My sentiments exactly. Whether Q is legit or not is irrelevant to me personally. I am going to keep moving forward either, way striving to do what I can personally do to fight back. Whatever form that may take. If there are patriots in high places that end up really coming through then that's just icing on the cake, really.
Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not specifically saying that this is without a doubt a well-crafted controlled-opposition movement just so we're clear. I'm merely keeping this open as a possibility.
To address your questions:
So how is the DS using it to its advantage if you say most people don’t believe it anyway?
The purpose of such a strategy is to sift people as you might wheat from tares. Identify and isolate those who possess the type of character that might pose a real tangible threat to the establishment. You can't do that by hiding everything. You need to start dropping truth pills (albeit controlled and limited in its scope) to serve as bread crumbs in order to draw out truth-seekers into the trap. Think of it as a hunter placing a snare to catch prey.
The deepstate doesn't care about those who don't believe in Q or who don't care about seeking the truth. They pose no threat. They're docile sheep who will go wherever they're told to go anyway. What they *do *care about is finding those who don't go along with the herd. Critical thinkers. Conspiracy theorists. Rebels. And so on.
Their problem is identifying who is who. Which is where something like Q or Operation Trust comes in. Identify potential enemies and then eliminate them one by one while not allowing them to effectively mobilize into any meaningful resistance.
And those who don’t believe, why aren’t they “standing up” like you say Q followers could’ve been doing had Q not brought us to waiting?
Because they do what they're told. They are either ignorant about what's going on or they lack the character to stand up and fight back.
Who knows. Perhaps they thought that Q wasn't yet big enough at that time to really merit focusing on it and after reassessing they've decided that it's become enough of a problem. If it is an Operation Trust sort of deal then I would assume the reasoning would be that they want to draw out anyone who might actually pose a threat.
Ultimately you would have to ask them though.
It's all part of the illusion. You can't create a compelling controlled opposition if you don't appear to... well... oppose them. Nobody would buy it.
Alex Jones is another one. I believe it's quite obvious by now that he too is controlled (I've know this for a while, Bill Cooper even warned about it). Yet the media demonize and deplatform him as well. It doesn't mean he's legitimate.
It's like one of the most cookie-cutter strategies out of the NWO handbook.
If you believe Q is a psyop then would have to believe Trump is also a psyop.
Well, obviously. Trump could very well have been a psy-op too. Like I've stated elsewhere, I initially thought that this was the case anyway when he began his campaign years ago. I know it is utter sacrilege on this board to say such a thing but it's true. I'm leaning towards him being legitimate (and I really hope for our sake that he is), but who's to say that he's not a very well disguised controlled opposition?
I believe it was Albert Pike, Luciferian and 33rd degree Freemason who said: "whenever the people need a hero, we shall provide him". It's a common tactic used by the occultists throughout history.
Trump and Q have also awakened an army of patriots and enlightened thinkers across the freaking globe, you have people in japan and everywhere damn else holding Trump and Q rallies.
It's great that people show up to rallies, but how well has that translated into any sort of meaningful resistance? As far as I can tell we're still being bull-dozed by the deep state everywhere you look. Deplatformed from social media, effectively turning us into non-persons. Our freedoms being stripped left and right. The economy and many of our livelihoods ruined. Vaccinations on the verge of becoming all but mandatory and so on. On top of that most people now associate Q with cultists and dismiss it outright. It seems to have almost had the opposite of the intended effect now.
This idea that Q was ever necessary for people to wake up is patently absurd imo. There were plenty of people who had been researching and learning the truth about the deep-state long before Trump and Q was around, me being one of them as a matter of fact. I do concede that a lot more people are more awake than ever before though.
What if, and I know this is a wild thought, but what if the deep-state understood the reality that they couldn't keep the lid on all of their nefarious activities forever so they opted to front-run a "great awakening" by creating a controlled movement? You know, the whole saying "you can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time." Surely TPBP would have been aware of this and attempted to co-opt any organized resistance before it could really take off?
I don't place unwavering faith in any single man, even Trump himself. I'm still hopeful that everything with him is legitimate but I would never rule either of those as being completely out of the question either.
In fact, as I was awake ever before Trump came on to the scene, I was naturally skeptical about him from the start. That said, I do truly hope I'm wrong and he does end up doing the right thing. Only time will tell. Regardless, we should all be striving to play a role in this ourselves and not just sit by until someone else cleans up the mess for us.
