NullIsUndefined 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is huge. Go after the money and they will leave in their own. Stop the employers hiring illegals, and stop all the handouts.

You shouldn't be able to survive here as an illegal. You shouldn't be able to work or get any assistance

NullIsUndefined 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vaccines are definitely a huge suspect here. I can think of other things introduced in our lives in the past few decades as well. But vaccines are definitely a top suspect

NullIsUndefined 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I heard him discuss it in interviews his view was basically something like this: We don't know if vaccines are causing Autism, but we know Autism is up to a very high rate, and we don't know why and it's not just due to over diagnosis. We haven't done the studies which would show whether or not vaccines contribute to Autism rates. Infact we don't do enough to test them for contributing to other negative effects. Also, the fact that most people get vaccines really makes it hard to study the population in this

He also claims there aren't people in his generation that have autism at a level where they need to wear diapers as an adult, as a point. Which perhaps is true. But it's very common in the younger generation.

Personally, this just makes me curious to want to know more and see more research here. I really think it's critical we understand why Autism is on the rise. Vaccines are definitely a possibility,could be new chemicals in products, processed foods, etc. Society is introducing variables at a high rate, so a lot is suspicious

NullIsUndefined 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's all behind paywalls, it's unfortunately a part of the internet that doesn't get archived well and can be deleted.

It's really messed up too because a lot of this research is taxpayer funded so the information should be open and available to us.

But I suspect if a site like archive.org tried to archive it all, they would get sued to death

NullIsUndefined 1 point ago +2 / -1

Other countries should pay the US money for offering military protection.

Would be a good way to generate revenue as well.

Pay us a profitable amount or we leave. Otherwise fund your own military, send your own people and money

I feel like this is an easy negotiation for our negotiator president

NullIsUndefined 5 points ago +5 / -0

And a cop was put in jail for manslaughter, but the overdose in all likelyhood killed him

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