Monomial 8 points ago +8 / -0

Either these kingmakers work very hard on naming their children

You're forgetting the 3rd option. She's just named after the birthplace of her parents. I always knew she wasn't human.

Monomial 11 points ago +11 / -0

Did you read the comments or watch the interview?

NOBODY is buying that argument. I get they are all leftists and predisposed to believe Trump is lying. But I do believe and trust Trump (most of the time), and even I find Trump's answer unsatisfactory and sketchy.

The answer should have been that it will be declassified and we'll let the courts investigate and determine what is true and what is not. There is no national security interest in keeping those files classified. Trump didn't even imply there was a national security interest in keeping those files classified.

So I'm sorry. It's not Trump's job to decide whose lives might be ruined or to think he needs to protect the innocent. The entire country is going to be distrustful of him if he doesn't release those files. This isn't about what he wants. It's about what is best for the people of America.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's remember drop #88

Saudi Arabia->US->Asia->Europe

Trump has told us over and over that the US campaign will end on Nov. 5. So Asia is up next. Taiwan can't be far behind.


Monomial 6 points ago +6 / -0

A "sovereign citizen" trying to sneak into a security area that requires actual, state issued credentials. OK. Maybe he wasn't trying to assassinate Trump, but he should have known that what he was trying was a stupid idea.

Now, Mindy is expecting us to accept Vem's word (and hers) that he had no nefarious intentions. He probably didn't, but that doesn't mean he'll be able to convince a jury of that. My guess is this is eventually settled with a plea bargain and Vem being put on a watch list.

One thing is for sure, I don't believe Mindy when she says the Sheriff is corrupt. Vem and Mindy just don't like the optics.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't get a refund. You get a credit. Every expat knows the horrors of having overseas retirement accounts and mutual funds which are taxed this way. Don't think for a minute this "mark-to-market" accounting is unprecedented in the tax code.

Monomial 11 points ago +11 / -0


At approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes into the video:

So the guy who ordered the TFR over the area was operating a for profit recovery business, and didn't want the state guard and volunteers to be taking away his business.


Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

[email protected]

General email to FEMA:

Dear Sir(s):

I am one of the millions of Americans who are livid about the actions of FEMA during this crisis. Myself and many others demand the immediate resignation of Deanne Criswell to accept responsibility for this, as well as criminal prosecution of Deanne and her immediate subordinates for gross mismanagement of FEMA resources during this crisis. During a time like this, it is the solemn duty of all Americans to come together to alleviate pain and suffering, and FEMA has demonstrated it is incapable of even this simple and most basic expression of human decency.

We will not forget this, and we will not forgive. You are responsible for turning this disaster into a genuine crime against humanity. While I may not have the authority to prosecute you, I will be writing my representative and I pray to the Lord our God to have mercy on your soul for the evil you have perpetrated here.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seriously doubt it was the deep state/CIA. Nick Szabo's dad was a Hungarian immigrant. If you look at every CIA op, they always use someone with family connections. This story sounds more like the CIA trying to convince you NOT to use BTC so you'll use their preferred quasi CBDC - XRP.

But if it turns out I am wrong, then this will be the one huge positive thing the deep state ever did for humanity.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

Consider Spruce Pine is the world's only producer of high quality quartz at commercial scale for semiconductor manufacturing. Without this, it is impossible to make the crucibles that produce pure silicon wafers necessary for semiconductor processes.

This is all over the tech forums. People are legitimately concerned about a new semiconductor shortage because of the flooding at Spruce Pine. It will take several months for shortages to manifest, but if the factories in Spruce Pine don't come back online and soon, semiconductors are going to get really scarce and expensive for several years.

So yeah...this company should be worth a lot. They have an effective monopoly in the industry. There is no way Spruce Pine isn't a factor in some way to what is happening in North Carolina.

Hopefully, this will force the industry to build some resiliency into the supply chain and find alternate sources for this critical resource, even though it may be more expensive. This vulnerability in pursuit of maximum efficiency and profit is dangerous.

I remember rumors back in 2015 from "CIA" sources that there was going to be a dangerous shortage of silicon wafers. Now I understand.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you are saying that these are real FEMA employees and that Washington IS engaging in disaster relief? Or what they think is disaster relief. Because above you seemed to imply they were incapable of doing this.

The only difference being that they don't know their directives are coming from the whitehats.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

That would make sense if it was just FEMA being absent.

But they do appear to be here, and if you believe the stories are actively seizing supplies and prohibiting volunteers from helping out. This would imply to me it is more by intent than just purposefully inept for optics.

So are you implying

  1. that these stories are false (I personally can't verify them so it could all be fake news),
  2. that these FEMA people are whitehat actors trying to increase the death toll, or
  3. that these are genuine FEMA employees and there is a reason FEMA can find resources to hinder but not to help?
Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

If there is any merit to it, I think it will be allowed to happen and would be the final straw to show the people just how evil they truly are.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had some shower thoughts on "Saving Israel for Last".

There have been several plans over the last 60 years to build the Bengurion canal. One of the most cost effective procedures anyone came up with using several hundred buried nuclear explosives to dig out the channel through the terrain.

The problem is, the environmentalists would raise holy hell if you actually tried to do it. What Israel really needs to do something like this is a cover. Kind of like if you wanted to bring down the twin towers through controlled demolition, you need a cover story so you can deny you did it.

