It seems that some people posting and commenting here think EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory! As Freud once tried to say, sometimes things are just as they seem, and there is no deeper story involved. Although we don't know everything, just because we don't know something doesn't mean it takes a ridiculous conspiracy theory to explain it.
I got suspended for posting the following, in response to a story about a leftist supergluing their hand to a painting in a museum, so their T-shirt that said "End Oil Now" (I think that was the message) would get publicity:
Just cut their hand off with a chainsaw; problem solved (but someone will eventually need to clean off the rotting hand)
Pretty obvious it is a joke, but either twitter has AI that can't recognize a joke, or people who can't.
Just got back from trying to vote in the NY primary. I'm registered as Conservative, and was told that only Democrats and Republicans can vote in the primary because other parties, in this case, the Conservative party, only have one candidate listed. I guess it's good they limit voting to people who are registered to a particular party, but what got me is when I asked about showing my i.d. (before being told I couldn't vote), and said it wasn't needed. I asked why not and was told "you'll have to ask your representatives about that". I said it wouldn't matter, since this is NY, and Democrats want all the illegal votes they can get :) They didn't laugh, so I assume they are Democrats :)
I just saw a poll where only 18% of Democrats favor the SC decision, whereas something like 88% of Republicans favor it. I've long felt that one's view of abortion is a good litmus test of their soul, and this survey pegs the difference between the two political parties perfectly.
Has anyone considered that the bogus January 6 committee is all a staged event planned to lead to a bogus arrest of President Trump, which would lead to full disclosure of all the election fraud data/information during any "trial" associated with the arrest?
I posted this on a bunch of active twitter feeds this morning:
What a sad day in America when the motivating factor for women to protest is that it MIGHT become more difficult for them to murder their own child!
I was channel surfing the other day and the PBS show, "Frontline" had an episode where some so-called whistleblower from one of the oil companies was reporting that the oil companies knew fossil fuels were causing global warming, but did nothing (or something like that; I didn't watch much :) ). I sent the following email to PBS about it: ("most of your shows" is referring to the Frontline show, not PBS in general :) )
Although I enjoy most of your shows, you definitely showed your leftist, un-educated, bias in this episode. "Climate Change" is a political movement with very limited scientific basis. Global data collected during the past 50 years, in particular, global sea level rise data, do not support the "man-made global warming" theory. Without a significant increase in the rate of global temperature rise (it's been rising for thousands of years), the "man-made global warming" theory falls apart. The best indicator of this is global sea level rise. Global sea level is the best indicator of global warming because not only does sea level respond to an increase in water volume due to glacial meltwater contributions, but also to simple thermal expansion of the ocean surface layers. If there was a significant increase in the rate of global warming occurring, these two factors would produce a significant increase in the rate of global sea level rise. There has not been a significant increase in the rate of global sea level rise in the past 50 years. Case closed. (EPA even had a report published in 1984? where they predicted that at least a 1 foot rise in global sea level would occur in the next 30 years, and I believe they even thought it could go as high as 2 feet higher, but the rate has remained virtually unchanged) Of course, now, the term "man-made global warming" is no longer used, with "climate change" taking its place. You MUST have global warming to fuel "climate change". In order for any perceived change in climate to be attributed to man's contributions of CO2, there HAS to be an increase in the rate of global warming consistent with the increase in CO2 levels; THERE HAS NOT! Just because we see what may be significant changes in climate (of course, we don't really know if these changes are significant, because we don't have data very far back in history, and that is only selected locations on Earth. Other secondary evidence is speculative.) Sorry to burst your leftist bubble, but you should be concerned with the truth, wherever it lands. I realize, as leftists, you will never apologize for the lies you promote, but at least this email will help you to better understand the lies you continue to promote. As always, when looking at big picture things, just follow the money. Who do you think will make the most money off "climate change"?
I heard another medical clown being interviewed on our local cable news. He was from SUNY Stony Brook, and spouted the usual talking points related to getting covid shots and wearing masks. I looked him up to try to email him, but the university only allows filling out a form to schedule an interview. I suggest many people do what I did, which was to request an interview for :) Here is the link to fill out the interview request, and here is the comment I added:
RE: Andrew Handel, MD, FAAP. I heard him promoting covid shots on a local news station. Since covid is now no more harmful than seasonal flu, and the covid shots are virtually useless in preventing transmission of covid, why is he promoting the shots? Also, he was promoting the ridiculous, dangerous, and essentially criminal, notion of having children receive covid shots. Are the pharmaceutical companies paying him to promote this? He also suggested masks work, yet dozens of studies show they are virtually useless in preventing transmission of viruses. Why is he ignoring the science regarding masks?
I heard a local morning "news" station report that pregnant women are suffering problems associated with covid, and I thought "oh, finally, they are reporting on the adverse effects of the covid shots WE have known about!". But nooooo, they were saying it was a rare consequence of getting covid, and they ended the little segment by dragging out some medical doctor who said something on the order of "and of course, the way to protect against this is by getting vaccinated". What was especially infuriating was when the doctor was asked about documentation of this phenomena, she said there was no tracking of it.
As a side note, this was an Albany, NY tv station. I bought a ~$40 antenna and put it in my attic and I now get over-the-air tv stations from Albany area; the furthest broadcast antenna towers are ~60 miles away! I now get about 10 stations. I haven't had cable TV since relocating to a new house last year. (yes, feels good not to line the cable tv company's coffers any more than I have to (only reliable, barely reliable, internet) :) )
I have thought about this often, and I am assuming a long life :) (If I knew I only had three years to live, I wouldn't want to give up one of them! :) ) When I look back at my life, the times I miss the most are when my children were young. I would pick a day, a Saturday when they were all home, when they were 3, 5, 7, and 9. The three-year-old was old enough then to be out of the "baby" or "terrible two" phase, the 5-yr-old was just at an incredibly cute phase, the 7-yr-old was transitioning to the "no longer a kid" phase, and the 9-yr-old still openly loved me (those of you with girls, know what I'm talking about :) ) I look back at all the old photos and can't believe how fast the years went by! I think the greatest power in the world would be to be able to look at any photo, and flash into the scene of the photo at the time the photo was taken; a combination of time travel and life repeating :) (but could get odd if you flashed into a scene that you were in :) )
I was banned from twitter for posting the following:
"Transgenders" are obviously mentally ill (whether it is learned, trained, genetic, etc.; the cause is not the issue). Why should we, as a society, promote it?
Here are the twitter rules regarding tweets:
Violence: You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. Learn more about our violent threat and glorification of violence policies.
Terrorism/violent extremism: You may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism. Learn more.
Child sexual exploitation: We have zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation on Twitter. Learn more.
Abuse/harassment: You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm. Learn more.
Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Learn more.
Suicide or self-harm: You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm. Learn more.
Sensitive media, including graphic violence and adult content: You may not post media that is excessively gory or share violent or adult content within live video or in profile or header images. Media depicting sexual violence and/or assault is also not permitted.
Illegal or certain regulated goods or services: You may not use our service for any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services.
I would love for a "pede" here to tell me how what I wrote violated any of these rules :)
I got blocked for posting the following:
"Transgenders" are obviously mentally ill (whether it is learned, trained, genetic, etc.; the cause is not the issue). Why should we, as a society, promote it?
I've been banned before for saying something like "Only a moron would....". Is there a valid argument from those who say transgenderism is not a mental illness?