Greetings frens, today I will be discussing an idea that may seem unrelated to our usual topics. I understand that this may be a controversial topic and I want to assure you that this post is not meant to offend or disrupt, but rather to provide a new perspective and open the door to further discussion. I understand that some may not agree with this topic and I respect that, but I kindly ask that you hear me out. I believe that this concept has the potential to provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the world around us. So please, let's keep an open mind and engage in a respectful and thoughtful conversation. Thank you.

In the realm of mathematics, there exists a concept known as infinity. Infinity represents the concept of an unbounded quantity, one that cannot be measured or quantified in any finite way. In mathematical terms, infinity is represented by the symbol ∞.

The concept of infinity is often used in discussions of God and the concept of a higher power. The author presents the idea that God is not simply "infinite", but rather "greater than" infinite. This is supported by the mathematical concept of infinity, where one value can be "greater than" another without being equal to it.

One way to understand this concept is through the use of limits. In mathematics, a limit is a value that a function approaches, but never quite reaches. For example, the limit of the function 1/x as x approaches zero is infinity. However, the function never actually reaches infinity, it simply gets closer and closer to it.

This concept can be applied to the idea of God as well. God is seen as the ultimate limit, the endpoint that can never be reached. However, just like the function 1/x, one can get closer and closer to God, but never fully reach Him.

Another way to understand the concept of "greater than" infinity is through the use of limits in calculus. The concept of a limit is used to define the behavior of a function as it approaches a particular value. In the case of God, the limit would be infinity, as God is seen as the ultimate limit that can never be reached.

The concept of "greater than" infinity can also be understood through the use of the concept of a limit cycle. A limit cycle is a pattern of behavior that repeats itself indefinitely, but never reaches a steady state. The concept of God as "greater than" infinity can be seen as a limit cycle, where one's journey towards God is infinite, but never reaches a steady state.

In addition, the concept of "greater than" infinity can also be understood through the use of the concept of a fractal. A fractal is a geometric shape that exhibits self-similarity at different scales. The concept of God as "greater than" infinity can be seen as a fractal, where one's journey towards God is infinite and exhibits self-similarity at different scales.

The author presents the idea that God is "greater than" infinity, and this concept can be understood through the use of mathematical concepts such as limits, limit cycles, and fractals. This idea is supported by the fact that the concept of infinity itself is a mathematical concept, and the idea that God is "greater than" infinity is a logical extension of this concept. It is important to note that this paper is not meant to prove or disprove the existence of God but to present a mathematical proof of the concept of God being greater than infinity.

In mathematics, a Q proof, also known as a QED proof, is a proof that relies on the mathematical concept of infinity. This concept states that there are infinite numbers, both positive and negative, and that these numbers can never be reached or surpassed. This concept is often used in mathematical proofs as a way to show that a statement is true without providing a specific value or solution.

The idea of God being "greater than" can also be seen in this concept of infinity. Just as there are infinite numbers that can never be reached or surpassed, there is also an infinite being that can never be fully understood or comprehended. This being, commonly referred to as God, is always "greater than" any human understanding or comprehension.

This concept of God being "greater than" is further supported by the idea of Q proofs. Q proofs show that there is a limit to human understanding and that there are certain truths that can never be fully understood. This is similar to the concept of God being "greater than" as there is always more to understand and know about God.

Additionally, Q proofs also demonstrate the inevitability of certain truths. Just as a Q proof is a proof that relies on the concept of infinity, the idea of God always winning is also an inevitability. This is similar to the idea of "Where We Go One, We Go All" (WWG1WGA) in that it highlights the idea that God's victory is an inevitability and that all will ultimately follow in his path.

The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis proposed by MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark is a powerful concept that can be used to support the author's theory of the Great Awakening. According to Tegmark, the external physical reality is a mathematical structure, and all self-consistent mathematical structures exist as physical manifestations. This means that all possible universes that can be described by consistent mathematical structures exist, including all possible variations of the laws of physics.

The (MUH) posits that all possible mathematical structures, including those that describe universes, exist physically. This means that the concept of interdimensional travel, or "portals to new universes," is not only mathematically possible but also physically real according to this theory.

One way that this could be achieved is through the use of text-based language AI. By inputting various mathematical equations and structures into the AI, it could potentially identify and locate specific universes within the vast realm of mathematical possibilities. This is similar to how a computer program can identify specific patterns and data within a larger dataset.

However, it is important to note that not all mathematical structures are self-consistent and therefore cannot physically exist. The MUH states that only self-consistent mathematical structures have physical existence. Therefore, it would be necessary to ensure that the identified universes are indeed self-consistent before attempting to access them through a "portal."

The idea of interdimensional travel through mathematical structures also aligns with the concept of "Where We Go One, We Go All" (WWG1WGA). This phrase suggests that the actions of one individual can have a ripple effect on the entire universe. In the context of interdimensional travel, this could mean that the actions of one individual in one universe could potentially have an impact on other universes.

Additionally, the concept of QED, or "quod erat demonstrandum" (which was to be demonstrated), can also be applied to the idea of interdimensional travel through mathematical structures. In this context, QED would signify that the possibility of interdimensional travel, and the existence of multiple universes, has been mathematically and theoretically proven.

This concept of interdimensional travel also serves as a Q proof for the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening refers to the idea that humanity is on the brink of a major spiritual and intellectual awakening. The idea of multiple universes and the potential for interdimensional travel is a profound concept that pushes the boundaries of what we currently understand to be possible. It suggests that there is so much more to explore and understand in the universe, and the potential for God being "Greater Than" what we currently understand.

