Let's not forget this traditional Christmas festival!



For the first time since 2020, nearly all the news I read online is GOOD! Anyone else experiencing a new sense of optimism, enthusiasm and relief? MAGA!


I have been informed by a friend who lives in Cambria County, PA, that the ballot scanners in that county have all been down and unavailable.

Can anyone shed any light on this?


I used to have a position at a large university, which is probably why this email popped up in my Inbox:

"Our college campus mobilization program is one of our most effective voter turnout programs — but we can do even better. Here’s what the data says:

Students who register on campus turn out at a rate of 66%.

Students who are still registered at their home address turn out at a rate of just 29%.

If we can get students to register on campus, we can significantly boost turnout. This is how we’ll do it.

Introducing CountMore.us.

Over 450,000 out-of-state students go to school in competitive states. Countmore informs students where their vote has the highest impact — in a competitive or uncompetitive state.

If registered on campus, students have a 66% turnout rate. These are the margins that decide elections — and proves that investing in students is worth it.

With registration deadlines rapidly approaching, we need to make a big investment in pushing Countmore to as many college campuses as possible. But that takes resources.

Can you pitch in and support our pro-college voter program today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:"

So maybe if the illegals can't elect Kabama, maybe the leftie students can?

Anyone else received something like this?


What's that? You say that Covid-19 vaccines have undesirable side effects? Posh and twaddle! Why that's nothing but the "Nocebo Effect." Honest.



"Elections have consequences, and unfortunately, Democrats in leadership wasted little time using their narrow majority to push forward with their agenda. At the top of that list is gun control. On Wednesday, April 26, the House Judiciary Committee will be having a voting session on four very bad gun bills which include:

HB 338 – Reporting lost and stolen firearms.

HB 714 – Universal Background Checks.

HB 731 – Mandatory Storage of Long Guns.

HB 1018 – Extreme Risk Protection Orders.

These bills do nothing to punish criminals or improve public safety as they focus exclusively on law-abiding citizens. ERPO laws are notoriously lacking in due process protections and lost-and-stolen legislation simply punishes victims of crimes; people who have had their property stolen (sometimes unknowingly). Universal background checks do nothing except burden law-abiding gun owners. Every dealer transfer in the country is already required to go through a background check. Mandatory storage renders self-defense completely useless. People have a right to defend themselves, especially in their own home.

As of right now, there is no plan to take public testimony on any of these bills. This is a voting session only. They plan to vote the bills out of committee this week, and then the legislation will tentatively be considered on the House floor next week.

That sounds like a good plan to steamroll Keystone State gun owners, except for one thing. You! We need your immediate assistance! Please contact your state Representative today, and respectfully request that they oppose these bills."