Meseems 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I don't know what will happen on that day, but bringing some "hope" and talking about how thing could happen is not delusional. But even this moderate approach, you will be called delusional, lol.

Meseems 7 points ago +7 / -0

At the moment, TDW is too much negativity and a lot of in-fighting, can't make any hopeful comment anymore without someone telling you that you're deluded lol.

Meseems 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just thought there was a lot of attempts to discredit Q based on that one guy, they were saying he was "high ranked" and all lol.

But thanks for the explanation, I'm looking into Q now seriously for the first time, and did not know much. That was just an honest question that I had.

Meseems 2 points ago +2 / -0

TDW is too much doom now, I posted a comment about Trump's possibilities to come back in 2021 even if Biden is inaugurated.

My argument was:

It will be a very chaotic year, a lot of people are still looking into the election fraud. We might find something so big, so bad, that Biden/Harris will feel so much pressure to resign. That, plus their very low job approval rating, they will have no choice. Trump will be reinstalled as POTUS.

I got some many downvotes for that... Sure, chances are slim, but at least it's something!

But one guy told me this, confirming my theory:

"This is not the first time swing states have conspired to steal a presidential election. In the 1876 election between Hayes and Tilden, Tilden was announced the winner, but it was proven they used three swing states to cheat and Tilden's victory was overturned in 1877, with an agreement made confirming Hayes as the President. Why can't this happen now? I know it's a long shot, but this has happened in our past."

This happened in the past!

I might stick around here for some time, thanks for the warm welcome!

Meseems 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks a lot for this summary, it helps. I barely know anything other than people I respect a lot on the Trump side don't want to be associated with anything Q... but I think it's kinda like TDS, but let's call it QDS instead.

One thing I know is that I totally believe in PizzaGate, and that those same people I respect started denying it even existed, I felt it was cognitive dissonance, they were afraid to go there, could not handle the truth.

Meseems 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will do, thanks!

Meseems 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, will do the research for sure, but the reason I'm here is that you guys are the only ones who still have hope no matter what, and I like that. I need hope right now lol.

Meseems 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the explanation.

Meseems 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why? I have not much idea about what Q is, other than what everyone is saying, even really great Trump supporters like Robert Barnes, Alex Jones, etc.

I'm here because you guys are the only ones who still have hope, and I need hope.

Meseems 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably will be in the middle...