Craig Robinson. Not even going to hide it anymore eh?
Out of curiosity, does anyone know how effective IV is against roundworm and other parasitic worms that could be hanging out in humans? I do not think I have any of these, but have recently had raccoons poop in my yard a few times now and know they can carry harmful roundworms and I am worried about my children. Any advice on dosage, if raccoons are really an issue with roundworms etc is appreciated. I am no expert so any medical advice from experts is appreciated.
Hi frens. My mother found out yesterday that she has to have open heart surgery as her main artery is 80% blocked. She's is overall good health but at 78 it is worrisome. She has the operation Wednesday morning. I ask for all the prayers I can ask for. The Lord is good and his will be done. Thank you all.
This is in reference to a post about the documentary Europa. Are there any good books out there that are a compilations of all these fantastic pre war quotes of Hitler? I would like it for my library. I am down the rabbit hole on whether or not the holocaust really happened, concentration camps etc as well as trying to wrap my head around everything about Hitler. Any books, documentaries etc are appreciated.
A few weeks back I posted asking for prayers and was overwhelmed with the kindness of all of you. Well, my roof cost came down significantly to 21k from 48k and my surgery was last Wednesday and while sore, God took care of me. It was an interesting place to be to know that for around 4 hours time, I was completely not in control, which is something I struggle with, but the perspective gained I hope is life altering in the best of ways. So of the three things I asked for prayers two have come to pass. My son's surgery will probably be later this year but I do think he will be just to all of you who prayed, a big thank you! You, frens, are the people who will lift each other up no matter the issues of the world. God Bless all of you and your families.
Just got blindsided with having to have a double hernia repairs, my child with Achondroplasia having to have his guide growth plates to fix his bowlegs taken out and find that my house needs a new roof and that cost is upwards of 35k. I make decent money (85k) and have some savings but I am unsure how I will pay for all of this. Insurance will help with the medical side a bit but it all has taken a toll on my mental health and am just asking for prayers. Thanks to this group and getting back to church and God has helped. This is just a lot to digest. Thank you all.
Didn't Powell mention many times about releasing the Kraken? Looks like it's widely available now
Just thinking through some things about today. Question: what it Biden's disappearance act today has to do with keeping Actor Biden safe when all of this goes down tonight. If he really is an actor, then it would make sense to get him out of the spotlight and safe while things go down. He's no longer needed if this is what we are hoping it is. Thoughts?
You know a lot of things add up. His retruths, the space force flight of 908 days, i.e. done in 30 (months). The blatant steal in our face (wake up normies), the plane fags or lack of planes (seems abnormal). The fact Bush and Bummer are also having speeches about misinformation. 10 days darkness would put us at Thanksgiving. All this would be something to be thankful for if it comes to fruition. Idk. It feels different. Stars are aligning and God's will being done. I've had a really good day even before coming home and reading GAW. Felt even better after catching on reads. May the Holy Spirit be with us all, God's Armor and our savior Jesus Christ no matter how tomorrow unfolds. WWG1WGA
I follow Bright Insight on YouTube for many things. He used to do mainly ancient civilizations but has also taken to some of what MSM calls conspiracies. He just made this YT video about search engines and results. Not sure if this has been discussed but it's pretty interesting.
Limiting search results and controlling information.
Just a heads up. And I am sure it's elsewhere too. My wife went in for a wellness check, and even though she didn't ask for the doctor to ask her about something that apparently didn't fall under wellness, I got a $180 bill on top of the wellness that insurance doesn't cover. It's manipulative, sketchy and should be illegal. They won't waive it either so I'm stuck paying it. Be aware pedes. It's no longer health care, it's health Rape. I'm in a public position so I can't really talk much about it outside of more anonymous places.
My day has been unlike many I have ever had in my life. I went to bed last night after covering a ground bee hole with dirt surrounded by large stones. When I woke up, a stone was overturned (bees did not do it, nor my kids and I doubt my cat did) no logical explanation. I got to work and things have just been crazy since. It just feels really off and all I can think of is the scary large Full Moon back on Wednesday and CERN. Anyone else having a rather odd day?
Looking to add (physical DVDs) these to my public library collection per patron request and can't find them on any sites we typically use to purchase materials.
Thanks in advance!
Something I highly recommend. Through five episodes it is amazing.
Sorry if this was already posted. Seems to be an opportunity in certain situations to educate.
Very random and may be nothing. I know we all talk about Kansas for many reasons. With the final four, March Madness and everything, while Kansas University is in the championship...would a KU winning the title be a comm for moving forward on part of the mission? One of my employees told another, "Hey Kansas" and it sparked this thought.
I can't for the life of me find what I'm looking for, but I remember reading something about the guy everyone thinks could be JFK Jr said something about a reveal on 1/17. Maybe I'm losing my mind but I'm certain I saw it on GAW. Pedes help me out? Or am I crazy?
Discussion post.
Many things about the beginning of this movie obviously screams here and now. A few things stick out to me.
The parallels of how we have all gone down rabbit holes to get to where we are today.
Red Pill / Blue Pill
Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged (Great Awakening)
Hopelessly dependent on the system they will fight to protect it
Obvious points from this. So I ask this. If this whole Great Awakening was put in motion long ago, who's to say these movies are not White Hat movies placed in our world to give us a foundational grounding point for what has been happening / will happen? While I know there have been so many movies with some many parallels to our world today, this seems like a big one. Maybe not the majority of the movie or it's sequels but the basic fundamentals of it. I don't believe we live in a Matrix world, but do think it was a stepping stone for those willing to think and see as a place for us to guide ourselves to waking up based on a movie. How many Sci Fi movies are a step or two from truly happening. And while we always focus on surface habbenings, White Hats would more than likely be working endlessly to counter act black hats and in turn find strategic ways to wake us up subtlety.
Let's get some good discussions as I know I've only scratched the surface on it.
Just trying to get a few extra things and have never bought a pre (assembled) survival kit. Always pieces my own things. Anyone recommend a specific brand or type? I have 2 adults and 2 boys for a family of four. Thanks!!
Hey Pedes. Just seeing if there is a specific brand or specific website you use for purchasing this supplement. I know that not all are equal in quality.