Who didn't see this one coming? Once they know that they can get away with it once they will continue to do so for all future elections until something is done.
Is this whole GME thing related in the massive bump in Dogecoin?
Soo mad, who hurt you?
Why you sad mad? Its okay if you're fat, just do some some ups
Imagine being soo impodent and insecure that you spend all your time creeping on a forum while your mommy heats up your hotpockets. Wait you don't have to imagine that you are the living imbodiment of that
What a sad little Virgin
Been creeping on the forums for alittle over a week now, finally felt compelled to register about 5 minutes ago to do my part to counter the shills, and trolls. But I have to agree.
Please no new posts or comments for atleast 24 hours
Fairly positive this one is not a real story. The currently installed administration isn't THAT stupid