This one is just so superbly ironic that it has to be shared. All of these radical left, virtue signalling, green zealots were thrilled during the lockdowns because people were forced to stay at home and it took all those evil, fossil fuel guzzling cars off the road.
So what actually happened during that time? Effective green house gas emissions went UP! Yes. Up. Why you ask? Well, it turns out that those evil fossil fuel burning engines actually (via the production of NO/NO2/NO3 and CO) lead to additional hydroxyl ions in the atmosphere. Those hydroxyl radicals in turn reduce methane concentrations. And since methane is a significantly more potent green house gas than CO2, the net effect is an increase in the greenhouse effect when people stop driving fossil fuel burning cars.
Bet you won't see this reported on the fake news.
So everyone had been saying that we were going to hear the status of this case by Nov. 23:
Apparently, that is not true. All that happened yesterday is the government officially declined to file a response to the petition. So still no idea when SCOTUS will tell us whether they have agreed to take the case or reject it.
I think most of us have given up on the civilian courts entirely and are waiting for the military to resolve this, but there is still a chance this could be a kickoff to the series of events we have been waiting for. Anyway, if you were like me and thought we would know the answer before the holiday, we all thought wrong.
The petition is still in limbo, but at least they haven't outright rejected it yet.
My daughter just showed me an interesting feature in Roblox (an online children's game like Minecraft). The game automatically censors many words (replaces them with hashes) if you try and type them in chat. This includes the obvious profanities, which is not unreasonable for a game targeted at children.
But there are also some oddities. In particular, you are not allowed to type Jesus. That gets censored. However, there is no censorship and it is perfectly acceptable to discuss Satan and hell.
Now, some might argue that people use Jesus as a swear word, and therefore it should be censored. But people also say hell in exactly the same context, and that is deemed OK. That argues to me it is not really the profane context they are censoring, but the religious connotations.
Just a data point to consider when deciding what your children are allowed to play.
From the South China Morning Post a few minutes ago:
I actually find this part of the movie very entertaining.
I have absolutely hated the downright viscous economic problems this horror movie has brought, but this subplot right now is actually enjoyable. I feel bad for the normies who don't realize that Pelosi and China are both playing roles...creating optics so that the cabal can try to launch their war. Man are they going to be terrified.
I fully believe this is going to be thwarted in the end. But I can feel the precipice coming up. The buildup. The threats of nuclear launch. The tension is going to be palpable.
I just really hope no innocent Taiwanese citizens are harmed in the making of this movie.
Know the story of the Black Knight Satellite?
I remember hearing something like this growing up, but I never really paid much attention. Since my youth I have mostly forgotten about it. But after seeing this video from The Why Files, it piqued my interest again. This figure of ~13,000 years seems to show up a lot when you start looking at the history of our planet. And while the narrator does admit that official explanations for some of the coincidences are sensible and likely correct, it still leaves others that are rather dubious plus a whole raft of things with no explanation at all.
As we sit here contemplating why all this is happening at this particular moment in time, I find that re familiarizing ourselves with these forgotten victuals of history may turn out to be more important that we realize. For me, I still haven't heard a convincing argument about why the deep state is pushing so hard now. They've waited hundreds or even thousands of years by most accounts. What is coming up so urgently? They have risked everything on this period. Why couldn't they have simply come up with a less contentious financial reset and waited another 50 years to implement global tyranny? Both Trump and Q would be long gone.
So I tend to look carefully at anything which might be related to geological or celestial patterns about to be renewed. There is a reason it all has to be done now. Whether this fits the bill or not, I can't say. But if you have 20 minutes, I think you'll find the video below is both entertaining and thought provoking.
17 networks. Oddly specific number. With the crypto sphere in chaos over the last few days, the timing of this just seems too convenient. And then there is that number again...
Is this the white hats trolling the deep state yet again?
The complete list of voting by the US Congress. Check to see whether your representative voted to give $40 billion in slush funds to the deep state for money laundering. I am truly depressed at the number of congressmen I thought were reliable and on our side. Only 57 out of 435 actually stand with us:
Just got a notice from my parts supplier in Shenzhen.
All businesses in Shenzhen, China's manufacturing hub, are closed effective immediately for an indefinite period. That includes all shipping companies including FedEx. NOTHING is going in or out of the most important manufacturing hub in the world right now, and there is no timeframe on when it may reopen.
Supposedly, this is due to a Coronavirus outbreak. We all know that reason is crap. I suspect the invasion of Taiwan is about to begin. Can't think of any other event big enough to warrant this.
Just thought I would pass along the information in case anyone had any doubts.
