Are we under attack? Absolutely no coincidence that a plane from Kansas City (chiefs) crashes and then a plane from Philadelphia (eagles) crash. What is going on.


Hello wonderful Pedes! My sister in law has had three Covid vaxes that I know of. I have generally skimmed over any treatments/protocols for the vax because I’m not vaxed. She was sick and stayed home for a week a couple of weeks ago and now she is sick again. I’m very concerned because she is overweight and may be on BP meds. I have ivermectin and hydroxy that I can overnight to them. What else should she do? I’ve seen NAC. Any advice and prayers would be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.


My mother is in Ohio and I’m in NC. Her caregiver might have had Covid and now she is sick. She is 85 and is on dvt and BP meds. Her caregiver had to feed her dinner. She is in the ER. Please pray for her recovery!

Update #2 She is feeling better! Praise the Lord! They are keeping her until Monday. However, I happened onto her mychart and they had started her on remdisivir.!! Called and told them to take her off of it immediately. Luckily, she had only about 15 minutes and it takes up to 120 minutes. They do have her on zinc, vit.c and d. I’m going to try to get the quercetin over to her along with some other “homeopathic” medicine. Wink, wink.

Snarky doctor wrote in her mychart, and I quote “Patient and family refusing remdesivir for COVID 19.
No further recommendations as patient and family do not want this treated with current accepted and evidenced based therapy. ”

Thanks for all the prayers🩷🩷!



This is a commercial on TV being touted as the latest and greatest to save your children from the internet called Project Liberty. I’ve seen it twice now.

So, why can’t you click on any of the 25 people listed and get a bio? Because, they are all connected to the WEF. Here’s a link to the first person listed on the Project Liberty website. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/martina-larkin/

We only watch assorted reruns on non network channels. Yes, I’m sure these channels belong to some network, but at least we don’t have to watch “things” I prefer not to see. On occasion, my husband and I look at each other and chuckle because the clues are there in these shows and we always mute the commercials.

So sad, the devil is strong. Wake up people, turn to God for your and your families salvation!


Is it time to purchase a real mask? Any recommendations?


BREAKING: The FBI refuses to comply with House GOP subpoena for a key document in the Biden family criminal scheme.

The FBI appears to be hiding an FBI-generated FD-1023 form that was revealed by a whistleblower.

The form allegedly details an "alleged criminal scheme involving then-VP Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions."

The FBI responded to GOP requests with the following:

"Sensitive law enforcement materials, like FD-1023 Confidential Human Source Reporting forms (FD-1023) in which you have expressed interest, are critical to FBI’s faithful execution of federal law and protection of U.S. national security." 

"An FD-1023 is one of many forms the FBI uses to collect and catalog information for its law enforcement and national security work. This form is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting from a confidential human source. Reporting by confidential human sources is one important form of highly sensitive law enforcement information upon which the FBI relies to develop leads, assess the credibility of potential evidence and sources, build investigations, and take action to enforce the criminal law or protect national security."

Full 36 page House Oversight Committee repoert (oversight.house.gov) 🚔 Crime & Bidens 💸
posted ago by Musician4Trump ago by Musician4Trump
God bless the great awakening (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by Musician4Trump ago by Musician4Trump

Flying to Ohio and I charge my phone overnight, duh. Need to leave at 4:30 AM to catch my flight. Grab my phone off the charger heading out the door and it reads 100%. Get to the security check point after a 20 minute ride to the airport, pull out my phone to get my boarding pass and it reads 1% and powers off. Luckily didn’t need boarding pass. Tried to charge it while waiting for the flight and it goes up and down on percentages. Barely any power and huge connection issues trying to contact my ride on arrival. Get to destination, charge phone and no problem for 11 days until the day I leave. Same scenario except my flight didn’t leave until 8:30pm. Phone drained charge and would not charge during the day. Get back and phone charges to 100% and lasts all day off the charger. No problems. Flight info listed in calendar. Any thoughts? Anyone else had this happen?


When did 1-3 “ of snow constitute a winter storm warning. Not that I wish death and destruction on my fellow pedes, but when I was young, we walked to school in several inches of snow. My mother’s retirement community in my hometown just rushed them through Christmas dinner saying they have to get home. Finished by 6pm, Merry Christmas.


Maybe this has been discussed already, but here goes it. What if they let us win the house so we could get rid of sleepy Joe through the laptop? Heels up isn’t any better. So now what? Who would be VP? I’m sure it would depend on timing. How do we get a Trumper in as speaker? This doesn’t seem part of the plan based on Q drops unless I’m missing something. Thoughts?


