Over the 4 year course of Biden's occupation of the Presidental office. There has been many posts here on GAW stating about Biden's ear lobs, attached and detached, at today's ceremony during the singing of the National Anthen, it appears Biden's ear lobs are detatched. Is this the "real" Biden? Thoughts?

Let us not forget that one of our MAGA brethren was killed and another injured. Once we learn of their identities, as a GAW community, show our respect, love and support to their families.

Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee are joining in lawsuit against Biden's vax mandate. https://t.me/realLauraIngraham/70
I have lurked here for about a year and thought to post my first question to attorneys that lurk on this site.
My question and just a thought. If the Covid-19 vaccine EAU only exists because no effective treatment is available. However, we have case studies from India and Japan also South American of ivermetcin and HCQ being given in place of the vaccine and whiping the virus almost out of existence? We have evidence of massive vaccine injuries and presidented past vaccine studies that were terminated because of adverse effects and deaths. So why has no lawyer(s) or law firm(s) working together challenge the FDA's EAU of these vaccines? Get rid of the EAU, no mandates, and I believe, possibly, the liability shield for the manufacturers is lifted.