President Trump calling Castro's perverted bastard the Governor of Canada, continuing to talk about Greenland and Panama Canal - he's writing some hefty checks. At this point, most incoming leaders would be backtracking on bravado and talking about how "a lot of things are said in a campaign." Instead, President Trump's raising the ante.
My guess is, when he said "We caught them all" he meant it. For him to cash these checks he's writing, some major disruptions have to take place - lots of shock and awe, disclosures, almost wars or something. Something so huge has to happen, that President Trump and the US get to dictate geopolitical alignment.
My wife has been asking me how I know stuff before it shows up on the news. So, I gave her a tour of GAW and she didn't believe. For weeks, she tried to figure out the trick. Finally, she showed her friend the "too many coincidences". Suddenly they flipped on COVID, Election Fraud and industrial scale baby-rape.
Now, my wife stopped being all panicky about news and didn't get pissed off about the Hunter Biden pardon. She even laughed about the stupid alien invasion crap.
Perhaps the MSG rally today and the VA trip at the end of his schedule are both looking forward to the election after this one blows up. My guess is that they pull some crap so extreme, that the "election" on Nov 5 ends up getting tossed by SCOTUS and we have a National Guard managed election a month of so later.
This would allow for the 10 days of darkness, darkness to light as secrets are revealed, resulting in them not being able to walk the streets. It would align with 45's promises that we are going to win in a way completely unexpected and win big.
So, I'll personally be shocked and disappointed if Nov 5 goes down like any other election day. That'd be a disaster, as it means the old system will stay in place. I'm thinking 45's laying the groundwork for the election after the election.
President Trump just said at the townhall - "We did leave the dogs behind. A lot people don't like it, but we left them behind." There has to be something with the dog comms with Trump?
+++ just said "She will be worse than him, and Trump is never wrong." Crap - they really are going to 25th the corpse and install the mad kneepad. I guess it should happen soon, so she has time to "be worse than him".
Since she would be installed until inauguration, there's ample time. I don't think this will be a fun time.
My completely anti-conspiracy theory wife has suddenly become a believer in adrenochrome. She's watching the nightmare of the DNC and just noticed that all these super-old-farts on the DNC went from being walking corpses at the end of Trump's time to having glowing, flawless, youthful faces.
At last she says, "I guess we know where the 219,000 missing kids at the border went!"
Just over a week ago, an indisputable miracle occurred. It is an absurdity that President Trump survived the assassination attempt. It was clearly a conspiracy against him and he should be dead.
When President Trump survived, I spent at least 72 hours completely convinced that nothing can stop what is coming, even an AR15 at close range. When rumors of Biden's demise emerged, I was even for confident.
Then, when Heels Up became the apparent nominee, I was even more confident.
A couple fake polls drop, a couple fake articles a couple lame as videos, and the fact that The Dude dodged a bullet has faded. "They're going to steal it again" my wife exclaimed and I found myself dooming.
It's stupid and lame. Something beautiful is happening here and wasting time dooming is quite foolish.
I'm presently in Ghana, Africa. On Thursday, the Internet quite suddenly went completely down nationwide. Turns out that 4 undersea cables were cut off the Western coast of Africa. Oddly, the cables that run from Europe down the East Coast of Africa were also cut.
The official story is that some shift in the seabed caused these cables to sever. It seems odd to me, that a shift on the seabed could be so powerful as to cut a total of 7 cables multiple kilometers apart and on different continental shelves. Since we were not crushed by a massive Tsunami, I'm guessing that it wasn't a shift on the seabed.
Is this just some crazy coincidence or some kind of practice run?
I really hope that my circle of normies is just especially stupid and easily controlled. My normie friends and family still believe J6 was an insurrection, even with the released videos. I show them a photo of a cop opening the magnetically locked doors with 4 photographers behind her and then say - yea, she's probably a MAGAt too.
The complete lack of curiosity, logical thought and patriotism is disheartening.
I can only imagine the shock and awe of truth that will be needed to wake up these half-brained fools.
So far, Biden is the most successful presidency the cabal has ever witnessed. Sure, it won't end that way, but so far, they're kicking ass on their plan to destroy America. Their success is owed mostly to the fact that everyone thinks an absolutely useless moron is the actual President. No one fears a moron. No one suspects a moron. Morons are harmless, slobbering fools.
This is all a distraction as Barry and his husband work with Susan Rice and all their horde of demons to destroy our nation. I get that PANIC and all, but mocking the idiot publicly only helps the enemy. Since the idiot isn't running the show, it makes little sense to mock him anyway.
When people around me mock the idiot, I always play along before explaining that it is intentionally done this way so that we won't notice their evil deeds.
So, raging debate with family on J6. The consensus is that the feds tried super, duper hard, but those Magats just overwhelmed security.
my response so far: Well, I'm afraid it's going to be more nefarious than that. We already know it is very nefarious, because:
- The FBI stood down on the hunt for the bomb maker who dropped off the pipe bombs near the GOP and DNC offices on Jan 6
- Someone ordered the magnetic doors to be opened
- Someone organized busing in of Antifa.
- Ray Epps is not in prison, while people much less important than him are
- This Megan Paradise chick is walking free, and she was clearly involved
- National Guard support was repeated offered and rejected This was a very complex, carefully orchestrated event. This was not a mad mob that overwhelmed security. A bunch of yahoos didn't manage to breach security on one of the most secure buildings in the world.
Original [15] min DEFCON [1] CONF Revised [1] min Coincidence? Q
Not sure if this is legit or not, but the exchange between McCarthy and Gaetz indicated that they had a deal on vote #14, and then it was delayed. The number 15 came up in 502, just like in 505.