The streaming news channel, NewsMax, has been considered a reasonably reliable source of news since it began, but there have been some disturbing trends. The channel backed off on presumably any election fraud coverage, at least in terms of discussion of rigged voting machines, and today, I noticed that they are full on board with covid "vaccinations", with no mention of any controversy there. One of their panel members even mentioned how he was looking forward to his children getting "vaccinated"! Are there people behind the scenes that control even the alternative news sources? If they were all about telling it like it is, and therefore, telling all there is, which would increase their viewership, why cave to those who don't want certain news broadcast?
I was out in my yard, and I noticed cottonwood fuzz already flying (pretty early this year!) and as I looked up at them, I noticed what I thought was a very high cottonwood fuzz. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the fuzz from cottonwood trees is VERY annoying! It forms big clumps in the trees, that constantly shed the fuzz, which are seeds connected to cotton-like fibers. When it really gets going, it will cover your roof, your lawn, accumulate in rafts in your doorway, clog your gutters, etc. Individual "fuzzies" float with the wind; imagine a very loose, small bit of cottom; it flies like feathers. Anyway, I looked up at the very high one, and realized it wasn't a cottonwood fuzz, but some odd thing super high up. It didn't really seem to be moving around when I first saw it, but a few seconds later, it darted across the sky, so I thought it must be a satellite that was catching the sun light at the right angle for me to see it. It went across about half the sky in just a few seconds, so was way too fast to be a jet. But then, it slightly jagged in its trajectory; like a parenthesis along an otherwise straight line. I've never seen anything that I didn't think was either just a jet or a satellite, this was definitely a UFO to me. Anybody have any ideas on what this was, or seen anything like it elsewhere?
Stewart Airport, Newburgh, NY, is virtually quiet when it comes to commercial aircraft, due to covid. Today, there have been many, many, jets flying in, or out, or both (can't tell, I'm across Hudson River, about 4 miles straight line) today. Has anyone noticed increased aircraft activity at other bases today?
Early in the scamdemic, I tried to contact medical doctors to ask if the following procedure could be a way to immunize against covid: Withdraw some blood from a person, inoculate it with a few covid "cells", let the person's immune system (at least what is in blood) develop antibodies to it, kill off the virus in the blood sample, then inject it back into the person, where they would have antibodies ready if needed in the future. I got no response from about 3 or 4 attempts (contacting medical research facilities). Now, I'm thinking, what would happen if just 2 or 3 covid "cells" were injected into a person? Since it is a respiratory virus, wouldn't it easily be taken care of when in the blood, resulting in antibodies that could fight it if it ever was introduced into the respiratory system? I hope someone here has some expertise/insight on this idea.
I did my weekly grocery shopping today at a large chain store, that has the usual mask signs in front. I have been going there pretty much every week, and starting a couple months ago, just wore my mask over my mouth. Nobody said anything about that. Today, since I'm reading about others doing it, I went maskless! I didn't receive any flack, and didn't notice any looks on people's faces (but I was just shopping as usual, and didn't make an effort to observe the response). It was great and I encourage ANYONE who is not afraid of the virus to do it. (now I do have gray hair and a gray beard, so maybe they assumed I got the shot :) )
The media is really screaming about covid in India, and I'm wondering if this is to set up the masses to fall for renewed lockdowns here, due to new variants, etc., and possibly more rounds of shots?
It hit me last night as I was going to sleep, that the discussions related to how many coincidences have to occur for people to believe that "Q" is real, are very similar to discussions over the years regarding all the prophesies of Jesus being the Messiah. I found one of those discussions here:
Where they estimated the odds of it just being coincidence is 1 in 10^17. And that is just based on eight prophesies. I have seen other summaries of the prophecies that spoke of Jesus being the Messiah that included 30, but they didn't include the estimated mathematical odds.
Biden's spending plan will increase the national debt by many more trillions, with a plan to increase taxes on the "rich" to pay for it. I have a compromise solution, just tax the wealthiest 25 Americans by confiscating all their assets. All but maybe two are leftists/globalists (Koch's are on there as members of the globalist group, and I believe the globalists are arguably worse than the outright leftists); Elon Musk (libertarian?) is at the top, according to Wikipedia, but if he is left with a million, he would probably be back to being a billionaire in a few years :) Those top 25 account for about 2 trillion in net worth. The couple of conservative/libertarians would probably be willing to go along with this if they knew it would solve the nation's financial problems. But of course, Democrats would just spend that money on more ridiculous leftist schemes.