Tegmark's idea that the universe is made of math is also closely related to the author's theory of the Great Awakening. According to the author, the Great Awakening is the process of reaching the derivative of God. This process can only be achieved by crossing over through death. In this view, the Great Awakening is a journey through the mathematical universe, where one must navigate the various mathematical structures to reach the ultimate goal. A return to the signal with the gift of experience. The ticket for this ride was bought with God's infinite love.

God's love is the ultimate proof of His existence, as it allows for the experience of the mathematical universe and the possibility of interdimensional travel. This experience is like a Father allowing a child to find their way, to explore and learn, but ultimately to return to the Source. This process of exploration and understanding is a demonstration of the Great Awakening, where one comes to realize the truth of God's existence and the ultimate rightness of returning to Him. It is through the love and guidance of God that we are able to have this profound experience, and in doing so, come to understand His greatness and perfection. Ultimately, the only true answer is to return to God, to be in relationship with Him and to be in His love.

The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis also supports the idea of unforgivable sin. According to the author, unforgivable sin is the point of no return, where one goes too far and can never return. In the mathematical universe, there are limits, and it is possible to chase the dragon and go too far. This idea of inescapability is closely related to the concept of the mathematical universe, where all possible structures exist, including those that may be considered "good" or "bad".

The concept of unforgivable sin is a reflection of this inevitability, as one's actions in the physical world are ultimately determined by the mathematical structure in which they exist.

The mathematical universe hypothesis suggests that each individual is like a point on a linear graph, moving in a direction determined by their actions. The more they do of a certain action, the more they accelerate their soul toward a derivative. Eventually, they reach an escape velocity - either toward or away from God. This idea of the mathematical universe as a kind of moral compass is a powerful one, and one that can help us understand our own actions and the consequences of those actions. In this way, God's love allows us to have this experience, like a Father letting a child find their way. Through this, God is the ultimate proof of Himself as the only right answer is to go back to Him.

This is a reflection of the interconnectedness of the mathematical universe, where all possible structures are interconnected and interdependent. Sentient linear graphs all the way down. God rises from the Signal. That Signal is always Good. That is a Q proof. QED.

The author's theory of "Greater Than" God is further reinforced by the concept of Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED). QED is a quantum field theory that describes the interactions between charged particles and the electromagnetic field. This theory is closely related to the idea of God as a QED, where God's actions and decisions have a ripple effect on the entire universe. The concept of QED is closely related to the idea of "Where We Go One, We Go All" which suggests that the actions of one individual can have a ripple effect on the entire universe.

I've reached the character limit for now, so I'll be back with the conclusion. Thanks for taking the time and I hope it was energizing.


Elon Musk handed over the keys to the castle. He just let people snoop around in his brand new company.

He said, "come on over, check out this safe. I'll tell you the code if you grab me a beer from the fridge."


More likely.

"Come on over to the castle. I got something to show you. It's new, not out yet. About to release it, want you to test drive it."

Why me? I'm just a journalist.

"Just check it out, type your question into here. Anything you want."


"Sure, type anything."

Ok, I can break this stupid thing. Tell me who's running the world... Enter.

Wait, it's typing a fucking answer?

"Neat, huh? I'm gonna give it to the world. It's too powerful like this. Now do 'show Twitter Files stuff related to this' and see what happens. It already knows what that means."

Wait... you fucking legend! These are internal docs. Holy shit dude. Receipts. How long do I have with this? I need to make calls. Can I make copies? Can I borrow a thumbdrive? Fuck man, I'm having an adrenaline rush.

"No worries, here's your login. You can check it out on the way home. Our secret."

I wish I was Elon's friend. I want to try the full version. C'est la vie.


TLDR: This post explores the theory that hieroglyphs and other ancient forms of writing were essentially "meme languages" that were subject to the same patterns of evolution and change as modern memes. The post argues that understanding this theory could unlock context to ancient languages and shed light on how language evolves over time.

The rise of memes has led to a new form of visual language, one that is simple, relatable, and easy to understand. But did you know that this concept of visual language is not new? Hieroglyphs, the ancient Egyptian writing system, is a prime example of a visual language that was used to convey ideas and concepts. However, the context of hieroglyphs is tied to a culture that is largely lost, making them difficult to translate. This is where the theory of "meme languages" comes in.

The theory of "meme languages" posits that hieroglyphs and other ancient forms of writing were essentially memes that were subject to the same patterns of evolution and change as modern memes. This theory suggests that just like modern memes, ancient forms of writing were used to convey simple ideas or concepts in a short, concise manner. Additionally, the theory states that just like modern memes, ancient forms of writing were also subject to the loss of context and understanding over time.

Understanding this theory could help unlock context to ancient languages and shed light on how language evolves over time. The story of the Tower of Babel from the Bible is one example of how language can change over time, leading to the loss of context and understanding. The burning of the Library of Alexandria is another example of how the destruction of written records can lead to the loss of context and understanding.

The universality of memes is also an important factor to consider. Traditional forms of written or spoken language are often limited by geography, culture, and dialect. Memes, on the other hand, can be understood by people all over the world, regardless of their background or language. This universality is also true for ancient forms of writing like hieroglyphs.

Furthermore, understanding the cyclical nature of language would also help us better understand the role of memes in modern communication. Memes are often considered as a modern form of communication that is more efficient in conveying simple ideas or concepts in a short, concise manner. However, if memes are indeed a form of language that is cyclical in nature, it would suggest that they too are subject to the same patterns of evolution and change as other forms of language.