The other day I came across an interesting analysis of the vaccines by a doctor at Stew Peter's channel:
Those circular disk like structures looked extremely intriguing, however I had no idea what they were. This afternoon though, I came across this YouTube video about "artificial cells", and darn it if that didn't look surprisingly like what the doctor saw under her microscope. The fact that these artificial cells are designed to be about the same size as red blood cells also made me perk up.
At the 6:07 mark in the above video, something really started sounding ominous. While discussing how scientists could activate the pumps on these cells using a specific frequency of light, it suddenly became glaringly obvious that an RF frequency from the otherwise mostly unused, very short range 5G spectrum could probably also serve that purpose. There would be almost no chance of an accidental trigger.
Finally, what system would scientists need to kill if they were to actually introduce these into a person? If you guessed the body's natural immune system, you get today's gold star. The natural immune system would need to be suppressed or it would seek out and eliminate these artificial red blood cell sized balls. It might take several shots over time in order to get this entire system work properly. Enter the need for boosters.
Much of what is happening suddenly makes sense if you assume that what is really in those vaccines is the first stage of a process to embed a remote triggered substance hidden inside an artificial cell. Those with weak hearts and prone to clotting might not tolerate the artificial cells. Better to kill them off early anyway. Once they get this poison inside everyone, and destroy your natural immune system, it could lie dormant for an undetermined length of time before being triggered at any time by a 5G signal.
How compliant would you become once you realized the elite could kill you simply by pressing a button? It's not like they don't want our slave labor. They just don't want us to become uncontrollable slave labor.
I have no idea if this is actually what is going on, but it sure hits a bunch of data points.
Are doctors and health care workers going to become the world's new most hated profession? 30 years ago lawyers were considered the butt of everyone's joke. As life progressed, we moved into an area where bankers flipped the script and actually became more hated than lawyers.
I am starting to think that for our children, health care workers are going to become the new profession to hate. They are really bringing it on themselves by refusing to stand up to the conglomerates who are ruining the profession. How can you honestly respect a group of people that care more about keeping their paychecks than killing their patients?
To me, this could be the most lasting and most detrimental social change to come out of this war. We really need to be able to trust our health care workers. I am saddened by the fact that in the general case, I no longer do.
BTW, the answer to the title, in case you never heard the joke, is "A good start!"
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is poised to fully approve Pfizer Inc.’s coronavirus vaccine early next week
So this is scary. But before panicking, I thought I would look to see if there was anything in the drops that might be comforting. While I couldn't find anything directly, I did come across these series of Q drops on Aug. 30 with a 3 year delta:
As well as all the others on Aug. 30, 2018
I used to think these were satellites of some kind, but with this new announcement, I am reconsidering what this might mean. In any event, the latter half of next week looks poised to begin the final battle. We may finally learn the truth behind Trump pushing these jabs...
Someone recently asked about Pence, and it suddenly occurred to me...what if this really is all an act? Remember Trump told Biden directly the 25th Amendment was going to come back to bite him. We all thought that was about Kamala. But what if he meant something else?
So let's think...when was the last time the 25th Amendment came into play? Answer: Watergate. If you remember your history, Spiro Agnew resigned, paving the way for Ford to be installed as VP under the terms of the 25th. Then Nixon resigns, and surprise, surprise, surprise...Ford becomes the only American president never to have been elected.
Does anyone see an opening here for Trump's return? Maybe a parallel between Watergate and Obamagate? When these states get done with their audits and decertify their electors, we are going to be in a Constitutional crisis. How do we get out of that? It is going to need to be a political solution. Could he be planning on a deal to resolve the crisis the same way Watergate was resolved?
Biden would never go for that you say? But what if Biden really is an actor playing a part? Many people on this board believe that to be so. If you are one of those, this seems like a trivial option for Trump to take back the presidency completely legally. Just replace Ford with Trump and repeat 1974....
I tried to convince my sister not to do it, and not to let her husband do it. But despite agreeing that a wait and see attitude was appropriate, she caved to peer pressure and took the jab anyway.
Her husband just got back from the doctor expecting his usual clean bill of health. He was devastated to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and placed on 3 different medications that the doctor warned may be required for the rest of his life. She was not taking it well. I spoke with my mother (retired) who was a nurse for 45 years. I asked her to convince them to report this incident to VAERS.
She is a good person who believes everyone in the medical profession to be caring and have only the patients best interests at heart. I am viewed as the crazy black sheep who hoards tinfoil. Even with the evidence right in front of them, none of them will consider the possibility that this is self inflicted harm.
I am certain the vast majority of reactions to this vax are unreported. The real number is going to be at least an order of magnitude higher than what is in that database. The only way people are going to wake up is by actually making the arrests and scaring the news reporters into acting responsibly. What possible value is there in continuing this charade? Everyday they deceive one more person is another day that more needlessly die or develop life complicating illness.
