The way this is unfolding is entertaining. I'm not just comfy, I'm amused. Maybe some of these white hats writing this script are moonlighting at the Babylon Bee.
The Coast Guard's post on Twitter gave no details, such as whether officials believe the debris is connected to the Titan
Within five hours of John Hinckley Jr. shooting president Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and his cabinet determined Hinckley was a lone nut who had no association to any conspiracy. This should have drawn immediate suspicion, considering the Bush and Hinckley families had been friends for over a decade. George HW Bush's son, Neil, had planned to have dinner with John Hinckley's brother, Scott, the night after the assassination attempt. This was confirmed by multiple mainstream news organizations at the time.
Here's a compilation of some national news broadcasts from March 31, 1981, the day after the attempt. The interesting part starts at 2:27.
Key points from those broadcasts:
Prior to the assassination attempt, Hinckley stayed in a hotel and would wait for a phone call at an outdoor pay phone every morning. This despite having a phone in his hotel room. This fact conflicts with the hasty conclusion by investigators that Hinckley acted alone.
Hinckley was a member of the Chicago Nazi party for a year. They kicked him out when he began encouraging acts of domestic terrorism. This behavior is consistent with methods used today by undercover FBI informants who try to recruit and position outlier groups as patsies.
Vice President George HW Bush's son, Neil Bush, and his wife had planned to have dinner with Scott Hinckley in their residential city of Denver the night after the assassination attempt took place.
This article reveals surprising facts that coalesce into an undeniable connection of George HW Bush to Hinckley and the attempted assassination:
Key points from that article:
The FBI will not release 22 pages of documents on John Hinkley Jr, which included names and organizations linked to Hinckley, along with details of his psychiatric records.
The story of Hinckley's association to the Bush family was first reported by the now defunct Houston Post, then picked up by the AP and UPI. The MSM then memory holed the story despite this explosive fact.
George HW Bush never commented on his family's connection to the Hinckleys, and denied they contributed to his campaigns.
Despite a history money transactions and glaring evidence, none of the Bush family members were ever questioned about their connection to the Hinckleys by the FBI, Secret Service, or any other investigative body.
The friendship between the Hinckley and Bush families had gone back more than a decade to their shared conquest of oilfields in Texas. George HW Bush's company was Zapata Oil. The Hinckley's oil company was Vanderbilt Energy Corps.
The Hinckleys were donors to George HW Bush's political campaigns for years.
The Hinckleys were the first to support and donate to the young George W Bush's failed congressional campaign in 1978. The Hinckleys made these contributions while their son, John Hinckley Jr., and George W Bush's brother and campaign manager, Neil Bush, were both living in Lubbock, Texas.
The day after the shooting, at a press conference, Neil Bush confirmed Scott Hinkley had also been present at his Denver home a couple of months prior for Neil's surprise birthday party. But he claimed Scott was only there as the date of a friend of Neil's wife. Neil Bush, like his father, played ignorant about his decades-long connection to the Hinckleys.
In 1980, John Hinckley Jr. had been arrested with three guns at the Nashville airport when candidate Jimmy Carter arrived in the city. Carter was running against Reagan and Bush at the time. Strangely, Hinckley was released without being charged or fingerprinted. This suggests Hinckley had been serving as a CIA resource on retainer.
After the shooting, while John Hinckley Jr. was in prison, his cell was searched. Found were notes he had written that described a conspiracy of multiple people to assassinate a president. His parents said this conspiracy was imaginary, so the notes were disregarded.
After a jury quickly determined Hinckley had been acting alone, he was sent to St Elizabeth's mental hospital near Washington DC. The hospital has a history of accommodating the CIA's MK Ultra experiments.
The MK Ultra program was active while George HW Bush was head of the CIA. His tenure began five years before Reagan was shot.
Around the time of the Kennedy assassination, John Hinckley Sr. and his son, Scott Hinckley, were operating their oil company out of the Republic Bank Building in Dallas, Texas. This building housed many entities connected to the CIA, including the office of Russian "baron" George de Mohrenschildt, who was close friends with both George HW Bush and Lee Harvey Oswald.
