About 4 years ago, if my memory serves me, I met a guest in my workplace during the usual grind. I was providing run of the mill 'customer service' small talk while repairing a device/machine. I usually try to keep guests talking to distract from an otherwise irritating situation. Most people around here are NPC's and I can usually get away with cliche subjects in conversation. I tend to use Weather, Local news, and or "what do you do for living" Using the latter, the guest was delighted to proudly go on about their life. The older man told me he was a 'Dream engineer' at Disney for some decades. A craftsman. He told me of his part in various projects such as the design and construction of the 'Tree of Life' in Disney's Animal Kingdom World Resort and the like. Having been gone down the Disney rabbit hole before and during Q drops, this Intrigued me greatly. So I pushed for information. He was an artisan of sorts, contracted to work on more intricate details within the property. With his phone he showed me pictures of gateways with animal carvings, the tree of life with its various animal details and statues. All, by his word, examples of his work. I displayed feigned excitement and all too real intrigue to him to keep him talking. He offered me his name and number as he had apparently recently moved into the area locally. Offered to help me with some of my projects I had loosely mentioned. But as our interaction drew to a close, my repairs having been completed, and the guest aptly warmed up. I hit him with the question that burned in my mind since he revealed he worked for Disney. I lightly explained that I had heard some bizarre stories from others who had worked there, then asked if he had seen or heard anything during his many years working with Disney. The man's face and demeanor changed immediately. In a way i cannot adequately express. It was though I had accused him of something. He looked insulted mixed with a touch of anger and responded rapidly with "what do you mean" but before I could respond he now, after my repairs were complete, decided to be upset about the situation that was now over. Changing the subject back to the machine and requesting a supervisor, which I'm obligated to oblige.

It means nothing to anyone, there's no proof or hard information gained. This is the exact moment I knew everything or something I had been digging/reading was real. Call it intuition. Catalyst. But the way that man face dropped his face still haunts me. Drives me. I hope once more is revealed I might understand better, perhaps I will never know or want to know but until then, I ponder this.

It proves nothing, but I am positive others out there may have had a similar moment or situation and I'd like very much to hear them. As difficult as they are to articulate. What made all... this... real, to you? Wherever you are in this awakening.


We took oaths, we have a job to do. ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by Norseman ago by Norseman

With the constant seige of the desperate deepstate across social media, I feel it is as good a time as any for a friendly reminder.

Many of us took oaths, Hold the line.

Q: 4510

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. WWG1WGA

9731023 Take the oath. Mission forward. Q

Q: 4509

You have been selected to help serve your Country. Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.]. Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control. Organize and connect [bridge through linking]. Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop] Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)] Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)] Game theory. Information warfare. Welcome to the Digital Battlefield. Together we win. Q

Now, tell me what is more terrifying, the broad stroke banning and censorship across social media platforms causing many to leave or the idea of leaving all those liberals eating up that propaganda.

For me its the latter.

Flee not the battlefields. They ban you? Make a new account. We shouldn't be fleeing any site. We should be making more accounts. Remember; they these shill fools to fight us, we volunteere. There are more of us than there are of them. Get yo memes, get yo popcorn and fight these fucks on their own ground.

Or lurk more.