They are a group of doctors who hate government mandates. I learned about them during Covid when they wrote editorials and even placed full-page ads against mask mandates. Aside from this lawsuit and others they've done, they have lots of good resource links, including some detox protocol info.
Not too long ago, probably within the last few weeks, I believe RFK Jr & Musk announced they had set up an email for suggestions on reforming gov't. Does antibody have a link to it? I've searched here and generally googled/yandexed it, but can't find it anymore. Thanks.
Yes, it's long. But yes, it's really good.
Mostly nicotine, but also a lot of other medical lies covering things like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, some cancers, vaccines, covid protocols, the Great Salt Psyop lie and plenty more, all in plain English.
Dr. Ardis on Elijah Streams. Anons will remember Dr Ardis from a Stew Peters show designed and edited to make Ardis look like a kook. He's not. This interview will redeem him to people who listen, by putting a lot of good info in common sense terms. Worth a listen, whenever you have the time. I expected to turn it off after five minutes, but I've listened to the whole 90 minutes twice now. The link starts after the first 5 minutes of ads.
Personal anecdote: I avoided the covid jab, but got covid very bad in 2020: after overcoming the initial sickness it kept coming back, albeit with less severity. I did the wellness company's protocol and a couple other detox protocols, but only nicotine took care of it, for which I thank Dr Ardis.
Apologies for the video quality. If anybody can link to the original vid without the colorful & multilingual lettering it would be great.
But listening is worthwhile: Bosi has a great way of explaining things, and it's worth a listen for an explanation and reassurance of the plan at its current stage.
Ugly video here-
Edited to add cleaner video link, chased down and offered up by u/ChasingTruth.
My uncle. In his 90s. True patriot, salt o' the earth kind of guy. Helps his neighbors and anyone he'd meet. Led his county's volunteer sheriff, then town's police dept and fire dept for many years. Like a 2nd father to me. Never in the hospital his whole life until this month. Fall --> broken hip --> hospital--> rehab --> home --> fell again. Some anesthesia --> some forgetfulness /dementia --> now hospital wants to send him to hospice (?!), but say he's too fragile for the move and say he has little time left. Family gathering in hospital, your added prayers will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: He passed this evening, in peace and surrounded by loved ones, a blessing in itself. Thank you all for your prayers.
So I have a relative in the Hollywood biz, which is all gig work. Homewood is absolutely king of blackballing anyone with non-conforming views, not to mention their direct indoctrination and social pressure coercion for anyone bucking the latest thing, even at entry-level camera hauling and truck driving. Anyway, this relative is now on the Trump train, and it's only because RFK gave him the cover to do it.
The cover allows him to take RFK's medical freedom message (CA was a leader in the medical pot movement) and a few other deeply-respected leftist talking points like how big corporations are bad, and highlights of the Ds for their obvious hypocrisy and defend his position on Facebook despite the social pressure. He's mostly been non-political, and a based hippie type. RFK was on his radar, and brought him over. A few defenders in his social media crowd will blossom and grow. I expect more of this.
Fwiw, it's coming together, and it's working.
Los Angeles, specifically federal building in Westwood. About 40 people with big flags and big Kennedy - Shanahan signs.
I honked, but only because I was driving and couldn't stop and be like, "hey, you know he dropped out, right?" Gotta love the idealists who totally commit! They looked like fun folks.
My favorite sign they were carrying was "People Over Party." I honked some more for that one.
Kudos to Kennedy for instructing his organization to rally, and give the true idealists a choice in all the blue states!
I can't really advise anons to follow this guy because he mostly does guided meditations, but he has a number of good episodes about Q, and this is easily one of my favorites. For anyone who doesn't get how and why it had to be this way, check it out. Yes it's long at about an hour, but it'll only take you 5 minutes to decide if you like it or not. I found it easy to follow and listen to throughout.
Here's the link:
I'm blessed to welcome a new 8.5lb patriot anon, my first grandson, into the world tonight. Woo-hoo!
(And he's really truly anon, because they won't reveal his name til tomorrow.)
What a time to be born. He'll only know about the insanity of covid and facemasks from the stories told by old people, those crazy Q-tards, us hangovers from the time before the cabal fell ...
Makes me think of the chorus from "Born at the Right Time"
I'll be praising God tonight for this blessing, and you're all invited to join us in praise and to share the family's joy!
It's been a while since I posted about this group, and figured it was worth a reminder. One view of their website demonstrates that they take a strong stand.
The incoming President of the group recently signed a declaration in support of the group Doctors Protecting Children,
Also this week the group announced success of the lawsuit they filed against numerous medical boards that attempted to censor doctors and prevent them from speaking their conscience, using the 1st amendment to mate their case.
They've given a forum to doctors like Peter McCullough, and supported FLCCC. They've even taken out full-page ads to advocate against mask mandates and to support early covid treatments in the thick of controversy, as early as 2020. Other links on their page have other accomplishments, and their newsletter always has great opinion pieces and usually good recent science updates.