John Hinckley Sr. was deeply involved in a non-profit called World Vision. It was funded by USAID, a government program long associated with the CIA. Another employee of World Vision was Mark David Chapman, the man who murdered John Lennon.
Right after the shooting, a cooked-up scandal about Secretary of State Alexander Haig taking control of the presidency was used by the national media to distract public attention away from news reports about the Bush/Hinckley connection.
The Hinckley's oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting, that it faced a $2 million fine for overpricing oil. After the assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr., the charges were never again mentioned or pursued.
This page contains more material and analysis on this subject, including a copy pasta of news articles from 1981 that support the points above:
Here's a literal money quote from an AP article on March 31st, 1981:
From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign.
-- Sharon Bush, wife of Neil Bush
On that same date, this was printed by UPI: "Neil Bush told the Houston Post he knew the Hinckley family because they had made large contributions to the vice president's campaign."
Then the next day, April 1st, this was in an AP article: "In Washington, an aide to Vice President George Bush disputed a Houston Post report that the Hinckleys made large contributions to Bush's presidential campaign. The aide, Shirley Green, said no record of such a contribution could be found."
A journalism professor in Montana, Nathaniel Blumberg, observed that the national media was inexcusably negligent in covering the Bush/Hinckley connection. He said "…The press had submitted to this in a way I find unprecedented." He went on to say that the dinner between Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley was "The most remarkable assassination coincidence in the history of this country."
The page also contains a traceable genealogy asserting that John Hinckley Jr. and VP George HW Bush were distant cousins, and were descended from a governor of Connecticut. It also states that The Washington Star newspaper reported that George HW Bush and Hinckley were 9th cousins. Like the Houston Post, the Washington Star shut down a year later.
Based on the material above, we can extract the following points that are consistent with CIA tools and strategies that we see today. Note that many apply to mass shootings:
A mentally disturbed subject is utilized for violent action against a political target. (Hinckley)
The identity of the mental health professional(s) who had been tending to the violent actor is withheld by law enforcement. (Redacted by FBI in their report)
An attempt is made to infiltrate an outlier group and persuade them to participate in political violence, thus positioning them as patsies. (Nazi party of Chicago)
The investigation by law enforcement is hasty, concludes too quickly, and disregards inconvenient evidence. These conclusions always determine the perpetrator is a nutjob or extremist, which severs any connection a broader government conspiracy.
A distraction narrative is used to draw public attention away from troublesome facts. (Alexander Haig)
The media abandons all journalistic standards and practices in order to drive the preferred political narrative. (Coverup of Hinckley/Bush connection and campaign donations)
My conclusion: This coverup is comparable to those of the JFK assassination, 9/11, and covid. If John Hinckley Jr. had used any bullet larger than a .22 caliber, Reagan would not have survived. It would be a reasonable assumption that George HW Bush faced military justice for this crime. His execution by the military would explain why, when Q was asked what was in the envelopes, his answer was "Our promise to retaliate." This probably meant white hats would retaliate to any DS retaliation by arresting Cheney and W Bush for 9/11.
An aside: The downplayed fact that John Hinckley Jr. was a Nazi supporter is interesting considering the Bush family has a history of supporting Nazis. If you have not seen the Mr Truthbomb video on Skull & Bones, I highly recommend it. It begins with an explanation of Prescott Bush's financial support of Hitler's war machine:
An aside 2: If you'd like to learn more about the Bush family and Neil Bush's criminal involvement in the massive savings & loan scandal of the 80's, watch this round table discussion among journalists and researchers that originally aired on Austin cable access in 1991:
An aside 3: Barbara Bush is likely the daughter of Aleister Crowley:
So we have connections to Nazis, Satanism, presidential assassinations, and mass murder (9/11). Like me, most of you are probably kicking yourselves for being duped by this family for so many decades.
Hillary allowed China to raid her bathroom server which was full of classified info.
Obama gave Iran nuclear secrets.
And that's just scratching the surface.
According to Jack Smith:
Our laws that protect national defense information are critical to the safety and security of the United States, and they must be enforced. Violations of those laws put our country at risk.
