Voted early in Otero County, NM today ( red enclave in a blue state).

Paper ballots marked with blue felt markers, and a ballot scanner. No receipt from the ballot scanner, which I found slightly suspicious (I couldn’t see the brand or model of ballot scanner).

Aren’t the ballot scanners supposed to give you a receipt of some sort?


A few weeks ago an anon here posted about a protocol to reduce or eliminate arterial plaques using vitamin c and l-lysine.

My dad just found out he’s got serious blockages, and I was hoping someone either has a link to that post, or remembers the protocol.

Thanks in advance!


I just had an "encounter" with an atheist Q supporter here. I don't believe he is a shill or anything like that, but the dialog got me to start wondering.

Trump is pretty clearly Christian. Q posted bible verses making it pretty clear that he or they are Christian as well.

Based on what I was told by my debate partner, we Christians are spreading stupidity across the globe, and he feels it is his duty to show us how stupid we are (paraphrased - not his exact words.)

So here's my question: If you vehemently believe that there is no God, no higher power whatsoever, and all of this universe is just random happenstance, then why do you follow Q and support Trump?

How do you reconcile Q and atheism?


I’m seeing the 6pm showing of Sound of Freedom in a rinky dink town (pop 31,000), and my wife and I got the last 2 tickets. On a Wednesday.

A friend went yesterday and it was also sold out.

Edit: no shenanigans observed. Theatre was comfortable, no fire alarms, no issues at all.


I distinctly remember Barney Frank having died, yet now he’s on the board of Signature Bank.

Any one else? Or am I just going nuts?


When you think of H1B visas, what nationality do you think of?

The US Government and tech companies spent decades recruiting and hiring a particular nationality, to the point where “tech job” is almost synonymous with this particular nationality.

If you were planning to stratify a society into good guys and deplorables, and were planning to use big tech to enforce it, what better nationality to recruit than one that comes from a society where “untouchable people” is already the norm.

Resulting in the tech workers being blind to the unconstitutionality of their actions, because it’s already normalized for them.

Just a Sunday afternoon shower thought…hoping to get everyone’s thoughts on this. Thanks!


And turn them into My Pillow retail outlets.

The ultimate irony!


A few years ago, I rolled my eyes when BLM was demanding that we defund the police. Now I’m starting to agree with them.

The past few months I’ve watched a lot of “first amendment auditors” on YouTube, and it’s now apparent that the vast majority of police are just “go along to get along”, and think they have FAR more authority than they actually do.

I’m thinking that the only police we really need are county Sheriffs. No FBI, no State Police, no local police departments.

If there is a large city in a Sheriff’s county, then the city can pay the Sheriff’s department for patrol and beat deputies to eliminate the PD.

County residents can vote to fund the Sheriff as they see fit, and the People have a direct way to redress grievances via the ballot box (assuming voting gets fixed, of course).

Currently there are several layers of bureaucracy between a citizen and the cop who is threatening to arrest him for filming in public, to the point where it’s very rare for any cop to ever really get punished for violating a citizen’s civil rights, thanks to “qualified immunity” and other pro-police policies.

What say you?


When your lefty friends or family mention "electric vehicles", scrunch up your face like you don't understand what they are talking about and ask (as earnestly as possible), "What do you mean by electric vehicle? What is that?".

When they sigh heavily and start talking about Tesla, get this look of sudden understanding on your face and say, "Oh! You mean those COAL powered vehicles! Ok, go on..."

You'll get one of two reactions. They'll either argue with you that "Teslas are not coal powered!", or they'll get confused and ask, "What do you mean, coal powered?"

Then, educate them. It's been working well for me so far.


During the mid 2010s, I kept seeing tons of videos where strange trumpet-like sounds were heard all over the world.

I haven’t heard of or seen anything about that phenomenon in years…

If it were natural or geological (as the “experts” said back then) why did it suddenly stop?

Has anyone done any significant research on this?


I’ve seen quite a few anons the past few days that need a reminder.

For those who roll their eyes and say it’s not a big deal, that’s fine. But it’s hard to red pill smart people with sentences full of grammatical errors and misspellings.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


All the cool kids are boycotting something, but you've been boycotting them for years because of something unrelated, so you can't be cool?

Humor from the Bee (www.tiktok.com) 🤡 Clown World 🌎
posted ago by PompeiusMagnus ago by PompeiusMagnus
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