I need help finding 2 videos please. Trying to redpill an old friend that has turned against Trump, he has fallen for the fake news narritive.

  1. Where the dems made threats like "fight like hell."

  2. One showing that the "insurrection" started before Trump ended his speech.


Does anyone know the ancient building/wall that fell when Trump took office?


For those who think Donald Trump did not keep his promise when he said he was going to drain the swamp, well thats what he is doing right now. All the cockroaches and rats are coming to rhe surface, exposing themselves, making plays against him and our country. I believe the military stepped in in 2016 and suppressed the cheating so he could win and then let them cheat in 2020, part of the plan to drain the swamp. Brilliant!

Post vaccine treatment help. 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by New2me ago by New2me

I saw a post a few days ago about a doctor in Alabama successfully treating vaccine injuries. Does anyone have a link. I have a friend that just told me that he had a medical emergency. I am currently looking for that post but havent found it yet.


Does anyone know the real reason for the OKC bombing back in the 90s?


I thought i saw something yesterday that the Supreme Court was giving opinions today. Did anyone else see that? I havent seen anything from the court posted here today.

Anybody got a sensible redpilling video on chemtrails?


And had them capitulate


Is Sputnik a reliable source?

I have tried to watch videos on Bitchute but cannot get the videos to unmute. I am using a Samsung phone and each time I touch the video icon in the video with the x through it the word "unmute" appears but does nothing when selected.

Eruption in Hawaii (www.reuters.com)
posted ago by New2me ago by New2me

Light going forward. Praise and honor and glory to God forevermore. Father I pray for our nation and the nations of the world. Please cover us with your GLORY. I pray for the safety of those that are in harms way for the furtherance of your kingdom. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord, that we may see you. I ask these things in the MIGHTY NAME of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.


Just heard on fox news that the national guard in all states are being deployed for riot control following a potential supreme court ruling on Roe vs. Wade.


I saw somewhere that a certain mouthwash helps to prevent replication of the virus in the mouth. I think it was ACT. Does anyone know?


I have heard several today and they are still coming.


Williams entire network is down.


I believe that after the Russia/Ukraine mess is over, we will learn that it is tied to Bill Gates, the DoD, and maybe others.


Some time ago I saw a link or screenshot of a chart showing populations of countries of years past and a significant decrease in population around 2026. Does anyone know where i can find that again. Thank you in advance for taking the time.

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