Now we all know that before anyone tries to indict a leftist Democrat icon, you have to appease that icon's raging leftist supporters by indicting Trump first. Which brings us to Q 3716:
This week, both Trump and the DOJ are emphasizing the unsealing of an indictment. Yesterday, when Trump said, "The seal is broken," he was talking directly to Anons. He probably thought he couldn't make the hint more obvious.
The Department of Justice released on Friday an unsealed federal indictment of former President Donald Trump.
Q's posts always play with our assumptions. 3716 had us assuming that the person being indicted would trigger a mass awakening. Maybe instead of the person, it's what the indictment uncovers, like classified info from Trump's Mar-a-Lago stash that proves Obama or Hillary committed treason.
3716 also had us assuming that the first person being indicted would be the same as the first person arrested. In the scenario I'm describing, that doesn't have to be the case. Trump can be indicted, and the information uncovered during discovery can lead to Obama or Hillary being arrested, which will "Verify action and confirm future direction."
Y'all ready for the Summer of Love part Deux?
They will fight but you are ready.
Ace of Spades is the best normie politics blog out there, but in this post he's touching on some Q related theories. Keep in mind that the main blogger, Ace, is far from a conspiracy theorist, though he has been critical of those who attack Q related ideas.
Based on the villain's lines here -- "You have no idea of the power I control" as well as his claim that Ethan's fate has already been seen and written -- I'm pretty sure this is about a super-intelligent AI capable of accurately forecasting the future. Among other things. Interestingly, the former head of the CIA from the first movie -- "McKittrick" -- has now gone private and apparently working with the tech mogul to control the world with his super-AI. And based on lines from a previous teaser -- about "the chance to control the truth" -- the AI is designed to manipulate public opinion. Via, I imagine, AI generated-and-perfected "disinformation." They probably won't talk about the more insidious and powerful threat to "the truth," the suppression/censorship of true information, because that's not as sexy as active lies. Who knows, maybe they'll hint at it, but I doubt it. It would be too controversial to suggest that The Regime actively censors the truth. So not just forecasting the future, but pre-scripting the future. A former head of the CIA attempting to control speech and dictate the future through censorship and computer algorithms? How does Hollywood come up with these completely-implausible fantasy scenarios?
For the sarcasm-challenged, the bolded is him being facetious.
First I must explain that this isn't just hindsight hopium. I've always associated post# 1753 to the Durham investigation because so many future investigations would be based on Durham's findings. I think of it as the bedrock for the foundation.
FISA = Foundation.
I'm rectifying this with Technofog's early observations:
Durham's report establishes that Igor Danchenko, the primary source of the Steele dossier, was paid $220k by the FBI after they knew Danchenko lied to them. That payment was a bribe for his silence as he faced criminal charges by Durham. Why was the FBI desperate to keep Danchenko silent? Because his testimony collapses any excuse the FBI had to seek a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. Durham proved that the FBI knew the Steele dossier was fake, which proves they lied to a FISA court. This will eventually lead to Comey, Hillary, and Obama.
And the report also reveals that Comey demanded the Carter Page FISA warrant.
Many roads lead to FISA.
Oh and Q also mentions human trafficking. Durham testifies next week presumably about his findings about Hunter Biden. This whole thing can go a number of ways.
Just as movies like the Bourne Identity and the Manchurian Candidate reveal clandestine methods used by the CIA, the 1975 film Three Days of the Condor reveals how intelligence communications are encoded in fiction novels. These SIGINT methods align with those revealed by Q in modern MSM and social media posts.
The below minute marks in the movie make the case that comms being embedded in mass media isn't just "Q Anon" conspiracy theory. It's an intelligence practice that was taken seriously enough in 1975 to be the basis for a spy thriller cast with major Hollywood stars like Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway.
The film is free here:
(I recommend the high quality version on Prime.)
Minute# 8:05: Robert Redford's character, a CIA researcher, is highlighting capitalized words and numbers in a fiction book that stand out as coded language. This is consistent with decodes in Q and Twitter posts.
