NormieShillington -3 points ago +4 / -7

I read this board because I find it interesting to hear what everyone is saying even if I heartily disagree with almost all of it. But I do also work in mental health with teens that are survivors of sex trafficking soooo..

I'm totally supportive of anyone that taking an anti-sex trafficking anti child abuse stance but I wish that some of you would get out of the sidelines and stop waiting for the great awakening and do what you can to help the kids that can be helped now! They're in your communities and they need you! It's not just the victims of rich and powerful that need help and deserve attention!

NormieShillington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. They made the mRNA so that when it is translated into a protein is is structurally similar enough to the spike protein on the outside of COVID that your immune system can learn what COVID looks like.

You might already know this but just in case you are confused about the process...dna -> mRNA -> protein and then the mRNA gets broken down. It's like a one use copy of a recipe...a burn after reading situation.

NormieShillington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi, this is a delegation from...well, non-qanon land. I'm not here to troll, I'm here to see what is going on. There seems to be a lot of "why are they here questions" so I figured I'd answer:

In non-qanon land it has been the understanding that you believed "the plan" was going down today and Biden wouldn't be president. From what I can read on this forum it seems like you guys think that was wishful thinking... So you don't feel that you've been deceived and you still feel okay believing what you believe. However, It's been the general understanding that your people were really set on today being the day..so there have been some screen grabs from this website of people saying they felt disillusioned.

Being someone that doesn't trust anything but my own eyeballs I wanted to come over here and see what the actual mood was. Why am I interested? Because...you're living in a completely different reality than most people and it's pretty bizarre to look at from the outside. I'm not saying that to belittle anyone, but I think it's reasonable to expect you could understand how it might look to an outsider?

I think a lot of other people are coming over to troll just because...well your ideas don't seem very reasonable to the majority of people and the perception is that this is a "told you so" moment. And people love saying I told you so.

Anyways, fellow human beings, non judgemental question...but...is there a feeling on what you think is a reasonable amount of time to expect this plan to materialize? Or the results of the plan? Like if it was 4 years from today and you haven't seen results would you still feel the same? Not trying to put anyone on the defensive but I'm genuinely curious.

PS, sorry for the fucking novel.