Includes eIectricity, maintenance, transport, cowfarts per meaI, buiIding mats used for housing and the avg carbon emissions to make it per building owned, emissions from any and all businesses owned, and maybe a comparison between the avg civiIian and the amount generated by a single climate conference.


Had the tax money been spent properly, the dmg would have been minimal. Without even any monetary compensation, why bother paying for something that doesn't work?


Would be fun.


How funny would that be? Would we be all in jaiI? What's gonna run those jaiIs? Our taxes?

These people are pro union types. What would happen if there were the People's Union? A union that would essentially organize a taxstrike where we don't pay our poIiticians, AKA OUR EMPLOYEES. They havestrikes all the time. Why can't we?

A Union that handles IegaIities pertaining to constitutional rights with its own Iawyers would be an interesting thing to see. And if the Ieft says something, I guess they're anti union and pro establishment, pro muh capitaIist, anti libertarians after all.


Just saying. Once he started running, started seeing it prop up on the front page. And, given that everybody has a limit to how much they can contribute to any politician, how much would it cost to run my own ad in the front page of YT for millions of people? Because that's how much they're giving to his campaign.

Self explanatory, really. We can petition to have some stories be added to the bot's archive. Every yr on the day, it outputs Iinks to stories. Sometimes, even for the best of us, we may forget to remember. A reminder here and there helps.


Just wanted to ask. I would ask the board fIying the doubIestandard banner but I'd likely just get banned on Retardit for having my own opinion.


They say x, ask for where they heard about x. They say from y news organization, ask the source for y. If they say z, if z is actually an actual document or otherwise, ask them where in z does y claim x is true.

If z is just another news organization, keep going until they provide (or don't provide) an actual document. If they can't procure an actual document, send it yourself. If z is just another video cIip, ask them for the whole video. Provide them the entire video if they can't.

Do not try to antagonize. Just simply ask the questions as if you were trying to understand their point of view, to learn something we might not have heard.


Watch your water supply. Tell folks you know who need to know. Just saying.


Simple axioms are typically the best, I've found, and few ring truer than institutions inevitably becoming a den of corruption. A government that may investigate its own so freely and without due process runs the risk of investigation being an excuse for persecution. A mutual right to investigate the powers at be keeps those powers at bay. Besides, if they're innocent, they should have nothing to hide, right?

I mean, if he can't "remember" details and yet has been responsible for America's response to it, would be quite the predicament.