MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats very possible for sure, but you kind of have to admit it's pretty spot on. Feed, killing, dog, cat, censorship all in post about what was originally a stock market crash phenomenon? Of course, I could be wrong and reaching, but I thought it was worthy to share. Thanks for the grounded opinion.

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats kind of how I felt when I found this. It seemed too spot on with the coincidences but I'm open to being wrong. It might warrant a deeper dig because my dig was very superficial without looking at time stamps and what not. There may be Q-clock coincidences as well. I haven't checked yet. Thank you fren.

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand the original meaning of these posts, but my mind went to "multiple meanings", "think mirror" and "News unlocks map" in regard to the current news cycle. It kind of felt like Q's comm style to me but of course I could be wrong. I appreciate the feedback.

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct and this was my understanding when these posts dropped in 2018. Fast forward to today and I thought about "multiple meanings" and "think mirror" to align with the latest news and Q's comm style. A "Future news proves past posts" kinda thing. Thank you.

MrLurker1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ooooooo. That one is juicy! I likey! I'll try to post more. Thanks for the encouragement. I enjoyed the lurking though, but I also like sharing what I find. I'll have some very weird posts coming up of my findings over the past almost 7 years of this thing we call Q. My journey has been amazeballz like most of you!

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was understanding of the "Dead cat bounce" posts as well back in 2018 when they dropped. Fast forward to today and my mind went to the "multiple meanings" instructions Q seemed to give and because of the dog, cat, feed, ate, killing, etc mentions it seemed to fit the bill of Q's comm style. I appreciate the feedback.

MrLurker1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what I'm good at. Seeing patterns like this. I also have accidentally found weird stuff in the past 7 years since the launch of Q. It's so bizarre how I've stumbled into things. One I'll share soon that is so bizarre and strange it will take quite a post here to explain it, but all my frens that I've shared this with think it's amazingly weird and VERY coincidental. And I wasn't even looking for it. It found me. I haven't seen it shared here or anywhere else in the movement the past almost 7 years. It's BIZARRE.

MrLurker1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is actually what I was hoping would happen when I shared this on X and with my frens. I was hoping someone would find something else I missed because my dig was very superficial. Thank you.

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can somewhat agree with your point. I just started to feel there were too many coincidences with the themes of feed, killing, censorship, cats and dogs, but I get your point. My mind went to "Think mirror" in regard to "dog ate" (mirrored is "ate dog") and "multiple meanings" in regard to "dead cat bounce" meaning a stock market crash vs Haitians eating pets. Thank you for the feedback.

MrLurker1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I certainly can appreciate your opinion. When I began the dig it was just odd that the "dead cat bounce" posts that seemed to be about a stock market crash had these coincidences in each post that seemed to reference eating, feed, kill, censorship, cats and dogs. Almost as if there were too many coincidences to be mathematically possible. My mind went to "multiple meanings" and "Think mirror" in regards to the post that has "dog ate" (mirrored "ate dog"). Strange indeed. I didnt go any further than this, like I didnt look for time stamp coincidences or anything outside of what you see here. Thank you for the honest critique.