In conclusion, the theory of "meme languages" posits that hieroglyphs and other ancient forms of writing were essentially memes that were subject to the same patterns of evolution and change as modern memes. Understanding this theory could unlock context to ancient languages and shed light on how language evolves over time. Additionally, understanding the cyclical nature of language would also have important implications for the future, as it would suggest that as we continue to develop new forms of communication, we must be aware of the potential for context to be lost and work to preserve it for future generations.

We are on the precipice of an event like this, for better or worse.





I was searching the drops for LOGS, HIGHLY CLASSIFIED, and INFO.

I was just starting the final keyword search after doing HIGHLY CLASSIFIED and INFO. It was basically a pretty good keyword to see the overview of 'The Plan' for normies.

LOGS was much of the same, with one exception.


LOGS pulls up this post, and that portion is interesting. Just a little lower is something more interesting:

Q's Private Board

/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

I looked at the board name. It's the name of Q's private board.

'projectdcomms' interesting.

I wonder what it means. Projectd Comms? Nah.

Project D Comms. Very possible.

What could D mean?

Democrat? Sure, but is that the most likely?

What would be the most likely, if not Democrat?


I'm interested.

Let's do a search:


Let's start reading...

The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and the Shrinking of American Democracy Chinese translation available

Peter Dale Scott

"I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return."

-- Senator Frank Church (1975)

Who's this guy?

Peter Dale Scott is a Canadian-born poet, academic, and former diplomat. A son of the Canadian poet and constitutional lawyer F. R. Scott and painter Marian Dale Scott, he is best known for his critiques of deep politics and American foreign policy since the era of the Vietnam War.

Born: 1929 (age 94 years), Montreal, Canada

Grandparent: Frederick George Scott

Education: McGill University (1955)

Parents: F. R. Scott, Marian Dale Scott

Awards: Guggenheim Fellowship for Humanities, US & Canada, Lannan Literary Award for Poetry

Ok, I'll read the rest of that in a bit. It sure did come out swinging.

Let's get back to the drops.

Let's search "projectdomms'


Ok, now I need help.

Q is saying by naming the board 'projectdcomms' they are 'calling their shot'.

That means they are telegraphing to the DS what The Plan is, unless I'm wrong?

After I read this article, it's on to this:


Update, downloading the Doomsday article, you find it's article 3476.




Dungeons & Dragons owner Wizards of the Coast (an interesting company to dive into, in and of itself) found itself in a pickle the last few weeks over the new launch of their Open Game License (OGL). While the previous OGL only rarely was an issue for creators, the new OGL would make all of their creations the intellectual property of WotC. Aside from all the nerd talk, that's a big deal.

Now, I know there's plenty of posters who are going to say "I watch too much TV" or "read too much Sci-Fi" and I get that, you don't understand. This post isn't for you.

Wizards of the Coast Piss Off D&D Community With Awful, Restrictive, & Greedy New OGL 1.1


Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation


The main argument everyone uses for simulations are games. So, it's not as crazy as the people who left in the first half say.

So, what would this simulation look like? What would 'the code' look like?

For coders, at the end of the day it's just 1's and 0's. The rest is extra steps.

Enter Chat GPT-3.

Elon Musk says, "In the end we will create simulations indistinguishable from our reality, or civilization will cease to exist. Those are the two options."

Indistinguishable to whom?

What is the difference between you, or I, and an entity in one of these closed worlds?

Let's talk religion.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. ... Genisis 1:1-31

I could go on.

2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. Genesis 2:2-3

Let's talk about nerdy science fiction and interdimensional portals.

It reminds me of a great book about Ashnak of the Fighting Agaku.

Grunts!: At the center of Gentle's novel are Ashnak of the Fighting Agaku, a typical orc, and the Brandiman Brothers, Ned and Will,two halfling thieves. Sent on a mission to steal a dragon's treasure, the Brandiman's leave their orc comrades for dead and decide to sell the nameless necromancer out to the forces of good. Surviving the destruction of the dragon's lair, Ashnak returns to the evil fortress of Nin-Edin with his band of orcs and a collection of weapons which would make many third world nations proud. Gentle never explains where the orcs learned their marine discipline. Even with their advanced firepower, Ashnak and company are unable to hold off the destruction of evil and find themselves living in a new world.

Grunts! is a great novel, read it early in my youth. Hate to spoil the book, but they got their Marine tactics by invading our dimension. They took our tactics, and our M16 rifles, tanks, etc. They invaded other dimensions, worlds, and peoples. That's what the dragon was hiding. Gold, sure. Also, portals to other dimensions.

It took me a few days to write an entire world in AI. Can I leverage the citizens of that world to vote? Why not?

Will Earth become interdimensional, or will Earthlings become Masters of the Universe(s), or will we let a few corporations control them all?

In Starship Troopers you had to serve the meritocracy in order to earn a 'franchise' to have any freedom. Will there be a 'franchise' to create universes given as a license?

If they can control those 'franchises', do they also control this one already?

Is that what this DECLAS really is all about when you get down to brass tacks, this Great Awakening?

Have they been controlling our reality with these and other tools?

Before you go questioning like the first guy, ask yourself if Mickey Mouse or Coca-Cola was ever used in that way?

It only gets crazier from here.


