NorwegianIslandRoad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communism were always a globalist ideology aiming for world domination. There's no such thing as national communism.

NorwegianIslandRoad 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only "special operation" as I see it would be to target American nukes if placed along these borders. Russia and Scandinavia are similar in strength and a war between would be completely useless with nothing to win for either side.

NorwegianIslandRoad 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why Biden so desperately want Sweden to join, the swamp needs access to the island of Gotland perfectly located in the middle of the Baltic sea between Russia and Kaliningrad, which is strategically important to Russia.

NorwegianIslandRoad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fractional reserve theft.

First they deceive you, claiming Bitcoin is not secure and that you need them to secure it for you, their offering, an ETF, which is fake paper Bitcoin, just like fake paper gold, or fake paper houses. Commodities that doesn't exist basically which they can print more of out of thin air.

The idea is simple, you buy their ETF, they take your money and stock up on real Bitcoins, then eventually when the price corrects, goes down a bit and people want to exchange for fiat there's not enough reserves to sell. You're now holding a worthless ETF while they hold a large amount of bitcoins, prices may be down for now but will eventually recover.

ETF's allow them to suppress the price and prevent it from rising, just like they do with gold. A pump and dump on the other hand would involve them buying up commodities then sell it all at once to crash the price, they used to do that before but people are smart enough to hold right now.

NorwegianIslandRoad 1 point ago +1 / -0

They own a lot of stuff, but they don't own the police, the courts or the prisons. That's on the government, who also collects enough taxes to pay for it all without going into debt.