I am sorry Q. This movie sucks and I want my money back. You are a horrible director.
This paper was pulled off of LinkedIn within hours of being posted and the scientist censored. It is from a noted molecular epidemiologist who hypothesizes that the obvious consequence of this hard push for vaccination is to create immune escape variants. I know many of us here are looking for truly malevolent reasons for this vaccine. Population reduction is an often mentioned reason. But this paper postulates a simpler answer.
If this paper is the real reason, then the interpretation would seem to be that the deep state can not afford to let this pandemic die naturally. The fact is, without the vaccines, the mutation rate of this virus would be glacial, and within a few months it would all be over. Since they clearly need this to go on for years, the only way they can extend the timeframe is through vaccines.
If enough people resist getting the jab, they will not be able to create enough new variants to keep the scam going. Hence, the push to get everyone vaccinated.
I have never found the malevolent interpretations of this push for mass vaccination to be satisfactory. I understand the process of R&D. There are just too many people involved. There is too much risk that the formulations would not have had the side effect the DS wanted, and they wouldn't be able to control the final formulations that individual scientists came up with. This however...this is exactly what the technology was intended to do, so no matter what path any individual researcher took, they were guaranteed to wind up with this result. I suspect this may have been the real reason all along, and any population reduction through adverse reactions is just a bonus for them.
Seeing this article in The Epoch Times:
I immediately started going through all the arguments for and against such a position, and what role government should play in this scenario with a private university. But then it occurred to me...replace the word "unvaccinated" with "black", and how would the scenario change? To extend the analogy, should universities be allowed to charge an extra fee for black students using the argument they "might" bring more crime or start a crime wave on campus? How is this any different than saying the unvaccinated might increase health care costs or bring disease? There is no evidence to suggest either, and yet the mind revolts against one and is willing to consider the other. But that wasn't always the case. 100 years ago I doubt society would have the same aversion to the 2 scenarios. So this isn't a simple case of objective facts. It is a case of values, both personal and societal.
Which begs the question. Does the government have a right and/or responsibility to make the Covid unvaccinated a protected, political class, free from persecution, just as they do today for various other classes? Such a consideration would immediately render mute all of the arguments that people use to say a private institution or employer can discriminate against a certain group that they don't like. Given that I don't see the administrators of these schools coming to an enlightened decision on their own, and the fact that the huge endowments, brand names and good will these universities have generated over decades can not be reproduced in a realistic timeframe by a startup, it does not seem fair or American to allow these private university boards to use the resources of the institution to project their personal political biases. We wouldn't allow them to use institution funds to indulge their personal financial pleasures. Why should we allow them to misuse these more ephemeral resources simply to indulge their political prejudices?
Would love to hear arguments for/against the proposal to ask our Congress critters to make the unvaccinated a protected class.
This is just a plea in case there is anyone of consequence reading these boards and trying to gauge the mood in the field. I am sure there are others out there feeling this way.
In a conventional war, there is horror and devastation. But it is visible. People pull together as a community to recover. It is tragic, but it is also a shared sacrifice, a way of bonding. This war is different. Far from pulling people together, it is tearing everyone apart. Those who are afraid simply beat up the victims as a way of trying to escape their own fears. Rather than creating a strong community that can recover, it is creating a literal hell on earth.
All I have heard is "the best is yet to come", but never anywhere has anyone, Trump or Q, provided a clear vision of what is "the best". What are we even fighting for? I only know what we are fighting against. Even if we win, the old economy is dead. What is the new vision?
Some people think it is NESARA, but Q never mentions this. Not even once. And frankly, the new physics that NESARA speaks about is impossible to believe. There is not a single, factual piece of supporting evidence for it. Just wild rumors. And are the financial aspects even going to be anonymous? If not, who is going to control which transactions are allowed, and which one are considered illegal? And how can I believe any kind of digital monitoring of transactions won't eventually end in tyranny?
Every day that this goes on, I slide deeper into debt. Without open borders and easy international travel, I no longer have an income. My credit cards are maxed. I can't pay my mortgage. I have no visibility into the future. Everyone is stressed. There is nothing but blame to go around. Not to mention my family, usually a support structure, thinks I am bat shit crazy. But I can't unlearn what I know.
Please. End this or at least go kinetic. Just do something HIGHLY visible. Bring WWIII to the surface. This kind of torture is so much worse than falling bombs or nuclear annihilation. Especially when we don't even know what we are actually fighting for...only the horrors of what we are fighting against.
Civil war would be a blessing right now, and an escape.