With today's ruling against Trump by the communist judge in New York, I realized that the cartel is attacking the most basic rights we have. They are attacking those Rights guaranteed in the "Bill of Rights". Fredom of Speech, Freedom to own guns, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of a Fair Trial by a Jury of Peers, ...Could the trigger for the Storm be the Gov't Violating 5 of the 10 most basic Rights we have. By my read, they've violated more.


What if "they" are the unvaccinated. With Hayden's comments, mass media comments, and nasty things I've heard vaxers say, It won't be long before they openly demand we be imprisoned or worse. They behave like Nazis, think mirror! If they passed laws in congress to imprison us and then the whole hoax is exposed, all but the dumbest would see who the real Nazis are and they would be on record putting good people away to hide their crimes. Do you think they'd let us help carry out sentences for those who have broken our laws and harmed our citizens "Under color of law?"


Let them stew in their own recipe