I couldn't find a rally schedule on his website.


Rick is the husband of a friend of mine. Please pray for him. I have no idea of his vax status, so please keep this thread focused on prayers for him and not that. Thank you.

Update - Rick will be removed from Life support. Please pray for his family & those who will receive his donated organs. Thank you.


Just noticed it. Made me smile. Thought I'd share.


If a president having to present evidence of election fraud at an impeachment trial was the solution the team tasked with assuring a duly elected president could survive a fraudulent election came up with, that plan would fail if the president was not impeached, or was prevented access to the fraudulent election results, or did not have access to the reports generated after the inauguration, or was not allowed to present evidence to the senate, or chose not to present evidence to the senate (which could be because he did not want to usurp the authority granted others under the plan that the team came up with.) The plan this team came up with has to depend on people and agencies that continue to have authority, access to election information, and are protected by sufficient checks and balances that they will prevail in what they have responsibility for. We do not know these details, but we know and trust the man who signed EO13848, President Donald J. Trump.

Hold the line.


Thinking of our favorite Panda loving Patriot on this Freedom Day. God bless you, Seth. https://mobile.twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1356120162165022720