Norseman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree, personal limits is an important thing to be mindful of when diving down any of the dark rabbit holes. I found my limits a few years ago. I had desensitized myself intentionally when I was in highschool, watching beheadings and executions to see what humanity was capable of. To be brief, i stumbled upon a video of a child that had their face removed, they were surrounded by men with box cutters who laughed as they slashed randomly. They struggled to get to their feet, their cries of terror drown by the laughter. I wept. I think almost everyone here besides these disgusting fucks would.

I understand "The truth will put 99% of people in the hospital" but I believe that some of this stuff needs to be seen, Collectively as humans, to understand how bad and deep it gets. We have to face the pain of hard truths. This evil cannot be allowed to exist.

We have limits, these monsters do not. And it goes so much deeper. Be careful out there frens.

Norseman 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight symbology throughout film. They seem to dance all they do before us in movies. A line that particularly stood out to me was from the movie 'Prisoners'

"Making children disappear is the war we wage with God" - The kidnapper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y3BR_KJXn4

Evil is real, for everything they do seems to be a corruption of Gods work. The devil cannot create, only pervert, twist and intimidate. Everything these monsters do seems to be an intentional insult to God.

Norseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I say alchemy because it was essentially an occult pre-scientific chemistry. The finding of the traits of various materials. Creation or combination of things, elixirs, Immortality or everlasting youth and my favorite; The Rebis - the great work 'the divine hermaphrodite'

"Simplified, the aims of the alchemists were threefold: to find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosophers' Stone), to discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health, and to discover the transmutation of metals"

Research into alchemy will lead to its darker side in histories of ancient secret societies. Which will arrive you to blood magics and rituals of long ago. All of which seem to be of the same pattern.

Norseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

For Bathory, a decent board overview and start point to dig into various details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UqXtGDLiLA

Norseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a very intriguing thought. I grew up watching though the Stargates, I always thought there were truths hidden within its lore.

Norseman 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you. Indeed, it is. Though many are not so well versed.

Norseman 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's like cuisine to them I believe, for example you can get imitation crab sure, and it tastes more or less the same. But real crab, the various types of crab and their unique flavors could never be adequately synthetically replicated as compared to the real thing. Genetics as well, I'm sure, are a factor.

The synthetic adrenochrome I propose is counter to their human trafficking network being disrupted. And there's a high demand. A multi-billion-dollar trading enterprise.

Norseman 40 points ago +40 / -0

It's a very ancient in its origin I dare say, having been practiced for thousands of years. Since biblical times, or perhapse before. I read books about ancient mysticism, dark 'magic' , alcamy and ancient stories/myths and I find that often the drinking of the blood of the innocent is an all too common ingredient in the dark ways. A pattern. Not sure you'll find a name of someone who 'discovered' it, for it has been a protected knowledge for some time. Pagan/Cannibalistic origins perhapse.

Vampires for example Im lead to believe are a literal and metaphorical analogy for these evil ones. They are ancient in their ways and knowledge, surviving elongated lives through the consumption of blood in ritualistic torture. Virgin children being a favorite. They hate or are hurt by the 'light'(knowledge or exposure) as they dwell in the shadows and darkness. Their goal always seem to be reaching an elite position of control and authority so that they may operate openly. Vampires are often depicted as being incredibly jaded and disassociated, ever striving for more thrill as their humanity is lost. Almost exactly how adrenochrome side effects have been explained to be. They also are depicted as cultists who warship satanic idols and gods. Conjurors of named demons and ungodly chimera.

Sound familiar? These tales are very old. And yet they still adequately express symbolically what we are against.

There have been great decodes about the symbology and stories around vampires and werewolves if you are interested.

Norseman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish we did more digs like the days back on Voat.

Norseman 19 points ago +19 / -0

I live in the area, and i can tell you the odd Hollywood/Elite/Billionaire connections around here are very real and odd.

No one around here thought that was a helicopter.

The Bay where the Submarine launched the missile did so where subs often test/train as the water is particularly deep. They can be seen occasionally on way to or from Kitsap.

