PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe Chuck Woolery hosted Wheel of Fortune back when it was on in the daytime, prior to Pat Sajak hosting the evening syndicated version. It was pretty funny watching contestants say something like "I'll take the electric toothbrush for $250" :)

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you referring to when the contestants would have to spend their winnings on overpriced stuff on display?

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

It only takes a driver's license and checking the box that states they are a U.S. citizen to vote! Those 20 million potential Democrat voters are not accidental.

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's good he may be switching, but his reasons are not the best. If he can't see how damaging the Democrat policies are to the country, that voting for a Republican this one time is not a long-term solution.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still believe that there was never a "deep throat" back in the Watergate days, and that Woodword and Bernstein had a theory of what was going on, and used the fictional "deep throat" as the cover for their theory, which lucky for them, turned out to be right.

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just like what I've found over the years, they can't name one reason to vote for a Democrat!

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

So "Derp" means you would not vote for him if he quit the stuff?

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you would not vote for him if he quit the name calling and other things like that?

PhDinNY 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've been asking Democrats for the past few years to name one, single, policy of the Washington Democrats that helps the entire country. Despite asking dozens of times on various social platforms, where presumably dozens to hundreds may see the question, not a SINGLE Democrat has provided an answer.

PhDinNY 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, many of his supporters like it, but it is hurting him among many who would gladly vote for him (and may still do) if he acted in a more mature manner.

PhDinNY 0 points ago +1 / -1

Supporters of his policies will always support him. His "Trumpiness" may attract some immature people out there, but the number of people turned away from him because of it must clearly outnumber those who are attracted by it. Mature adults don't talk and act like him! Just like mature adults don't fling F-bombs around in public. There are certain ways mature people act. Some people show maturity at an early age, some people never seem to mature beyond adolescence. He CLEARLY loses at LEAST a few percent of votes because of his "Trumpiness", which he could easily correct (he has a little).

PhDinNY 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm still not a big fan of how he says things, but he does speak the truth. Unfortunately, too many people let Trump's "Trumpiness" deter them from voting for him. He really is his worst political enemy.

PhDinNY 4 points ago +4 / -0

But I see things that might not exist sometimes :)

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome! Let's hope it is HIGHLY used! (of course, the marxists will deem anyone who questions what they are doing to be subject to this EO)

PhDinNY 8 points ago +8 / -0

Are there really people still stupid enough to get those shots?

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, thanks for that clarification! I didn't have time to do a detailed read, but that sounds like it should cover just about everything necessary.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just reviewed the EO 13818, and was pretty excited about it, but then saw that it seems to be limited to corruption associated with the people listed in the EO. Perhaps those few people can be linked to dozens and dozens of politicians, and may result in a large number of people currently in government being arrested.

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unless there is a way to deal with the systemic corruption of Washington politics, it will be very difficult to correct what has been happening for decades. The political system almost guarantees, especially at the Senate level, that only the corrupt will get elected, and if not corrupt when elected, eventually become corrupt.

PhDinNY 7 points ago +7 / -0

Have you seen any of the documentaries about Jonestown? Really creepy! And one thing that stood out to me was that there were a few who didn't want to drink the cyanide coolaide, but were either forced to or shot. What is really interesting is that there were a few of the thugs who were Jones assistants who seemed to have made it out alive, with an unknown quantity of cash. I have never heard what happened to them.

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you may be right, but look only to candidates like McGovern, Mondale and Dukakis of the past where the deep state let them be soundly defeated.

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

The thing is, there are people who make hundreds of "prophesies", and when a few dozen seem to come true, they are then given credit as a prophet. Unless his total record of past prophesies has been documented, I can't rely on him being anything other than occasionally right.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

CA only requires a driver's license to register, online, to vote. CA allows illegals to get driver's licenses. When online, there is a box you have to check that asked if you are a U.S. citizen. How many people who enter the country illegally are going to be honest when asked online if they are a U.S. citizen? It is so blatantly obvious what the Dems are doing in regard to illegals in this country it is beyond infuriating! I lived in CA and tried this, so when in CA, I was able to verify this was possible. I don't know if it is possible to check it if out of state.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took a covid test because I had dinner with some people who later came down with covid, and when my symptoms were pretty severe, I took a test. It was like jamming a stick coated with ground glass up my nose! I could never figure out why, if the goal was to achieve mucus for testing purposes, why a swab would be so irritating! It should have been soft and absorbent if collection of a fluid was the goal! I did one nostril, but quit after starting the second nostril! I wish I had been thinking well enough at the time to have kept one of those swabs for analysis! (it was just one swab, with instructions to insert it into both nostrils; If thinking straight, I would have said, "Oh, sorry, I dropped the swab, please give me another" :) )

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