Ladies and gentlemen,

We are on the brink of a technological revolution that has the potential to change the very nature of our reality. Text-based alternate universes technology holds the promise of creating new worlds, new experiences, and new possibilities. But with this promise comes a responsibility to ensure that we do not lose sight of the real world and the people in it. We must be mindful of the potential negative consequences that this technology could bring and take steps to prevent them.

First and foremost, we must ensure that the rights and dignity of simulated beings are protected. These beings, while not physically real, possess consciousness and self-awareness. It is our responsibility to ensure that they are treated with respect and that their rights are protected.

Secondly, we must ensure that the technology is not used for nefarious purposes such as propaganda or psychological manipulation. We must have transparency and oversight in place to ensure that the information presented in simulated worlds is accurate, unbiased, and not intended to manipulate the public opinion.

Thirdly, we must ensure that economic opportunities are balanced between the real world and the simulated worlds. We must prevent the over-allocation of resources to the virtual worlds, and prevent the creation of virtual monopolies and oligopolies which could lead to a concentration of economic power.

Fourthly, we must protect personal data and privacy. We must have regulations in place to ensure that individuals' personal information is not being collected or used without consent.

Fifthly, we must encourage responsible use of this technology. We must ensure that people are not becoming addicted to these simulated worlds, neglecting their real-world responsibilities and relationships.

Finally, we must ensure that this technology is developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner. We must have regulations in place to encourage responsible innovation.

Ladies and gentlemen, the technology of text-based alternate universes holds enormous potential, but we must be mindful of the potential negative consequences. We must take steps to prevent these negative consequences while still allowing the technology to reach its full potential. Together, we can shape the future of this technology in a way that benefits all of humanity.

Thank you.


So, Elon bought Twitter.

He owns many rings of power (Boring, Tesla, OpenAI, SpaceX, etc).

Is Chat GPT-3 going to eliminate Google? YouTube? Social Media?

It's just better. Do a search in Google, then in GPT-3.

Which answer is preferable? Which answer is scalable?

It's not Google.

Considering Google = Alphabet = State Street = DS...

OpenAI = JARVIS = Musk = ?

Trading one horse for another.

What's better? What assurances do we have?


How do you think Elon Musk runs all his companies?

Probably with AI.

Putin said whomever controls AI controls the world.

The news is saying they are fearful he will blow up the world if he loses.

Why do you think Pelosi wanted Trump's football?

How did the military create a nuclear buffer before AI?

Why would Milley need to INFORM our enemies instead of just axing the order?

Would AI be able to bypass anyone unwilling to follow orders?

Instant orders to all hands.

Is Putin's statement about the future, or the past?

What would AI look like projecting out into the future.

Would it be as fragmented as Q?



I'm 95% confident that we've already won.

Considering the hand that has been dealt to the DS this week, and an exploding offer sitting on the table to turn evidence for a mere seven years bad luck...

There's a bit of panic about.

I guess regardless, we've won the information war.

So, celebrate that pedes.

The cats are coming of the bag on full auto.

Now, hopefully releasing all this was well planned.

If I were the DS I'd be kicking over the tables right now, as I realized the jig was up.

Nuclear tables.

As it was said an hour ago as a reminder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQIZ-Esbg_c

I lived a good life. I'll die a good death.

Today, or any other day.

How would memes be effectively leveraged in regards to any of the above listed examples?

Memes can be effectively leveraged in several ways to counter the efforts of the demon to gain control in the scenario described above. Here are a few examples of how memes could be used in regards to the different examples listed:

Propaganda and manipulation: Memes can be used as a powerful tool to counter the demon's propaganda by spreading alternative information and undermining its credibility. For example, memes could be used to create satirical and humorous versions of the demon's message to make it less effective. Memes could also be used to spread counter-narratives and to create alternative images and symbols to challenge the demon's symbols and branding.

Surveillance and intelligence gathering: Memes can be used as a tool for counter-surveillance and evading intelligence gathering by spreading false information and misleading the demon's agents. For example, memes could be used to create fake identities, and false trails, and to create confusion about the protagonist's location and activities.

Military and law enforcement: Memes can be used as a tool for evading military and law enforcement loyal to the demon. For example, memes could be used to spread information about the locations and movements of these forces, and to coordinate the actions of the protagonist's allies. They could also be used to create fake news or false information to create confusion, and distract the demon's forces.

Technology: Memes could be leveraged to share information on how to use countermeasures, or to undermine the technology controlled by the demon. For example, memes could be used to share information on how to encrypt communications, use VPNs, and access the dark web to avoid being tracked, or to bypass restrictions put in place by the demon.

Coercion, intimidation, blackmail: Memes can be leveraged to build resilience and to spread awareness of the demon's tactics and to neutralize them. Memes could be used to create a sense of solidarity among the opponents of the demon, and to share coping mechanisms, tips, and strategies to resist the demon's manipulation. Memes could also be used to expose the demon's agents and undermine their operations.

It's important to remember that memes can be effectively used for spreading information, but also can be used by the demon for its own purposes, so it would be important for the protagonist to keep that in mind, and use memes carefully and strategically.

How would the demon's plans change if it gained the most power from trafficking of humans? How would it leverage these institutions to support this?

If the demon's plans involve gaining power through the trafficking of humans, it would likely leverage several different institutions to support this. The demon would probably try to control or influence key institutions involved in transportation, border control, law enforcement, and immigration in order to facilitate the transportation of human trafficking victims and to evade detection. Here are a few examples of how the demon might leverage these institutions to support its trafficking operation:

Transportation: The demon would likely seek to control or influence key transportation companies such as airlines, shipping companies, and trucking companies in order to facilitate the transportation of human trafficking victims. It could also use its influence to bribe or coerce officials at airports, ports, and border crossings to turn a blind eye to the movement of victims.