Minute# 5:20: There are two points being made in this scene. The first is that symbols and their meaning are of significant import in intelligence comms. He draws a Chinese ideogram for his co-worker to interpret, but they have a friendly disagreement because her suggestions are not consistent with whatever possible message Redford is trying to decode. The second point is how books are used as carriers of intelligence communications. Redford explains how he's suspicious of this mystery novel because it was not profitable yet it was translated into an "Odd assortment of languages." This emphasizes how the book is obviously intended to convey coded communications to intelligence agencies of certain nationalities.
Minute# 42:00: In this scene, the protagonist explains his job: "I just read books. We read everything that's published in the world. And we feed the plots, dirty tricks, codes, into a computer. And the computer checks against actual CIA plans and operations. I look for leaks, for new ideas. We read adventures and novels and journals."
It's worth noting the overarching theme of the movie about our intelligence community being rogue, amoral, and operating independently of oversight under the guise of "national security."
This is related to a stickied post from this morning about the Illuminati skit by Trevor Moore. If you haven't seen it, go watch:
I'm just now learning that Moore did multiple skits about conspiracy theories. This one about Hinkley shooting Reagan is hilarious and drops a lot of facts along the way.
Multiple skits that feed true information to viewers is a more logical explanation for his death than just the one Illuminati skit. By knowing all this information, he obviously took it seriously and wasn't just making fun of it.
Alan Watt often explained how entertainment circumvents the viewers' mental defenses and leaves them open to be programmed. Moore, through his effective entertainment and humor, was using the cabal's tactics against their agenda. The cabal couldn't let that go on.
This also underscores why white hats relied on Anons to spread the truth. A mass of Anons is safe from reprisals while singular identifiable sources get assassinated.
Edit: There were a lot of these.
9/11: He tells school children how Bush was in Skull & Bones and worshipped Satan:
JFK assassination: LBJ involved and Oswald didn't act alone.

First, here's the ProPublica story on Clarence Thomas.
Maybe it's accurate, or maybe it's another leftist smear job lacking context. I'll keep an open mind. But what's more important is that the reality of Bohemian Grove and its history is shifting from Alex Jones conspiracy land to mainstream normie land.
Here are some of the Twitter responses containing pure redpill extract:
Joe Rogan clip:
Megathread of evidence:
ABC News report on the grove from 1981:
Nixon's description of Bohemian Grove:
Alex Jones* confronting Gergen about Bohemian Grove:
*A note about Alex Jones: Yes, he's a ridiculous man. I've known this since his early days on cabal access TV in the 90's, and I have met him in person. I also read Jon Ronson's book describing how he and Jones infiltrated Bohemian Grove, and he roasts Jones as a histrionic tin foil hatter. That said, it's also true that any maldeveloped manchild can accidently hit a grand slam homerun out of the park, and Jones did that with his undercover video of the Cremation of Care ritual at Bohemian Grove. To this day, it's one of the most important pieces of evidence that proves the existence of ancient cults that secretly run our world. I highly recommend showing it to those in your life who you intend to redpill. It's still available on Youtube.
I know some very smart normies and conservatives who would rather be persuaded to join the circus than read Q posts. They have mental road blocks, such as the fear of judgement by their spouses or peers.
So that's the challenge. I want to develop a strategy for cracking the toughest cookies. I don't mean dogmatic libs; they're lost for now. I mean someone who is rational and respects you enough to allow a 20 minute sales pitch but will only give you one shot.
So it would have to be a simple and strong argument or proof, yet still within the city limits of Normietown. This means no Angela Hitler, no locking up Obama and Hillary in Gitmo, no Satanic pedos.
I'm thinking I would start by explaining that Q is a propaganda campaign by Military Intelligence to undermine the criminality of the Clintons, Obama, and the deep state. I think many normies can accept that. Then I'd move on to some juicy FISA gate posts. Or a personal favorite: Blunt and Direct Time. The Lord's Prayer is also a good one.
Let me know your ideas on which normie-friendly proofs or arguments you think are the strongest to start with.