I was talking to my 80+ mother about the covid vaccination, and of course, she was surprised that I'm not going to get it. She was saying how happy she is to be able to do so many things now that she has been vaccinated. I asked her why vaccinated people think people who don't want to be vaccinated should get the vaccination. She said it was to protect others. I said, "Why should vaccinated people care if others aren't vaccinated; they received the vaccination, so they are protected, right?". She didn't really have an answer. I said, "If some people want to swim at a beach where sharks are known to exist, and others don't want to swim there, why should those people care if others want to risk swimming at that beach?". Again, no answer, and she concluded by saying, "Well, we're not going to agree on this topic". The MSM's ability to sway people into this "it's for the protection of others", combined with their ability to make people think the government is doing them a great favor by "permitting them to go on with their lives after being vaccinated", is a pretty scary phenomena going on in our country!
I had a dream the other night that I heard on the news that two "royals" came out to report all sorts of info on the global child trafficking situation, and that I then came to this site to report that I had heard that news! Anyone else have any odd dreams like this?
I don't go on FB much anymore, but out of curiosity I went on today, and saw a post from a very leftist, totally "woke", FB "friend", and they posted this:
Got my first shot the other day and my county is notoriously horrible with giving out stickers (at least for vaccinations and voting), but the vax site was near a wonderful doughnut place, and this is a maple cake doughnut with a piece of buttermilk fried chicken inside it.
This person also has been doing a periodic post about "black owned businesses" that should be supported. I always thought it was best to support businesses that provide quality products/services, without regard to skin color.
I've read the online discussions/"news" regarding death rate in the U.S. in 2020 vs 2019, so I decided to get the numbers myself, here they are:
Year Total Deaths in U.S.
2020 2,913,144
2019 2,854,838
2018 2,831,836
2017 2,813,503
2016 2,744,248
2015 2,712,630
There are slight differences in the totals in a given year, depending on who did the counting; CDC vs census?, but what stands out is the gradual increase in number of deaths each year, which should be expected as the population of the U.S. grows, but most significant is that the increase from 2019 to 2020 is only minimally above the year to year increase prior to covid. I've heard some people try to explain away this minimal increase by saying, "but fewer people were killed in traffic accidents since people weren't driving as much!". I just checked the traffic death numbers and they were higher in 2020 than in 2019! The more I look into the scamdemic, the madder I get! Sometimes I wish I was just an ignorant leftist drone :) (ignorance is bliss, right? :) )
I believe that MSM's constant covid fear mongering, along with all the "get vaccinated" ads being run, is going to cause some people to be so freaked out, they will go out of their way to get multiple vaccinations, thinking "if one protects me, more than one will protect me even more!" I think there will be some odd mental illness that causes some people to get some kind of emotional high out of being vaccinated, such that they might even feel depressed after a while, and then seek another vaccination. With all the odd mental illnesses out there, I don't think this is such a stretch.
I'm constantly amazed that the idea that those who want to get vaccinated, should be allowed to, and those who don't want to be vaccinated should be allowed to be vaccination free, is seemingly such a foreign concept right now! If someone is vaccinated, why should they care if someone else isn't? Has there ever been a time in history when there was such an effort to make not getting a vaccination such a horrible thing? It seems that the logical conclusion is that the vaccine is not being distributed so much to prevent covid, but something else.
I watched the CBS morning show to see what the MSM is reporting as "news" today, and they reported that the CDC has done a thorough analysis of the vaccination program and not a single person has died after being vaccinated (died because of being vaccinated). I was shocked that, if CDC actually reported this, that they would be so stupid as to blatantly lie like that! EVERY vaccine has deaths associated with getting it! For them to claim that the covid vaccines have not had any deaths reeks of their corruption, and desperation!
I watched the CBS morning show to see what the MSM is reporting as "news" today, and they reported that the CDC has done a thorough analysis of the vaccination program and not a single person has died after being vaccinated (died because of being vaccinated). I was shocked that, if CDC actually reported this, that they would be so stupid as to blatantly lie like that! EVERY vaccine has deaths associated with getting it! For them to claim that the covid vaccines have not had any deaths reeks of their corruption, and desperation!
I occasionally ask people wearing masks outside, who are by themselves, why they are wearing a mask. Today I asked some guy and he said, "Because I forgot to take it off", which indicates to me, that some know how stupid it is, and are not willing to defend continuing to be sheep, and would rather use a stupid excuse for wearing it outside when there is no threat to them or others.