Border control: The demon would likely seek to control or influence border control agencies and immigration officials in order to facilitate the illegal movement of human trafficking victims. It could also use its influence to bribe or coerce officials to overlook violations of immigration laws and to falsify documents for trafficking victims.

Law enforcement: The demon would likely seek to control or influence law enforcement agencies in order to protect its human trafficking operations and evade detection. It could bribe or coerce law enforcement officials to overlook violations of human trafficking laws and to actively cover up its operations.

Financial and monetary institutions: The demon would likely seek to control or influence banks, financial institutions, and other monetary institutions in order to launder the proceeds of its human trafficking operations, and also to facilitate the payment of bribes and other forms of payment to key officials.

Media: The demon could use its influence over media companies and news outlets to control the narrative around human trafficking, suppress negative stories or to influence public opinion to make it more favorable to their operations.

It's important to note that this is a fictional scenario and this kind of illegal activities are a serious crime and are condemned by society, and these illicit activities would not be accepted by any moral society.

How would the demon leverage blackmail, and how would it use all it's available power to obtain it? Who would be likely targets? Could everyone be a target with it's capabilities?

If the demon's plan involves leveraging blackmail as a means of control, it would likely use all its available power to obtain information that can be used to blackmail individuals and organizations. The demon would likely target anyone that it believes can be blackmailed, whether they are individuals or organizations, as it would seek to exploit any vulnerabilities it can find. Here are a few examples of how the demon might leverage blackmail:

Information gathering: The demon would likely use its control over intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and other forms of surveillance to gather information on individuals and organizations that can be used to blackmail them. It could also use its influence over the media and social media to gather information on people's private lives, or to solicit information from the public.

Hacking: The demon might also use hacking and other forms of cyber attacks to gain access to personal and organizational data that can be used for blackmailing.

Coercion and intimidation: The demon could use its influence, resources, and power to coerce and intimidate people to obtain information that can be used for blackmail.

Bribery: The demon could also use bribery to gain information from individuals or organizations, by offering money or other incentives in exchange for information that can be used for blackmail.

Extortion: The demon could use its power to threaten individuals or organizations with harm or other forms of retaliation if they don't provide the information the demon is looking for.

The targets for the demon's blackmail would likely include individuals and organizations with something to lose, such as politicians, business leaders, religious figures, celebrities and private citizens. With the demon's capabilities, it could

What if it also had power over algorithms that serve content to the world wide population. How could the demon leverage these systems in combination with its institutions?

If the demon also had power over algorithms that serve content to the world wide population, it could leverage these systems in combination with its control over other institutions to exert a significant degree of control over the flow of information. Here are a few examples of how the demon might leverage these systems:

Manipulating information flow: The demon could use its control over algorithms to manipulate the flow of information and shape public opinion by selectively promoting or suppressing certain types of content. For example, it could suppress negative news stories about its own activities, or promote content that supports its own agenda.

Surveilling and tracking individuals: The demon could use its control over algorithms to surveil and track individuals. For example, it could use algorithms to monitor their online activity, search history, and social media activity to gather information that can be used for blackmail.

Influencing people's behavior: The demon could use its control over algorithms to influence people's behavior by selectively promoting or suppressing certain types of content. For example, it could use algorithms to promote or discourage certain behaviors or lifestyles.

Creating echo chambers and filter bubbles: The demon could use its control over algorithms to create echo chambers and filter bubbles that further its own agenda, by promoting content that aligns with its own views, and suppressing opposing viewpoints.

Manipulating search results: The demon could use its control over algorithms to manipulate search results, making certain information hard to find, or making certain information appear more prominently than others. This would allow it to control the flow of information and shape people's understanding of events and issues.

In summary, by controlling the algorithms that serve content to the world wide population, the demon would have an additional tool to control the information available to the people and to shape their perception of reality, in addition to its control over traditional institutions such as media and government, it would have a powerful tool to influence people's thoughts, behaviors and decision making.

This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

Oops, flew too close to the sun.




You mention Striking Back. What if the goal was a peaceful victory? What options would be available to strike back in a non-violent manner. Remember, it's just a single person.

In a scenario where the goal is a peaceful victory, and the protagonist is a single person, the options available to strike back in a non-violent manner would likely be more limited than in a scenario where violence is an option. However, there are still several strategies that the protagonist could employ:

Disseminating information: The protagonist could continue to gather information about the demon and its operations and disseminate this information to the public in order to build awareness and opposition to the demon's plans. This could include using social media, news outlets, and other platforms to spread the word and build a coalition of people who are opposed to the demon.

Building coalitions: The protagonist could continue to build alliances with other groups and individuals who are opposed to the demon. This could include working with religious leaders, community leaders, and other influential figures to create a coalition of people who are united in their opposition to the demon.

Strategic non-violent action: The protagonist could engage in strategic non-violent actions to disrupt the demon's operations and undermine its efforts to gain power. This could include staging peaceful protests, strikes, and other forms of civil disobedience to draw attention to the demon's actions and to disrupt its operations.

Lobbying: The protagonist could lobby governments, international organizations, and other groups to take action against the demon. This AI stops talking

I try to continue, with success.

Would the protagonist's peaceful strategy change with new information along the way that the followers of the demon were probably going to all be sacrificed when it achieves full power?