For anyone studying any covid-related issue from masks to specific cures, their articles are well-sourced and useful for researchers. They are not perfect, but they are patriots and fighting for freedom in their own way.
So here's the article:
Apart from universally condemning dog thieves, and being glad these brutes got caught, the interesting thing is that US Marshals got involved at all. To me it seems like another data point, albeit a small one, in federal oversight over local government, i.e., devolution. I've never heard of marshals being involved in local crime except in federal territories.
Frens, enlighten me if I'm just uninformed about the marshals role generally, or if this is as weird as I think it is. Thanks.
If you got the link, please share. I'm looking for the version 2.0, that includes a whole section on detox protocols among other things. Thanks!
For any newbies or skeptics, you need to read this. It could very easily be what Q means with the "would send 99% of people to the hospital" reference. It's distasteful to read, but it's pure socratic-question-driven logic.
TLDR: Feb 12.
Longer summary: Biden's gaffes aren't dementia, they're codes. Author backs it up with beyond-coincidence proofs, and informed (though not definitive) interpretations. Linked a few of the gaffes and other media comms to February 12th.
Here's the link:
Note that this fits nicely into the window of Trump's "we will take back our country within 5 months" statement given on 9/22/23 in his Summerville, SC rally. (See, among others for the 5-mo sauce.)
Author doesn't say how (like Trump SOTH --> Brunson case --> President, vs. Kamala resigns and Michelle gets VP then Biden returns, vs any of a million other scenarios), just highlights the date and justifies the reasoning as this particular Biden countdown is linked to a government collapse.
Could be wrong, like every other datefag so far. Q the "zero days" meme. But I like it.
Also: for those who've read the blogger before, it's worth pointing out that the blogger is using a much shorter format than the long twisty rabbit holes that form the majority of the blog. This one might be a 10-minute read or so.
Some of you may remember my post 8 months ago about my adult son going crazy. If not, it's here.
Anyway, I had thought I (and of course, he) was out of the woods, but the early symptoms of psychosis seem to be returning ... lack of sleep, forgetting common words, texts and writing that nobody can understand, and some increasingly manic behavior that is still very minor compared to what happened last year.
Obviously I'm jumping on it, trying to nip it in the bud, using the same treatment we used before ... frequent nebulized hydrogen peroxide and ivermectin, although I'm still waiting for the overseas mail order ivm to arrive. (Using paste in the meantime.) I'm adding in some vitamin D and foods with magnesium, given that this is around the same time of year as his peak symptoms last year.
I don't want to lose him, he's a good kid with a good heart. Except that last year he was more like an uncontrollable werewolf without the fur and fangs, and thankfully without hurting anyone though he came close. I am loathe to use antipsychotics, they totally zombified him for a time, dimming his spirit and body with a soulless drooling zombie effect. It's scary that a tiny pill can do that to a person. Hopefully it won't come to that.
Please join me in praying to God for a full recovery.
Thank you all.
I agree with him on this being the best way: pointing out the increasing absurdity of "the news" until they eventually crack, waking themselves up. But this guy articulates it far better than I, and it's a short read. Enjoy.
So I read one of the medical posts here on GAW about how a 7-day regimen of low-dose (7mg) nicotine patches could kick long covid. The post was actually a link to a long rumble video in which the key takeaway was the patch will alleviate all long-covid symptoms and was a good detox from the vax.
The video featured Dr Ardis. Anons will remember him from Stew Peter's "Watch the Water / Snake Venom Everywhere" hype. I personally think Stew is the clown waiting in line for when Alex Jones fades away, but I think Dr. Ardis is a good guy who was set up by Stew. Either way, I decided to research nicotine. Especially because (as many anons remember) cigarette smokers enjoyed protection from covid back when it was new in 2020 and honest doctors and reporters everywhere were shocked that a "respiratory disease" didn't get the smokers first.
Anyway, it turns out that tobacco, with its nicotine, has a long history of being used as an antiparasitic. So whether you like Dr. Ardis or not, detoxing with a 7mg patch each day for a week is a lot more convenient and cheaper than the other protocols I've seen (curcumin + bromelain + nattokinase twice daily, for example). From a number of other sources, 7mg appears low enough to not have to work about addiction.
Here are some studies. Obviously there's no shortage of puff pieces about how horrible smoking is, but feel free to read and think for yourself. Cheers!
And here's the original detox post that got me interested -
Ricardo Bosi, at 1:46. Much higher profile and known history than Halper-Hayes.
It was part of the 90 minute Q&A after a 30-min speech. It's all good, but the speech at the beginning is great to listen to, for those who don't know him. H/T u/magulq
Ramaswamy is looking like a Trump surrogate, an in-person version of il Donaldo. (Vivek Rama = VR = virtual reality?) I think he's a Q-operated & controlled Trojan horse to redpill the MSM watchers.
If tippy-top is too obvious, wait for comments and pick something good. Maybe he could find a reason to visit Peru, Illinois or something.