God help us. Do you not realize WE are the red wave? MAGA got out the vote. We overwhelmed the cheat in many elections. Look to your local elections. WE took control. Don’t doom, take pride in your victories!


HELP! I’m on GA, telegram, and Truth Social. I appreciate telegram and GA for their ease of use. GA let’s me read what I want. Telegram let’s me listen/follow who I want which is few. My opinion, Truth is like the ADHD cousin. Maybe I’m not using it correctly. Maybe I should follow less people. Gregg Phillips says we should get off telegram. Maybe I should let my own discernment rule. God bless you all.


https://www.treasurydirect.gov/savings-bonds/i-bonds/ Can anyone give their thoughts, info, or advice on this. My mother has a considerable amount of money in the stock market and she is in need of 24/7 home care which is expensive. Thankfully we have a company that provides a live in that only has 12 hours a week off. GOD bless her. Obviously the stock market is tanking and she is taking a hit. I don’t know how to advise her.


I have been accepted as an election official. I am excited to serve but I am not sure what capacity I will be working. Anybody have any advice as to what I should be watching for? I am not sure the shenanigans happen at the polls here in NC, but any advice would be appreciated. No, I will not be confronting people or calling them out, just being watchful. Thanks in advance. WWG1WGA!


On March 24, 2017, Trenga was the first federal judge to rule in favor of the Trump administration's executive order that limits travel from six Muslim-majority countries.[6]

On May 16, 2019, Trenga re-incarcerated whistleblower Chelsea Manning, holding her in contempt after she refused to testify before a federal grand jury, adding the threat of daily fines up to $500 after 30 days and $1,000 after 60 days. This came a week after Manning was freed from 62 days of incarceration for the same offense before another federal grand jury.[7]

On September 4, 2019, Trenga ruled that the United States government's watchlist of “known or suspected terrorists” violates the constitutional rights of those listed on it.[8]

On September 24, 2019, Trenga set aside the conviction of Bijan Khan, business partner of Donald Trump's former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, on acting as an agent for a foreign power without notifying the Justice Department. Flynn was found guilty and was awaiting sentencing in his own foreign power lobbying case.[9]

On March 12, 2020, Trenga rescinded his prior order imprisoning whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who had attempted to kill herself the day before.[10] Trenga ordered that Manning pay $256,000 in fines that had accumulated over the course of her confinement.[11]

Pandemic 2.0 one trick pony! (bioclandestine.substack.com)
posted ago by Musician4Trump ago by Musician4Trump

After a deeper dive on the impeachment debacle, the webs of corruption are more intertwined than I thought. Ukraine is the keystone. Ukraine has the goods on EVERYTHING.

Back in November 2019, Trump was speaking in an hour long interview on Fox and Friends. He claimed the DNC hid the server with a company in UKRAINE. See quote below:

“A lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine. They have the server, right? From the DNC ... they gave the server to CrowdStrike — or whatever it’s called — which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian, and I still want to see that server. You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That’s a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?”

This is a rhetorical question from Trump. Of course he and Military Intelligence knew everything behind closed doors, but as soon as he publicly started talking about Ukraine, the Dems launched their impeachment scam, shortly followed by releasing C19 on the world just a month later, and thus they were able to hijack the narrative, and everyone forgot about the Dems’ dirty dealings in Ukraine.

2.5 years later, with more pieces to the puzzle, we can see the DNC set up an entire puppet government in Ukraine and have been using the nation as a proxy to carry out acts of global bioterrorism. Now it makes more sense as to why they sent the crowdstrike server to Ukraine, because Ukraine was a proxy government fully subservient to the Deep State. Fully outside the scope of US government oversight and jurisdiction, yet still in control of the Deep State players.

Ukraine was clearly the Deep State stronghold for the DNC. All the dirty shit they couldn’t get away with here in America, they just sent it to Ukraine. Just like they did with the Crowdstrike server, human trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, unethical medical experimentation, biological weapons production. Just send it over to Ukraine, and the US government can’t do anything about it without using military force.

Now it’s starting to make more sense as to why specifically the Democratic politicians in the US were the ones most concerned that Russia might move into Ukraine. As well as to why, out of nowhere, the left-wing and globalist politicians worldwide began publicly worshipping Ukraine. Why Joe Biden and the US establishment are sending tens of billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine. Why the western media complex wants you to believe Putin is literally Hitler.

All of it is because they are desperately clinging to power, and Ukraine is the stronghold for all of their Deep State activity since around 2014. Ukraine is the Deep State Keystone.

For those that don’t know the definition, see below:

keystone noun

-the most important part of a plan, idea, etc. on which everything else depends:

If Ukraine falls, the Deep State falls. Putin is gunning for the head of the snake.


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