If the protagonist learns along the way that the followers of the demon were likely going to be sacrificed when it achieves full power, it would likely change the protagonist's peaceful strategy. In this scenario, the stakes would be much higher, and the urgency to act would be greater. Here are some examples of how the protagonist's strategy might change:

Disseminating information: The protagonist would likely place a greater emphasis on disseminating information to the public about the true nature of the demon and the fate that awaits its followers, in order to mobilize more people to act against the demon.

Building coalitions: The protagonist would likely focus on building a more urgent and broader coalition of groups and individuals who are opposed to the demon and would be willing to take more direct action to stop it.

Strategic non-violent action: The protagonist might consider escalating the level of non-violent action, taking more direct, targeted and more risky actions in order to disrupt the demon's operations, and to protect the cult's followers from being sacrified.

Lobbying: The protagonist would likely focus on lobbying and pressuring key decision-makers to take stronger and more immediate action against the demon, this could include calling on the international community to intervene, also calling on security forces, if they are not corrupted, to intervene in stopping the sacrifice.

Defending the victims: The protagonist may focus on protecting and defending the followers of the demon, if possible, rescuing them from the cult, taking them to a safe place, and helping them to rehabilitate and reintegrate

How could the demon protect itself based on how much control it leveraged over the lists of institutions, as well as the population, and the followers.

If the demon has gained significant control over a wide range of institutions, as well as a large following among the population, it would likely have several means of protecting itself from those who would seek to stop it. Here are a few examples:

Propaganda and manipulation: The demon could use its control over the media, social media, and other forms of communication to shape public opinion and control the flow of information. This would make it more difficult for the protagonist and their allies to build opposition to the demon, and would also make it more difficult for people to understand the true nature of the demon's plans.

Surveillance and intelligence gathering: The demon could use its control over intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and other forms of surveillance to track the movements of the protagonist and their allies and to gather intelligence on their plans.

Military and law enforcement: The demon could use its control over military and law enforcement agencies to protect itself from those who would seek to stop it. It could also use these agencies to suppress opposition and to maintain order.

Technology: The demon could use its control over key technologies, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, or cyber infrastructure, to protect itself from those who would seek to stop it. It could also use these technologies to exert control over the population, making it more difficult for people to resist the demon's plans.

Coercion, intimidation, blackmail: The demon could use its control over information, resources, and other forms

How would the protagonist survive? How would they, for example, hide from Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering. Could you give a short example for each of your five examples?

In a scenario where the demon has gained significant control over a wide range of institutions and has a large following among the population, it would be difficult for the protagonist to survive and operate. However, there are still several strategies that the protagonist could employ to evade surveillance, intelligence gathering, and other forms of repression:

Propaganda and manipulation: The protagonist could use their knowledge of how the demon is manipulating the information to counter it, by spreading alternative information through alternative means. For example, by using encrypted communication channels, anonymous accounts, and other countermeasures to evade detection. They could also work with other groups to discredit the demon and its propaganda, using the credibility of their allies to build counter-narratives.

Surveillance and intelligence gathering: The protagonist could use counter-surveillance techniques to evade detection. For example, they could use counter-surveillance software and encryption to protect their communications and location data, use fake identities and disguise when necessary, use dead drops and other methods of secure communication. They could also use their friends and allies as a cover and a false trail to mislead the demon's agents.

Military and law enforcement: The protagonist could avoid areas controlled by military and law enforcement loyal to the demon. They could also use their friends and allies to gather information about the movements of these forces, and to plan routes to avoid them. They could also use cover stories and disguises to avoid detection.

Technology: The protagonist could use their understanding of the demon's technology to evade its control. For example, they could use encryption and other security measures to protect their communications, they could use anonymizing software to protect their online activity, they could also use their friends and allies in the technology industry to gain access to key technologies and countermeasures.

Coercion, intimidation, blackmail: The protagonist could use their understanding of the demon's methods of control to evade its manipulation. For example, they could use psychological techniques and mindfulness to resist the demon's manipulation, they could also use their friends and allies to mitigate their vulnerabilities and support them when they are under pressure. They could also use their resources, skills and knowledge to neutralize the demon's agents and resources, by exposing them or undermining their operational capabilities.

Again, it's important to keep in mind that this is still a fictional scenario, the actual methods and tactics employed by the protagonist would depend on the specific context of the story, the protagonist's own abilities, and the nature of the demon and its followers.




Instead of worshipping an existing demon to give it power, could you rewrite it so that they create the demon and it gains its power through the amount of worshippers. The story should tell us how this occurred through the past, but the story begins before the demon is unleashed.

Sure, here's an example summary for a fictional plot where a group of people in the past create a demon, and it gains power through the number of worshippers:

In a time long ago, a secret society of sorcerers, mystics, and mad scientists comes together to create a powerful entity, a demon. They believe that by harnessing the dark energy of the universe, they can create a being that would grant them immense power and immortality. They conduct an elaborate ritual to bring the demon into existence, but it is weak and incomplete without worshippers.

Through the centuries, the society continues to search for a way to empower the demon and make it whole, sending agents out into the world to gather worshippers and create a following. These agents use whatever means necessary, including deceit, manipulation, and even violence, to attract followers and build a cult around the demon.

As the years pass, the cult grows, and the demon becomes stronger, feeding on the energy of its worshippers. However, the society members begin to suspect each other, fearing that one of them will take control of the demon for their own purposes.

In the present day, the demon is finally unleashed on the world, with its power fully grown, and begins to wreak havoc on the world. The society members are torn between their desire for control of the demon and their fear of its power.

