Motivated_NAVCAD 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is a old cold war saying 'our German scientists are better than their German scientists.' I cant really imagine with all the resources Q had at (his) disposal that they would have left it to chance that a public board would expose the 'plan' and unravel it, giving our enemies an advantage. But that is just my opinion.

Motivated_NAVCAD 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'd be more willing to buy into 'Project Looking Glass' which Q mentions. Remember Bob Lazar? He states we had the ability to bend time and space with these recovered craft - think S4 near Area 51. If you have a space drive that bends and controls gravity, chances are you can warp time as well and 'see' into the future. Lets hope our military and or deep cover peeps have that tech and not the CCP.

Motivated_NAVCAD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reading this left to right top to bottom, i converted this to binary assuming Chi Flag as 0 and Lock as 1.
8 bits make a byte, two bytes per line and just used a binary to text converter found: https://www.binarytranslator.com/

Line 1: 01001100 -L 10010001 - ‘‘? Line 2: 10010001 - ? 01101010 - J Line 3: 00100110 - & 01011000 - X Line 4: 10100010 - ¢ 10001101 - ? Line 5: 01001100 - L 10100010 - ¢ Line 6: 10100010 - ¢ 10001101 ?

L??J & X¢? L¢¢?

Doesnt look like anything to me