So, here tonight when i saw the countdown for the first time and processed it. I had a Crazy Thought.

What if Q Is indeed returning on 8Chan- Because the Website has been completely reworked on to Handle the Massive Declass that is about to occur in a Flood of Information.

What if during the Last "Administration", QTeam had been preparing the world for this website that they have been teasing about in the Drops. Which will be for a true, Worldwide public Address, that in itself bypasses All forms of Old World News That for the last 25 years has been replaced by We, the People.

Social Media is and has been indeed a major Keystone to this plan as it has already been planted in the hands of many people. They will see this Flood of information because The First Waves of People The People whom have followed Q since the first drop to those recently Introduced Have been prepared to Spread this information:


This Catalyst will result a chain reaction that will make its way to the Old Guard of Information They would be Checkmated.

The Stage has Been Set.

They Would have no way to Deny, Deflect, Misdirect any further because if they did.

It Would be So Blantant that it would instantly Prove to everyone they have been lying.

They would have to Surrender and by surrender they have to Finally Ask.

"Mr President, What is Q?"

Which then is Answered.


In this Surrender i imagine will also potentially be the Start of Suicide Weekend and Publicly seen Infighting as these Cabalists Scramble to Escape in anyway possible.

But Every Escape Route will be Blocked they would have their final Last Stand which itself would have been so stripped they could either go out on their terms or face public world wide trials as another Final Proof Of Q.

Perhaps i am being too hopeful as i could be very well wrong so forgive me in advance if this turns out to not being the case, but a Man Can Dream.

Mental Fatigue of this Campaign. 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by OzymandiasKing ago by OzymandiasKing

So, i kind of wanted to reach out to anyone willing to listen. Kind of a Mental Health Post and in a way I am hoping for some relief in a sense. I discovered Q in 2018, and I genuinely believe it's changed me for the better, I believe myself lucky to have discovered the drops and have been astounded by what has transpired the last 5 years since then. Although I have also been greatly fatigued mentally by it, I wish not to spread doom, for i do have faith that there will come about a great victory for all of Humanity, and despite having to tread through the mud- to speak somewhat poetically, The best is indeed yet to come.

I just wish sometimes i had more patience, I have damaged relationships, lost friends, Damaged my own reputation in a way and i am at fault- i will admit, for the above being said. Part of me wishes and longs for the day that the veil will be lifted and people whom i use to know, whom i still care for in my heart, despite knowing that ill never be able to go back to how it was before or even speak to them again, would realize what i had been going through and forgive me, Which i admit is selfish of me. I know the ultimate goal is much more than how i feel or have felt- And somethings happen the way they do for a good reason.

I also know that, despite feeling alone, i am not alone for there are unsung heroes whom have been waiting much longer than I, and whom have suffered much more than I. To be honest, despite how i feel, i know that i have had great luck in my life for that i am grateful. Ultimately when the day that most on this board have been anticipating comes, This Great Shift in our People's Consciousness, i believe the weight upon our souls will be lifted and even some vindication will be granted. Anyways, this post is kind of all over the place, but i wish all of you the best and welcome words of encouragement and wisdom from those who are willing to offer it. Thank you.

For quite a while now. I have been seeing 17 everywhere. Part of me believes perhaps that it is my brain just trained and hardwired to notice these things after i have exposed myself to it. subconsciously so. But another part of me feels it is something more. Perhaps Synchronicity. I'll look at the clock, and it'll be X:17 minute of the day and it's common to happen more than just once in a single day. Messages friends send and even messages i'll send will also be X:17 and commonly it'll be more meaningful messages. I'll play chess online and multiple other players i play against will commonly have 17 as a number within their names. many games i have won and lost ending with X:17 left in my time. Ill watch youtube videos that friends sent or videos that particularly catch my interest will have been uploaded on the 17th day of the month. i'll notice 17 being mentioned within videos as well, (such as task force 17 in the battle of coral sea). Even when playing video games i'll have 17 pop up in strange places. I'll see 17 in the starting stats for one game, Damage values will commonly be "17". 17 will be the name of certain places. One old playstation game i played at a much younger age i revisited and the starting amount of ammo on normal difficulty would be 17, and even in emergency supply chests in said game i have found 17 as emergency ammo. i have searched online to see what i could find on the significance of the number 17 and one such thing i had discovered. "17 is the only prime number which is the sum of four consecutive primes (2,3,5,7)" and the 17 number in spirituality seems to be rather important as well. Has anyone else be experiencing the same as i?