Excellent questions. I'll answer both at once.
- Get financially independent. This is important if you wish to be able to remain free from the Great Reset. If you have debts, get rid of them. If you've got spare fiat money sitting around, invest it and make money. Turn those capital gains into real assets like precious metals, real estate, supplies (including firearms, ammo, food, etc.), and crypto too if you like.
Part of the "deal" with the great reset is going to be an offer to erase peoples' debts in exchange for forfeiting the right to own property. Remember the whole "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" meme? Don't be part of that.
Get fit. Seriously, if you haven't already start going to the gym. If your gym is closed because of covid, buy some equipment for your home. If you can't afford equipment, do calisthenics. If you're completely ignorant on dieting and working out start doing research on YT. There's many excellent coaches out there these days so ignorance is no longer a valid excuse.
Continue to educate yourself, always. Read books. Build up a worldview through (real) education that enables you to take action and better yourself. Learn valuable and practical skills. Learn how to become charismatic that you may influence others for good purposes. Learn how to garden so that you may be self-sufficient with food. Learn how to shoot a gun. Learn how to use a ham radio. Learn how to read maps. Just keep learning.
Start networking. Find like-minded people who share similar beliefs with yourself. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to agree on everything. It is very unlikely you will find people that are in 100% agreement with you but you can find those whom you are compatible with, those whom you can trust to call upon in times of need.
Start fixing any addictions you may have. And don't bullshit me, we all have something we're addicted to. Drugs? Alcohol? Video games? Porn? Food? Whatever it is, work on eliminating it from your life. It isn't doing you any good.
Focus on your spiritual wellbeing. Whatever it is that you need to do. Pray, meditate, read your bible or other religious books, commune in fellowship with others who share your faith, etc.
These are just some examples. The take away is that you should be continuously improving yourself every day to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. If you're not doing that, how can you possibly expect to help others when shtf? Bettering ourselves and encouraging others to improve is the best possible way we can resist the system right now.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Oh, we're being driven to the precipice alright. Of that I have no doubt. And if that truly is the plan, I can even understand why they would do so from the standpoint of necessity. However, I really wish people in this community would quit acting like everything is one big patriotic movie that we're to just sit back and enjoy with popcorn.
If it's the precipice to which we're going then people need to understand that millions (or perhaps billions?) of lives will be lost. At least in my understanding of what I feel the "precipice" would be. I do not take that lightly myself.
I've never been one to be content with just sitting back until a savior comes. I believe in taking action. If some knight riding atop a white horse shows up at the last minute to reinforce us then all the better. But at the end of the day we need to start putting in the work ourselves.
I will admit that I'm a Q-skeptic. I'm not saying I don't believe in Q, I'm saying that I simply don't know what I can believe. Q might very well turn out to be the real deal, and I even feel that there's a lot of compelling evidence to make the argument that they are. However, if more people were honest with themselves they would admit that they don't know either instead of parading around like they have everything figured out.
Regardless of what the truth is, I do know that nothing worth doing throughout time immemorial has been accomplished by "sitting back and waiting".
If that's the case then the "good guys" (as they were) have opted to sacrifice a rather large portion of humanity.
And perhaps that's the right call, I don't know. I'm not in any position where I can personally say whether this is the best course of action or not because I lack sufficient information to piece together the larger picture. This isn't me casting judgment on the white hats, but rather stating a matter of fact. I just wish the rest of this board would be more frank in this discussion rather than trying to have their cake and eat it too.
Exactly. There seems to be some real cognitive dissonance floating around here.
Look, either the white hats are fully in control or they aren't.
If the white hats ARE fully in control, the cabal has been thoroughly dealt with, everything is just a complete patriot-run scripted movie, etc., then you HAVE to concede the white hats are actually responsible for tangible harm. Full stop. You can't pretend all these people falling sick and dying from isolation, vaccines, crime and so on are just actors or an illusion. They are real human beings.
NOW, perhaps there is an argument (albeit one I would find to be cynical) that this damage to humanity is necessary for a great awakening to take place. Ok, that's certainly one thought, and one I could even buy, but in order to take make that argument you would have to admit the white hats do indeed have blood on their hands.
If the white hats ARE NOT fully in control, though they may be putting up a fierce resistance and trying to wake us up in the process, then that would place the blame on what's transpiring with the cabal. But at that point you would be forced to concede that this fight is far from over and a lot of work still has to be done in order to win our freedom.
