PalOfPatriots 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s won one fight in years. He’s no longer relevant in fighting so he has to drum up support somehow

PalOfPatriots -4 points ago +4 / -8

The fight has only gone backward the last year as no real evidence has come to light. All the major players are fighting with each other. We need to pivot. We’re chasing our own tales. Lose a battle, win a war. Not keep whining that the other side cheated and keep harping on one battle while we get curb stomped as the war rages on. Whining about the past is exactly what they want us to do

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

Neither is the garbage you regurgitate from the internet. Nothing you said is remotely fact-based. Another angry asshole with a gun killed a bunch of innocent people. The end.

PalOfPatriots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody in their right mind that hears your nonsense would put you in a position of power, especially around children.

PalOfPatriots 1 point ago +1 / -0

you’re full of crap. nobody would put someone with these insane views in charge of anything.

PalOfPatriots 1 point ago +1 / -0

One thing we agree on. That reality left the station in your head a long time ago.

PalOfPatriots 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate MSNBC. I’m a married middle aged guy. I’m just not some naive, sad, lonely person that believes in fairy tales and uses them to fill the voids in my life. That sometimes things are as they appear. Satan isn’t real. And if there is a god he doesn’t care about us, look at the world. If Trump or Patriots or Jesus were in control things wouldn’t be such a mess. It is shocking there are people like you in the world that are so gullible. You are what is wrong with mankind.

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m a sheep? You keep forwarding nonsensical links that you believe in. How old are you? Do you still go to the mall and talk to Santa and the Easter bunny. Hate to tell you but they aren’t real either

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

You need to get off your computer and TV and go outside and see what the world is actually like. Is there any conspiracy theory you don’t believe in? You’re brainwashed by a bunch of loser anonymous bloggers who claim to have security clearances and or know about divine beings. You’re a fucking dbag with a sad life and looking for meaning.

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

You’re the one that needs to wake up. There is more proof of aliens than the bullshit you spew. Once again all you are doing is saying your websites and tv shows are better than anyone else’s. You are repeating crap you have no ties to or any actual proof. You make dots connect to make your sad dream world seem real. I need to wake up but you are letting invisible forces run your life and mold your mind. you sad lonely turd.

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

Really, because all the crap you are spewing sounds like Twilight Zone and X Files episodes spliced together. So desperate to seek meaning in life or that there is more than meets the eye. All you are doing in mixing together internet crap you’ve found. And you’re right it is not ok. Too many people die from guns. And you want to blame invisible powers instead of very tangible things. Mental health and too much access to firearms. Or people not just pushing others to fight back on such extreme levels.

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have no proof the deer head had anything to do with the shooting. You have no proof of anything other than fringe websites that you want to believe. I’m not sure why you think these weird sites you regurgitate content from have any validity. All these sites you believe have no proof of content they spew. The bible is a bunch of stories written by men many years ago to try to keep people in line. You are unhappy in your life and are searching for meaning. For some reason you fill those voids with ridiculous conspiracy theories. “my fringe websites tell the truths and yours lie………” gtfoh

PalOfPatriots -1 points ago +1 / -2

any satanic symbolism is this dumb kid trying to be edgy or scary, or it is losers like you trying to connect random dots to fit your narrative and fill your sad life.

PalOfPatriots -1 points ago +1 / -2

Really, your anonymous basement blogging sites run by incels is your proof of any of this? you have no evidence of any of this nonsense, you are what is wrong with the world and why patriots are losing. being a gullible sheep for conspiracy theories hurts the cause and divides patriots. go back to not getting laid, playing magic and believing bullshit, leave helping america to brighter people

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is reality. Come back to it. Thinking some divine being or government experiment cause this is just retarded.

PalOfPatriots 0 points ago +1 / -1

Proof other than some shady website?

PalOfPatriots -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or dummies fall for fake stories…..

PalOfPatriots -1 points ago +1 / -2

It’s an angry bullied kid with a gun. Just ridiculous think otherwise

PalOfPatriots -3 points ago +1 / -4

What exactly is fake about the shooting? People say this nonsense until one personally affects them.

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