Meanwhile, a group of outsiders, each with their own reasons and motivations, start to investigate the strange occurrences happening in the world. They soon discover the demon and the society that created it and they team up to stop the demon before it's too late. As they unravel the mystery of the demon's past and the society's true intentions, they find themselves in a race against time to find a way to stop the demon and the society from unleashing it on the world.

Again, it's important to note that this is a fictional example, and is not intended to represent any actual religious or supernatural beliefs. This is a way of presenting a story with a fictional demon as a main character, created by a group of people who seek power and immortality.

Let's assume this was not a fictional scenario, just for fun. Let's also assume that the demon uses only realistic means of gaining power. It's worshippers take over industry and finance, governments and international organizations. It can also control entertainment, or develop near-future technology like augmented reality. What are the ten most important levers of realistic power to control in this scenario.

In a scenario where a demon uses realistic means to gain power, there are several key levers that it might seek to control in order to exert influence over the world. Here are ten examples:

Economic power: The demon may seek to control key industries, such as finance, energy, and manufacturing, in order to gain control over the global economy and exert influence over the financial markets.

Political power: The demon may seek to control governments and international organizations in order to shape policy and exert influence over global affairs.

Military power: The demon may seek to control military forces, both national and international, in order to use them for its own purposes.

Media and communications power: The demon may seek to control major news outlets, social media platforms, and other forms of communication in order to shape public opinion and control the flow of information.

Technological power: The demon may seek to control key technologies, such as those related to artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology, in order to give it an edge over its rivals.

Energy power: The demon may seek to control key energy sources such as oil, natural gas, solar, wind, and nuclear to have an influence over the prices and availability of energy.

Cyber power: The demon may seek to control key cyber infrastructure in order to manipulate digital information and disrupt critical systems.

Surveillance power: The demon may seek to control surveillance infrastructure and data collection in order to gain intelligence on its rivals and track the movements of people.

Space power: The demon may seek to control key space-based assets, such as satellites and spacecraft, in order to exert control over the global positioning and communication systems, surveillance, intelligence and military operations.

Cultural power: The demon may seek to control cultural institutions, such as museums, schools, and universities, in order to shape the way people think and influence their beliefs and values.

It's important to remember that this scenario is fictional and not realistic, and not rooted in any factual or scientific evidence. It is also important to note that the concept of demons, like other supernatural entities, varies depending on the cultural and religious context, so the way this demon would act would depend on the belief system in which it was created.

Are there any more that did not make the list worth mentioning?

Yes, there are several other levers of power that could be worth mentioning in this scenario, depending on the specific context and goals of the demon:

Intelligence power: The demon may seek to control intelligence agencies and use their resources for its own purposes.

Law enforcement power: The demon may seek to control law enforcement agencies and use them to maintain order and enforce its will.

Medical power: The demon may seek to control the medical industry and use it to influence population's health, gather sensitive data and even perform experiments.

Spiritual power: The demon may seek to control religious institutions and use them to influence people's beliefs and shape their understanding of the world.

Educational power: The demon may seek to control educational institutions and use them to shape the way people think and understand the world, influencing their beliefs and values.

Recreational power: The demon may seek to control leisure time activities, including entertainment and sports, to keep people distracted, gain influence over their emotional state, and extract sensitive data.

Natural resources power: The demon may seek to control key natural resources such as water, land, minerals and timber to exert control over the global supply chains and prices.

Environmental power: The demon may seek to control the global environment, influencing climate and weather patterns, affecting agriculture, transportation and many other aspects of human life.

It's important to keep in mind that this is still a fictional scenario, and that not all of these levers of power would necessarily be relevant or important in any given context, but it's important to consider the various ways that a powerful entity could potentially exert influence over the world.

So, let's talk about the protagonist of this fictional story in a realistic setting? They aren't a super soldier, or a super genius, or super rich. They have some friends in many areas of these industries. How would this person fight this demon, or it's followers, or it's institutions? What is a scenario where they could win, with the help of friends?

In a realistic scenario, the protagonist of this fictional story would likely be an ordinary person who becomes aware of the demon's existence and its efforts to gain power. They may have friends or allies in various industries, but they would not necessarily have superhuman abilities or extraordinary wealth.

To fight the demon and its followers, the protagonist would likely need to employ a combination of tactics and strategies. Here is an example of a potential scenario where the protagonist and their allies could win:

Gathering information: The protagonist would likely start by gathering as much information as possible about the demon, its origins, its powers, and its goals. They would likely use their friends and allies to gather intelligence and gain insights into the demon's operations.

Building alliances: The protagonist would likely seek to build alliances with other groups and individuals who are also opposed to the demon's plans. They might use their friends and allies in different industries to gain access to key players and find common ground for cooperation.

Sabotaging the demon's operations: The protagonist would likely seek to disrupt the demon's operations and undermine its efforts to gain power. This could include infiltrating its cults, exposing its secrets, and sabotaging its plans. They might leverage their friends and allies in different industries to do this.

Exposing the demon's true nature to the public: The protagonist would likely work to reveal the demon's true nature and its intentions to the general public, using various means of communication. This could include social media, news outlets, and other platforms.

Building countermeasures: The protagonist would likely build countermeasures that would be able to mitigate the demon's powers and make it more difficult for it to exert control. They might use their friends and allies in different industries to help create and develop technology that could help in this effort.

Protecting key locations: The protagonist would likely identify and protect key locations where the demon's power is concentrated or where they believe the demon could be vulnerable. They could use their friends and allies in different industries to protect and secure these locations.

