We must win. Anyone who has skills, materials or cash either owes us for the war effort or we owe the mission and are ethically obligated to take it and to kill anyone who has anything to say about it. I don't see this Colonel Kurtz clarity or purity among anyone on our team.
In 2010 when i was aware of social credit amd facial recognition technology and observed our inescapable wifi and video feed dungeon, i was a "kook" and "blerha blerg CoNsPiRaCy."
Then Snowden. Now instead of "blerha blerg CoNsPiRaCy" it's "everybody knows that, so what?"
All of his running and hiding and headlines and data and all he did was change the normy mind from "they aren't listening" to "ssssshh, they're listening." Objective of the operation.
Contrast w Bradley Manning. He exposed war crimes for which a Durham-style series of indictments would have ended the war and hung th Bush administration.
One they tortured and turned into a girl. The other one is played by J Gordon Levitt in a popular and hyped movie.
So far I've literally only read win after win. Deep in my unconscious there's an emergent respect for and trust in courts and judges and laws.
Yeah fucking RIGHT right? Gettin played i think
Another lovely day totally ruined No chem trails under Trump. Since normies don't acknowledge their existence why would they resume this program?
Wha do i do to prevent this travesty? I woke feeling sad and demoralized.
Among my friends on the Right, im the only one or in some cases among a small few that:
-listens to classical music and opera bc he likes it
read anything from the classical era. None of these fucking savages have ever even read The Civil or Gallic Wars.
learned a language beyond English so that they can communicate w people around them
reads poets and writes poems
dances. There's probably variation in this one w that cowboy dancing when you go west but Right wing men on the east coast don't dance
knows general historical figures and trends, narratives and legends from the west
learned to/still practices fighting bc free men are also dangerous. Theres an exception here w some Vets but the idea of fighting is always for them married to government service and not just a regular manly duty
We have a shit culture in America even w all of the free info on the internet. The Right really needs to rediscover its roots in class and explore our neglected and ceded inheritance. We really do suck when you honestly look at our team.
I have Leftist friends because a lot of them actually do those things and share those interests.
DJT won all 50 states. America longs for the traitors' deaths, languishes for it, cries out for it, votes for it.
Assuredly the ghoul class isn't fooled if people like Hillary were in Gitmo. They'd know all over within 48 hours. So why lie? Retard level delusion inconsistent w any awakening
Someone got a list?
However it shakes out tonight, this is a different environment than any time ive been alive. Regular ass granny voters are receptive when i talk about UN Protocol and treaties, project mockingbird, the whole thieving evil game is up for debate and open to discussion. Very exhilirating time and place
Move the fuck along kids, you've been duped.
What was that about? This train is getting spooky vibes to me and i am uncomfortable
Obviously some had Halloween masks but only 1 covidian among hundreds of faces in NJ here. Holy land!
Is it to open "transohobic" internet activity in a different data mine?
It's based on me at orientation noticing that theres a morality clause to our employment contract, and i expressed concern, said "well..i violate 'the community's' moral standards...has anyone ever been terminated under this clause?"
Retards. This is among the reasons i strongly believe in presumed innocence and generally sympathize w the accused
I am way better at getting people to open up than that woman in the Murphy campaign video. I'm multilingual too and have a long nurtured legitimate reputation in both county committee GOP circles and millennial counter culture lefty circles depending on my hat and outfit.
I saw a state Senate strawman candidates dick once in a minor scandal bc despite my deep RP r3volution roots I am a good schmoozer and even black hat peripherals trust my roguish affect
Fakest news ever: how do you not apply the same lens with which you focus on DS infiltrations and propaganda and mind control and brain washing, and then forget that's a perspective if it's media from a thousand years ago? 2000, 4000 whatever
The landmass that formerly bridged the east and west. I see people are suspicious of a Chinese connection but if it's a global GA then we'll hafta share a social network. Facebook for people who say "fuck facebook" is a global demand. Big deal makers have been chewing up the data for a decade now so maybe some of them are Chinese.
I am guilty of this myself and i apologise. So i am clarifying now. Fence sitters are not normies. Normies are worthless mouths that need to be treated as children. Among those outside the Alliance sort though are millions of people who DO have education and critical skills and so they're rightly suspicious of any movement or organized or unified resistance; they know that the piece of shit fbi deliberately destroyed all capacity for that by 1980.
All structures of human power and status should be examined and analyzed and understood. The Right is crippled by their unwillingness or inability to apply a critical lens to their own structures. I know literally dozens of worthless, shit eating white people of no special moral, economic, or cultural value; their grandfathers though benefited from racist hiring and economic policy that just left piles of wealth and land for their worthless heirs. Same time i know many blacks who are from decent, honest, hard working families that inherit debt and poor living conditions as a direct consequence of Hoover and the piece of shit FBIs war on black america.
I have a friend, he's a volunteer fireman, and until last year they never had a black guy. So the new black guy was looking through their chats and social media and found shockingly racist stuff and it was a thing.
My friend, and all of the conservatives at work, defended it, doubled down, AND acted like it's of no consequence.
Any small town American knows how influential a volunteer fire Department is: they all drive drunk for example, but because the hillbilly racist trash townie cops are related to and enmeshed with the fire department, they get kindly warnings. Blacks with no such connections literally do not have equal protection under the law.
I don't know what to call examination of things like this except race critical thinking. I am equally interested in gender critical theory, and class. Why would any liberty minded person NOT wish to understand how this or that absurd falsehood contributes to a citizen's degradation and oppression?
I say faggot too; it means a cruel coward who enjoys safety from some crueler monster: hall monitors, informants, doctors, cops and such. When anons use it to mean Gay i think that's gross.
There are no heterosexual reasons to have any feelz about a man's sexuality. No one irl except closet homos care
Not really but so the fuck what if i was in a video where girls pee on me? Im tempted to do so because no one would care and it's in no way nefarious or criminal or wrong
What kinda stupid, technical, snivelling shit is that? Why do Q people own the idea of anonymity and independent research? Anyone doing investigative criticism without doxxing themselves can be called an anon, then there's the Q follower ones.
Even if not so what? It's such a petulant and distasteful thing to argue and whenever i see it i shudder.
I purposely didnt mention them to anyone bc of my shame at having spread hopium in the past. Was i right to set the table for another nothingburger?
I've had a smart phone since like 2016. I don't use Facebook and shit w it but still i often carry it. I'm a peripheral underground scenester sort, black market connections all over the State and everywhere i vacation. Im unwittingly data mining for years, making connections for bots to ping. I think about this all the time and really hope PANIC
Anecdote here: just today my neighbor had a heart attack. He's like 46, clean living Christian drinks occasionally. He is one of the fittest men i know, always doing volunteer handy work for neighborhood grannies and shit. His day job is in health care though. In sure he is jabbed.
Then we had a lil party tonight and met some new people. Friends bf im just meeting says a 21 year old guy at his job, athletic, just died at work today.
Last weekend a different neighbor had a heart attack. Saw the ambo and the followup cardio car on their doorstep, saw him out flat on the porch.
I can't believe! This is happening. It's incredible. I have been kinda skeptical of vaccine injury as i was of covid death but it's just piling on around me.