Philomena_ 4 points ago +5 / -1

My mom is a nurse, she got sick after her 2nd dose of the Pfizer one but recovered. Everyone in her dpt was given the 2nd dose on a Friday, or given the 2 days off by default, bc it was known how sick everyone was getting. My mom recovered thankfully. I tried so hard to get her to refrain but while her department wasn’t requiring it (nursing education), she was peer pressured into it.

I’m a nurse too and there’s no way in hell I will get any Covid vaccine no matter what they say about it. None of it is to be trusted.

Philomena_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Loving God naturally leads to good works. Good works are not needed for salvation. There is no amount of humanly good works that could possibly stack up to one iota of God’s goodness. Thus an exchange would be impossible. Salvation is a free gift.

Philomena_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes and the gift of belief comes from the Holy Spirit. Jesus said knock and the door will be opened. For anyone struggling to believe, open your heart to the possibility & invite the Holy Spirit in prayer. Anyone who believes does so by the grace of God. I’m praying for all people to know that God & the resurrection of Jesus Christ is real. Praying that everyone who reads this thread, who desperately needs salvation bc we all do, will begin to love Jesus & receive the revelation that the God of the universe wants to lead us as children grasping his hem & number the hairs on our head. Simply in exchange for our belief & our existence as his creation for his Glory. The worse off you are, the sweeter it is when you realize He was there all along and He wants to call you friend.

Philomena_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

E-Sword is an amazing free software of the whole Bible in all translations, including the original languages, you can translate it word by word and cross reference to other parts of the Bible. For example, you can look up John 3:16 in KJV, get the verse in the original Greek, click on each Greek word for definition, and it gives you a list of all other instances in the Bible the word was used & why they chose that particular translated word in whatever specific context it’s in.

Philomena_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lord I pray for u/aintno_prophet that you would protect your child from the forces of darkness seen & unseen. Jesus we know that You cast out demons with the simple authority of just a few words, because you are the King of Kings and are the supreme source of life & light that make the forces of darkness scurry. Lord Jesus please be near to aintno_prophet during this vulnerable time so that the presence of any evil would be impossible since you are so near. And Lord please put it in aintno-prophet’s heart, and make it apparent, that you are always with him, the Father is always watching over him, and the Holy Spirit is always residing within his heart since he is your precious chosen child. So that he is empowered to rebuke any spiritual evil that dares to creep in. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.