An audio recording of this had been played in one of the Bill Cooper episodes that Ashland Dog posted a couple of months ago. Here's that thread:
I found the video of it on
It should be required viewing since it connects the root ideology of Nazism with the religion of the global cabal. Q had confirmed Hitler was just a puppet. The ideology shared between him and the puppet masters was the occult.

He did it to humiliate him. He gave McCarthy false confidence while the MAGA representatives played their roles and tore into him like wolves, exposing him throughout the 9 vote attempts. It was Trump's gift to MAGA reps, and they feasted.
This is similar to Trump putting Fauci in the spotlight to expose him. Except much more cruel in the way he really convinced McCarthy he was an ally.
About the vote for Trump as Speaker, I think of when Q said "Those who have not resigned have been put into submission." Maybe this is where the subdued RINO's are activated by white hats and vote for Trump. It would be a shock to the cabal rivaling the 2016 election.
I posted this last night in a couple of threads about the CIA files, including one by Ashlanddog. Everyone should watch the Tucker video in his thread here:
These are the key points from the Tucker video, each of which are bombshells.
50 years after the assassination, the CIA admitted under duress its relationship to Lee Harvey Oswald.
The term "conspiracy theorist" did not exist until the NY Times coined it in 1964 by using it in five different stories about the Warren Report.
In 1964, a psychiatrist named Louis Jolyon West, while working for the CIA, visited Jack Ruby in his Dallas jail cell and assessed that Ruby was insane and required immediate psychiatric treatment. No one else had ever considered Ruby mentally impaired.
West was an expert in mind control and played a prominent role in the CIA's MKUltra program.
In 1976, the house empaneled a committee to investigate the assassination. They concluded JFK was definitely murdered as the result of a conspiracy.
In 1992, congress passed the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act, which mandated full disclosure of all related documents by 2017. Mike Pompeo withheld thousands of pages of documents marked for declassification. This week, the Biden admin did the same thing.
Tucker Carlson spoke to a source who still had access to these CIA documents. They asked this source directly if the CIA was involved in the murder of JFK. The response: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake... Yes, the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination."
The statement by Tucker's source reveals that, within the government, there are forces beyond democratic control. These forces can affect election outcomes and do anything they want. They are a government within a government.
Tucker understandably gives Pompeo some heat for suppressing the files. What cannot be explained to Tucker and his audience is that they are not yet ready for the information in those files. Judging by statement by Tucker's source, the files not only reveal the perpetrators of the JFK assassination, they reveal truths about the cabal that are too advanced for normies right now.
As Tucker's source said, "It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake."
When each of us woke from our normie dreams, we all had to go through the shock and emotional bargaining phase of realizing our government and much of our culture was an illusion. We had Q to help us adjust, but that can't be the prescription for the rest of the world. For them, that plan will require Durham to finish setting the stage. During or after, they'll see all the Twitter files, the Epstein list, and whatever else the future holds.
First, let's visit the site:
In general, this appears to be a fun way for Trump to fund raise while offering supporters a chance to meet with him.
Just like Andrew Jackson, Trump is bypassing media and going directly to the people. But through Willy Wonka golden tickets.
Let's look at the sweepstakes offerings:
Miami dinner with Donald Trump: "Spend a memorable evening in Miami for an exclusive dinner hosted by Trump."
Mar-A-Lago group cocktail hour: "Experience a meet & greet with Trump in his luxurious private Palm Beach resort."
One-on-one meeting with #45: "Enjoy an unforgettable private meeting with Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago."
Play golf with Trump & your friends: "Join Donald on the green for an exclusive 1-hour of golf with your 2 closest friends."
Individual Zoom call with Donald: "Speak directly with Donald Trump on a private Zoom call to ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask."
Group zoom session with #45: "Meet Trump via Zoom alongside fellow Digital Trading Card holders."
Hand signed memorabilia: "Receive a limited edition, signed photograph of Donald J. Trump as a prized collectible."
Golden edition signed E-trading cards: "Win one of 25 incredibly rare gold Digital Trading Card (NFT), digitally signed by Donald J. Trump."
You can also enter the sweepstakes without making a purchase.