I think the problem is that people want it both ways. They both want to believe everything is firmly under control (because that's a more comforting thought than thinking we're in a great and fierce struggle between good and evil whose conclusion is far from over) but they also want all the blame of the evil around us to be laid firmly at the feet of the cabal. It doesn't work like that.
Good point. The deep brainwashing of the past several generations of children is not something that's simply going to be undone over night. The damage there has been done, and IS STILL currently being done to this day. That's not a movie, is it? That's real, right?
How many otherwise normal people, boys and girls, now turned men and women (or whatever gender/sexual identifier is the current flavor of the month) have become almost irredeemably corrupted through our education system + the media? If you browse 4chan long enough you'll come across pictures of pretty girls who transitioned into horrific looking transgender creatures. Those were peoples daughters and sisters. Same goes for boys too of course.
And that's just one small piece of the demonic pie. Obviously we all know by now that if you go down the rabbit far enough there are millions of people, especially children, who are being smuggled for use as drug mules, sex slaves, ritual sacrifices.
These are peoples' lives were talking about. It's not a fucking game. It's not some popcorn-flick. It's real and it's sick and this is still ongoing. This is why the whole "everything is just a show, sit back and enjoy it" mentality honestly frustrates me. I feel like people who act like this, who I concede most likely mean well, are really trivializing deathly serious matters.
We're seeing millions of people injecting themselves with a very harmful vaccine for one. That's not fake, this is something actually happening.
A wave of millions of immigrants pouring into our country right now amongst whom MS-13, cartel members, and Islamic terrorists are a part of.
Purging process within the military.
Inflation going up with a real possibility of turning parabolic in the near future, wiping out peoples savings accounts and pensions.
Increase in depression and suicide.
Etc., etc. Perhaps it is "under control" (however you might define that) but there are a LOT of people who are very much hurting. This isn't a game. It's not a fun netflix movie. It's real.
I'm going to piggyback off your comment in order to generate discussion, so this isn't directed at you.
My only question about OP's viewpoint: if the white hats are in complete control and the cabal exerts no influence over these events anymore, why are said white hats deliberately setting out to ruin our country? Are they following a method of accelerationism?
And before you protest that our country isn't currently falling apart, let me ask you, why are the white hats allowing millions upon millions of potentially dangerous and undocumented people into our country? That's not a movie, that's actually happening. What about the vaccines? Are 10's of millions of people not currently injecting themselves with poison masquerading as gene therapy? Is Bill Gates an actor too? Why is the military currently clamping down on soldiers who hold any right-wing viewpoints?
These things are happening, there's no disputing that. If you want to argue that it has to be this way or whatever then you need to come up with a compelling reason why everyone has to suffer to such an extreme degree. If you believe white hats are fully in control then you have to concede they too are responsible for a lot of tangible (not illusory) horror taking place.
Spoken like someone who doesn't understand crypto beyond what they hear in MSM. Sorry, the energy argument is just dumb propaganda pushed by elites to shut down crypto and only matters in regards to BTC anyway. Other crypto assets have solved this problem via switching over to a Proof of Stake model and Bitcoin might go that way too.
Unless Q is controlled opposition as has been stated.
Where's the "hysterical paranoia" here exactly? What a gross mischaracterization of everything I've stated. I believe I've been rather level headed in my comments, if a bit blunt in my skepticism. Is having an intellectually honest conversation using our God-given faculties of reason not welcome here? Is only 100% blind belief tolerated? Oh right, I guess I should just dink the kool-aid and say "trust the plan" as if that were some marker of how devoted a patriot I am.
Would it make you feel better if I said nothing bad will ever happen? Nobody is currently dying from the vaccine (despite all of the evidence)? Our rights aren't being stripped from us? We're not all currently under relentless assault from the media? We're not being deplatformed. Immigrants aren't currently pouring over the border unimpeded?
All of this is just fake right? It's all in my head?
No, but a lot of them seem like they're full of it. I'm still waiting on Flynn's 30 more days to kick in. What about all of the times they indicated that something was about to happen? Ah, that's right, whenever they say something and it turns out to be nothing it's characterized as "necessary disinfo". How incredibly convenient.
Yeah? Well it's a really shitty movie and people are being harmed in the making of it.
This isn't about being fearful, I'm for the complete opposite. I'm about action, not cowering in dismay that the world is falling apart at the seams. Regardless of how you interpret my comments.