I was advised to pause and examine at 32 or 33 seconds into the video. At that time stamp, Ball is upstage and center.
symbols are the easiest thing to misrepresent or use for cover. You've seen the prominent crosses that some influencers and politicians wear. I like to go by what a person or entity is doing first. Then I hear what they are saying. And then, I check their fit and accoutrements. lol.
I didnt see anything out of the ordinary. Of course looking closer at your quotation marks I can see what you are suggesting. I just dont see it. Wait, you were suggesting Ball was actually a man? Hard disagree.
i paused it. what am i supposed to be seeing? I see 3 women doing the charleston. Lucielle starts at 32 sec.
because trolling is smart policy.
Thats all over now that Trump and the White Hats put an end to it. Go outside and enjoy your health!!
News stands on its own. Otherwise it becomes propagandized and less compelling or believable.
It's true. Shitty people have been doing shitty things to other people for a dang ol long time. And not just here or there. But everywhere. Before the golden age of hollywood in the 1920's, after the golden age of hollywood ended in the 1950'a, and outside of hollywood altogether. I'm just glad there's been mostly good people all along to counter it. Lets be good people, I say.
gotta keep yo head on a swivel. everybody is trying to kill us at all times! so it doesnt really matter when you're trying to stay full on lit. In my day they called it paranoia.
The 1920's to the 1950's in Hollywood were rife with transgenderism?
you think sonic booms have somehow stopped happening? like they are so powerful that they changed physics? Could it be that laws have been made that keep sonic booms from occurring around populated areas because of a shitload of reasons? Which sounds more plausable?
you must be terrified
oh shit. i should have read your comment first. this is what im on about. lotta conflatin goin on. lol
Ive never heard anyone anywhere argue this specifically is not true. It is MSM level known by every normal person.
Yeah, they got that on lock lol
It would be lbs/ft³. A square foot has no weight. A cubic foot does . Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
People arent their penis dude. You are too penis centered. I imagine you think vast parts of the world and other cultures practices are more manly than all the circumcised men from our history that raised us and this bad ass country. lt's fine. I'm glad you are wrong on this one. And btw, I dont care one way or the other really, personally. It's hard for me to get in that head space. Cheers.
spiritual bypass
All of it. Nobody has ever helped anybody.
Its true. Companies save on costs so they can give workers more money for the same work. Thats why they dont want to give the money to taxes. But they gotta get rid of it somehow!
I cant stand the way people look when they get older. It's gross.
Well, Im not locked down, anyway. Free peoples over here..
what do you mean by "there is no more outside of russia"
some misinformation is neccessary.
art of war shit.
we are privy to the highest intelligence here and people DIG. It's naive to imagine a journalist coming across this and not doing what he does.