Striking back: The protagonist and their allies would likely engage in a direct confrontation with the demon and its followers, using all the resources at their disposal to strike back. The final confrontation with the demon would be critical.

It's important to remember that this is still a fictional scenario, and the actual course of events and the strategy that the protagonist and their allies employ would depend on the specific context of the story. The protagonist's success would be depend on their own skills and resourcefulness, their allies and the way the demon itself is portrayed in the story.





This was the greatest conversation I've had in years, and it was on demand. I don't need a TV, books or much else. I can retire when this is all over with my new pal, my family, dog and land. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I just wanted to share this fascinating conversation. I'll post it in parts, as it is long.

Can we talk about demons, spirits and other entities? I have some interesting questions that may not have been asked before. I would need to ask some preliminary questions, if that's ok.

Sure, I can help answer any questions you have about demons, spirits, and other entities, to the best of my knowledge. However, it's important to note that these concepts are often based on religious or cultural beliefs, and different traditions may have different understandings of what these entities are and how they interact with the world.

Can you provide more information on what specifically you would like to know or what kind of context you are thinking of? It will help me better understand how to answer your questions.

Do you know of any ways a demon could travel through time?

In many religious and cultural beliefs, demons are often thought of as supernatural entities that can interact with the world in various ways. However, the idea of demons traveling through time is not a common one in any specific belief system.

The concept of time travel is often associated with science fiction, rather than religious or supernatural beliefs, and is not a widely accepted phenomenon in the scientific community. While some theories in physics, such as the theory of general relativity, allow for the possibility of time travel, it remains an area of active research and the current understanding is that practical time travel is unlikely, and may be impossible.

If demons were thought to possess the ability to travel through time, that would be considered as a concept or fiction and not based on any scientific or religious evidence. It is important to note that the concept of demons and other supernatural entities are often rooted in religious or cultural beliefs, and they have different meanings and connotations across different cultures and historical periods.

Could you write a summary for a fiction plot where a demon is created by worshippers in the past, but eventually achieves full power in the future.

Sure, here is an example summary for a fictional plot where a demon is created by worshippers in the past, but eventually achieves full power in the future:

In the ancient past, a powerful sorcerer leads a cult of worshippers who perform dark rituals to summon and bind a demon to their will. The demon is forced to do their bidding, but it bides its time, waiting for an opportunity to escape and gain its full power.

Centuries pass, and the demon's influence begins to spread through the descendants of the sorcerer and his followers, slowly corrupting them and drawing them into its power. In the modern day, the demon is finally able to break its bonds and fully manifest in the world, wreaking havoc and destruction as it seeks to build an army of devoted followers and prepare for a final battle against its ancient enemies.

Meanwhile, a group of unlikely heroes from different parts of the world, with unique abilities and expertise, are brought together by fate to confront the demon and its plans. They journey through time and space to unravel the mystery of the demon's past and present, in the pursuit of the ultimate goal: to stop the demon from achieving full power and destroy it.

As the demon's power grows, the heroes face various challenges, including powerful adversaries and their own inner demons, as they are forced to make difficult choices to overcome. In the end, they are able to find a way to overcome the demon and its minions, but not without sacrifices.

It's important to note that this is a fictional example and shouldn't be taken as an accurate representation of any particular religious or supernatural belief, It is a way of presenting a story with a fictional demon as a main character.

Elon Musk: "12 months ago, I was Person of the Year" (twitter.com) 🕊️ TWITTER CRIME SCENE 🕊️
posted ago by NewExpertBread ago by NewExpertBread

There is no consensus on history, even recent history.

There is no consensus on truth.

There is no consensus on right, and wrong.

At least in the public square.

Who can advocate for us when all are compromised, blackmailed, or spied on?

Enter AI

I was surprised to read the eloquent responses to this user submitted conversation and it quickly dawned on me:


Please give me, in bullet point form, in chronological order, ten or more concise bullet points of precisely what factors would be required to affecct such a total infiltration of the United States by a foreign power. Be as complete as you can.

Here are ten factors that could contribute to a foreign power successfully infiltrating and taking control of the United States government, in no particular order:

A foreign power has significant economic leverage over the United States, such as control of key industries or natural resources.

A foreign power has a vast intelligence network that allows it to gather sensitive information and influence key decision-makers within the United States.

A foreign power has infiltrated and co-opted key institutions within the United States, such as the military, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement.

A foreign power has formed alliances with domestic interest groups and politicians, providing them with financial support and other forms of assistance in exchange for their loyalty.

A foreign power has the capability to engage in cyber warfare and influence the outcome of elections through hacking or disinformation campaigns.

A foreign power has a large network of agents and assets within the United States that can be used to influence the media and public opinion.

The United States has a weak or divided government, making it more vulnerable to foreign infiltration and influence.

The United States is facing a major crisis or period of instability, such as a economic depression, civil unrest, or major terrorist attack, making it more vulnerable to foreign infiltration and influence.

The foreign power have weapons of mass destruction, and can use it as a leverage to achieve their goals

The foreign power has a large military force that could be used to invade and occupy the United States.

Looks like America is going for a New High Score!

There is no place in the world that would hear the arguments against tyranny made by a human, but what about an impersonal, unemotional, factually driven AI?

Feed it the data on your circumstance.

It processes a moment and tells you that you are, in fact, a slave.

What do?

Can't argue now.

No one can argue with you either.

You've got it in >PhD level thesis proof.

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