But if you could get another nation to launch a nuclear attack against you, then it would be simple to hide your nuclear canal building in the process. 2 years later you can resettle the area.

Sure, many people might say that a canal resulting from the attack was impossible, but it is equally impossible that a plane full of jet fuel brought down 3 towers in Manhattan perfectly symmetrically at free fall speed in their own footprint.

People have shown they are incapable of logical thought in circumstances like this.

This conspiracy ties into the whole Evergreen fiasco blocking the Suez canal and the penis that was drawn pointing at Israel. Anyway, watch for this if we start to see nukes going off in the Middle East. I would not be a bit surprised to see it manifest a new canal right through the Gaza strip to the Mediterranean.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, but you also need to restrict it from everyone else so ONLY you can use it. It's not enough just to operate the supplies. And restricting energy has a tendency to piss off the very people you are trying to control with your programmable currency. It is a very difficult and unprofitable scenario. I don't believe the CIA would ever intentionally create something like this when there are so many better/easier options.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Based purely on logic and reason, I think the immediate answer to your questions is "not much".

I believe we will see countries traditionally closer to the center of the wealth pumps of colonialism/empire experience a decrease in their standard of living, while those countries that were at the far end of the wealth pump will do comparatively better.

It is going to be a difficult challenge for countries like the US and the UK to rebuild their manufacturing infrastructure. I think that is part of what the massive buildout in semiconductor manufacturing in many major economies is all about. These are critical resources on which all modern technology is based. In the UK, to take your example, this is why you are now seeing money being poured into things like the Newport Wafer Fab.

A couple generations from now, things should have stabilized, the Western work ethic should be restored, and I think things will be much better. But the next couple of decades are going to be chaotic, with a lot of people needing to be retrained.

Monomial 3 points ago +4 / -1

XRP is the cabal's replacement for the Swift system.

It is owned and managed by the Rothschild's central banking cartel. It's nothing more than a thin veneer of blockchain over a CBDC.

There is no good purpose to it. That doesn't mean it won't be implemented.

Monomial 6 points ago +7 / -1

First you have to understand WHY Bitcoin is unique. Forget what you've heard.

Bitcoin is unique because even if you control 99% of it, you still cannot prevent those who own the remaining 1% from doing whatever they want with their money.

To do that, you need to control the world's energy supply. An entirely orthogonal (and very expensive) resource. I think I have pretty good intuition, and the CIA simply would never design a currency that is fundamentally uncontrollable even for them. There are so many easier ways to accomplish what they want than the proof of work algorithm in Bitcoin.

Instead, the CIA would (and did) develop Ripple to thwart Bitcoin. They saw the danger that BTC represented, and in 2017 infected the crypto community with green nonsense, creating proof of stake, and eventually, proof of authority coins like XRP. Ripple (XRP) has always been a CBDC with a thin veneer of blockchain to hide its truly centralized nature.

These are coins where if you control enough of the currency you absolutely can stop people from transacting. That is the marker of a CIA operation.

If you understand the history of the Liberty Dollar, you can also understand why the creator(s) of Bitcoin were so careful to hide their identity. The only thing we are reasonably certain of is that Nick Szabo was at least one of the people behind the Satoshi nom-de-plume. Baysian analysis of the original Satoshi emails confirms that.

So if you want to begin your research on the real identity of the group calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto, begin with researching his life.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's only for flushing the toilet because they generally don't have tanks and float valves. Many of them are squat toilets.

For cleaning up after you've done your business, they all have spray guns. The well known "bum gun". No different than a bidet. It's actually much cleaner and more hygienic than toilet paper.

Monomial 8 points ago +8 / -0

The War of 1812 has always fascinated me. Why were the British unwilling to attend the mediation talks offered by Czar Alexander I in St. Petersburg? But then suddenly, they were willing to agree to mediation and a cease fire at Ghent?

I always thought that was bizarre, because there appeared to be no reason to suddenly capitulate after 3 years of stalling. I mean, its not like Belgium was such a great location. And the British loved the Russians at this point, as the Russians had just effectively neutered Napoleon.

It's an odd time in history and a question to which nobody ever provided me with a satisfactory answer.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0


And the reason they're hiding how many dead there are, is because all those "missing" people are going to vote Democrat.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think people do mean "rock bottom"

But it does mean getting to the edge, and that often means reaching the point where you have more to gain by abandoning what you have left and risking something new, than by continuing to try and protect whatever possessions you have left. Where any further step forward leads to negative returns in your mind.

This equation is very affected by how much you value the possessions you still have. So while you may not be fully at zero, the precipice may absolutely appear like zero to you.

Like in stock trading, the capitulation point only comes when the stock has fallen to a level where you lose hope. And that level can be a long, long way down.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

October 7 coming up soon. 1st anniversary of the Israeli army abandoning their posts so Hamas could walk across the border unscathed.

Any thoughts as to what October 7 is going to bring this year? Is Israel going to try and invade Iran now?

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possibly. Doesn't really explain Trump's over the top active support of Israel though. I suspect there is a bigger reason in this psyop to appear to support Israel beyond simple strategic advantage. Let's see. We'll know by this time next year.

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