But here's the one that really catches the eye:
BUY 45 Digital Trading CardS And YOU are GUARANTEED a TICKET to A dinner with the President
That also gets you 45 entries into the sweepstakes.
So which one of you VIP-Anons will be the first to ask Trump a Q+ question over cocktails at Mar-a-Lago?
The more I look into Focus Films, the more I suspect it could be where Q was advising anons to dig. The activist actors they've hired include those who have met with Zelensky in Ukraine.
Examples of films by Focus:
- The Way I See it (anti-Trump / pro-Obama documentary)
- Brokeback Mountain
- Milk (whitewashing of a serial pedophile)
- Dallas Buyer's Club (Blames AIDS casualties on rightwingers)
- The Danish Girl (Transgender propaganda)
- Pope Francis - A Man of his Word
- Blackkklansman
- Roadrunner: A Film about Anthony Bourdain
Examples of actors and directors working for Focus:
- Sean Penn
- Spike Lee
- Ben Stiller
- George Clooney
- Brad Pitt
- Matt Damon
- Matthew McConaughey
- Heath Ledger
- John Cusack
- Woody Allen
- Bill Murray (recent sexual misconduct allegations)
It's late so I have to end my research for the night, but the next place to look will be the ownership and financiers of Focus Films.
Who are the Silent Thieves?
Why are they manipulating you?
How are they stealing your wealth?
What is inflation?
Monetary manipulation.
Taxation without representation.
Q is saying the next phase of the plan will involve taking down the Fed. Maybe he capitalized "Silent Thieves" to refer to "stock trading."
Bubble, crash, steal, lie -- this has been the cycle of market crashes for 100 years. 1913.
Retails investors (you), investment banks, and portfolio managers invest in a booming industry (oil, housing, tech, etc). Financial news and consultants make you feel like a chump for missing out. Then the bubble bursts, cabal investors already sold high, and you and your family are left holding the bag. Sometimes there are bailouts where the deep state directly sends them your tax money.
Then there's currency manipulation, which is among the most evil schemes of financial/social engineering ever implemented on citizens. Transitioning to fiat currency (meaning a currency based on faith instead of gold) removed all limitations on their ability to torment you. During the 20th century, driving up the value of the dollar provided cover for moving manufacturing overseas. It drove disposable consumerism, expansion/consolidation of large corporations, and reliance on imports. You end up with state corporatism (economic fascism) and a gutted working class. Then they rug pull you by overprinting money, reduce GDP by killing oil/coal production (another weaponized function of environmentalism), which drives down the value of the dollar (one dollar will equal fewer units of value, as opposed to producing energy which would peg the dollar to more units of value. Regan and Trump fought inflation by doing this). The cabal had already transferred their wealth into assets like land (Bill Gates), so their wealth is stable while your wealth is decimated. Then the laptop class taunts the working class by telling them "Learn to code."
This is why inflation is called the cruelest tax. It targets the poor and middle class, while investment banks transfer all the newly printed fake money into hedge funds which manipulate markets and further rob retail investors by short selling or rug pulling (selling a huge volume while it's high).
BTW, this is why John McCain drove the repeal of the Glass/Steagall act in 1999, which removed the barrier between lending banks and investment banks. After repeal, a lending bank can now lend itself a bazillion dollars in fake money from the Fed to invest and manipulate markets. Glass/Steagall existed to prevent this, and had been enacted as a direct response to the market crash of 1929. Its repeal was a key factor in the housing crash of 2008. Thanks John! What a maverick!
Currency manipulation also drives illegal immigration. How many illegal immigrants would be coming here if their currency was not a fraction of the dollar, which they send home to relatives? I don't blame them, but they're unknowing pawns in the deliberate balkanization of North America.
The cabal's next move is to transition us to Fed Coin -- their CCP-style social credit vehicle -- by sinking the dollar like the Titanic. Fortunately we have their playbook and we know that gold is our life boat. Either the dollar or a new currency can be pegged to gold, which would end the Ponzi scheme and force the big banks to choke on their own debt, After the banking collapse, a Republican congress will audit the Fed and dig up the bodies.