Also early that same day, a cabin in Bremerton exploded at 1am killing everyone inside. Later explained to be a propane tank. But at the time it was explained as a 'massive explosion'. What's odd to me is his name was Jerry Drake, which is the same name as the Oklahoma City Truck bomb attempt that was foiled the previous year by the FBI.


https://www.firehouse.com/community-risk/news/21008892/monroe-wa-family-killed-cabin-explosion-hood-canal-firefighters https://abcnews.go.com/US/family-including-children-killed-cabin-explosion-washington-state/story?id=55809060

The bomber:


Norseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed it was shopped unfortunately. Was pulled from a meme site, just was happy to see normies talking about it.

Norseman 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is very well articulated, I often get turned downed when attempting to defend Russia. Now I'm not Russian, but I have immense respect for the people's of Russia. I believe them to be one of the more unified countries despite what their government is doing. The sacrifices their people have collectively bore for their land/home, past and present, against others and themselves boggles my mind.

Norseman 2 points ago +2 / -0

I often think of this, as it seems to be a piece of the puzzle that hasn't come into play yet. Though intuition tells me it will be used for coms when the storm comes upon us. How huge would that be if pictures we've had for all this time had important info/messages within. Perhaps reassurances, or more than likely important info/evidence/proof. All cleverly disseminated by us to be revealed later. 🤔

Norseman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, great articulation indeed. I've reached similar conclusions via a different perspective. Always thought of all this as layers or depth; like the classic iceberg or swamp analogy. The deeper you go down the darker it gets.

Layer 1 - Politics. Layer 2 - Treason/National security. Layer 3 - Crimes against Humanity. Layer 4 -Crimes against Children.

The core idea here is to counter the broad stroke Divide and Conquer tactics employed. Each consecutive layer has less than the previous. Politics/Division will be cleared when it's understood both sides are of same coin. Then Treason will show they're not for us, or any other nation. The sheer truth of what they have done and are doing to the whole world will wake most, when their crimes against humanity are revealed. Think if it became common knowledge that all wars we fought were all for naught but their plans. Deep lies. And when we get to the children... That's what will unite us, all the races of man. Great horrors will be revealed. Those who won't wake by this time may never will.

If this made any sense anyway.

Norseman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dark Winter. They have been seeding the concept of power grid failure/instability for some time. Like the cowards they are, they would destroy everything if they cannot maintain power/control. Cut the power in the coldest month, or storm. Divide and Conquer is immensely tactically effective at all scales. With no power, no heat, turns into a survivor situation rather quickly. Hard to work together and coordinate when your personal safety and safety of family isn't guaranteed. That compounded with market crash or supply shortage to increase the effect.

Or so they think. But we will prevail.

I think white hats have a trap card set on the blackout, if they play the card they will only be pulling the trigger on themselves. And any blackout would be easy cover for any and all counter move operations white hats have rigged.

I just hope the Nuclear playing card is off the table.

Norseman 8 points ago +9 / -1

The entirety of what they have been doing with and to us. The adrenochrome farms.... The cannibalism. Hybrids and genetic modification. The great slaughters that happen behind closed doors and underground tunnels. The word evil fails to express the severity of what's been done. And they dance it all in front of us, through jokes, shows, movies, music. It's....anti human.

Surely we will behold man made horrors beyond our comprehension. For only then will we feel the pain, to ensure this will never happen again. For all of humanity.

Imagine, what could cause jaded grizzled anti-trafficking operators out there on the front to cry... What sights they've seen. I'v learned to accept we won't see it all. For somethings are too evil for us to collectively comprehend. There will be unnamed hero's that will bare weights greater than shoulders can carry, knowing, and kept to the grave.

God save the children.

Norseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trevor Moore started speaking out about various DS topics using his comedy success, until his very sudden 'Suicide'.



Norseman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I figured it had to do with the deep state's play book. The DS has been seeding blackouts for years now. If they become so desperate from loosing they could blackout power or Internet. Darkness. But DS playbook is known, so their own blackout could be cover for whatever trap Q has got waiting for them. A Trap card.

Norseman 3 points ago +3 / -0

$10,000 per, can be tripled due to it being intentional. And several hundred counts since 2018. I'm sure more will arise.

Norseman 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's more to the art subject. Oddly art in Embassy's is specially curated by state department 'Art in Embassys' (AIE) which have very odd transportation services for moving art between embassies around world. In which an agent stays with the art at all times to ensure delivery. They can also bypass all kinds of searches and checkpoints like TSA and borders.

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