge put option positions were being taken on SP500 for 3rd week in March and April 2020. Put/Call ratio spiking for the monthly option expiration date (3rd week of month) is what you are looking for as signal.

MemeToDeath2021 8 points ago +8 / -0

All “viruses” including smallpox appear to be human engineered bioweapons, imo. This BS likely goes back at least 500 years, and it is high probability that “viruses” as described by Big Pharma and Big Medicine are not “naturally occurring” without some sort of intentional fuckery.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

NVDA is engaged in channel stuffing and off balance sheet BS (selling to related-party entities to pump up financials) similar to Enron accounting fraud x100.

Globalists appear to be targeting Mar-Apr 2025 to crash the market 1929 style to scoop up all retail investor assets. Unknown if the crash can be stopped. Look at Mar-Apr 2025 options activity. You may see some weird stuff just like was happening in Dec-Jan 2019-2020 ahead of Covid BS (for Mar-Apr 2020 SP500 options, esp Puts).

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

See my comment on MSTR. All the crypto exchanges blocked me from transferring to private wallet because I refused to comply with KYC digital ID process. None are complying with actual LAW (as of now) which requires an alternative method. KYC “rule and regulation” is unconstitutional as of July 1, 2024 (SCOTUS rulings) and all crypto exchanges using it are committing fraud.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Self custody Bitcoin indirectly by holding MSTR, MARA, RIOT, TSLA, COIN shares (top 5 holders, US listed) at the transfer agent (tell broker to send to TA) in your own name (not custodial brokerage). Microstrategy (MSTR) is Michael Saylor’s company.


If you want to avoid the unconstitutional KYC digital ID bullshit implemented fraudulently at all crypto exchanges, then fuck them all over by buying MSTR, supporting the “infinite money glitch” with leverage (issuing bonds in fiat to buy Bitcoin), AND short squeezing the banker/broker shorts all at once (they have shorted ~15% of MSTR publicly traded shares).

It may turn out to be even better than holding BTC directly, and I have the crypto exchange retards to thank for this discovery.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Creation of Leverage where some additional is needed...typical Trump negotiation style when met with pushback. He likely agreed to get Gaetz to withdraw, but probably extracted concessions from RINOs for approval of Sect'y of Defense nomination in the Senate. It is actually the more important pick right now. This is what a "threat of disclosure" psyop looks like.

Deep State in full retreat within the DoD right now. Full control of DoD needed to rein in Defense Contractors, many whom are operating right now completely outside of the Republic AND the Constitution.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

19NOV2024; "Putin approves changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine": https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj4v0rey0jzo

Vladimir Putin has approved changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine, setting out new conditions under which the country would consider using its arsenal.

The doctrine now says an attack from a non-nuclear state, if backed by a nuclear power, will be treated as a joint assault on Russia.

The update was proposed in September [27SEP24] and rubber stamped on Tuesday, the 1,000th day of the war with Ukraine.

15NOV2024; Mustacchio secedes from Bolton's face: https://greatawakening.win/p/199hgeWzyu/john-boltons-mustache-secedes-fr/c/

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a dangerous game. Some Sinola cartel pieces have been taken down recently in northern Mexico that may lower the risk of violence in AZ, but it is still a difficult road ahead to keep civilians from getting murdered as collateral damage. In Mexico, they cut off the heads of politicians, policemen, and civilians that stand against them.

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