PompeiusMagnus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you have evidence (other than this video) that “inactive military people are being recalled”?

PompeiusMagnus 6 points ago +6 / -0

An involuntary recall letter would NOT be classified. It would be sent through the US Postal Service (unless they issued this guy a SCIF for his house, which of course they didn’t)

This is a larp.

PompeiusMagnus 5 points ago +5 / -0

The US has sold arms to allied countries for forever. You shouldn't worry about debunking your retarded friend, you should be asking him why it's bad when Trump did it, but okay for every president before Trump in his eyes.

Unless he's condemning ALL arms sales the US has made over 200 years, then he's just practicing selective outrage.

PompeiusMagnus 3 points ago +3 / -0

But but but they're doing boba this summer! That'll fix everything!

PompeiusMagnus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! Once you have all the info are you planning to publish here? I want to start digging myself, but it sounds like I’m a few years behind you.

PompeiusMagnus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know Wilson was an absolute piece of shit, but what kind of sauce do you have that he was a foreign agent? I would really like for you to be right on that one!

Thanks fren!

PompeiusMagnus 3 points ago +3 / -0

In what universe (other than your addled brain) is someone pointing out that people get falsely convicted equal “defending pedos”?

PompeiusMagnus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hmmm… I guess that’s why they’ve spent the last 5 decades convincing women to become “boss bitches that don’t need no man”.

PompeiusMagnus 1 point ago +1 / -0

“We’ve got him this time!”

Seriously, the left is Charlie Brown, and Trump is Lucy, pulling the football away at the last second.

PompeiusMagnus 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Constitution originally required you to be a landowner to vote. I think we should bring that back. There’s no need for universal suffrage in this country - that was a Soviet ploy (they loved to point out that they let women vote… but no one mentioned there was only one choice)

Also, the Texas Constitution used to state that anyone on government assistance (food stamps, welfare, whatever), and anyone found mentally deficient (that would be most lefties) would not be allowed to vote. Bring that back, too.

As an alternative, if you really want to change things up, how about a Starship Troopers scenario - you must earn your citizenship through some sort of hard work, service, or effort of some kind. Those who have not earned their citizenship yet may not vote.

Just thinking out loud, but shit has got to change or our great grandkids will just be right back in the same place again.

Thanks for a mentally stimulating post, Malachi!

PompeiusMagnus 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, I’m angry because people on the same side as me lack basic critical thinking skills and instead use Magical Thinking ™ to support their arguments.

This is the kind of moronic hopium that makes our side look stupid as fuck. Go tell a semi-intelligent lefty that “the news referred to Trump as President Trump, so that means he’s still president!”, and that lefty will be lost forever.

He will use your extremely ridiculous non-evidence to “prove” to himself that our arguments are not based on fact.

I’m telling you that the news has always referred to former presidents by their title for at least a century, therefore the news calling Trump “President Trump” is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS, based on past history.

Just like they call her “Secretary Clinton”, they called Bootyjuice “Mayor Bootyjuice” during the 2020 campaign, they call Bill “President Clinton” and Obama “President Obama”, and Joe “Vice President Biden”.

Instead of taking that information and either integrating it into your worldview, or arguing with evidence how I am wrong (either of which is what a true critical thinker would do), you choose to attack me for not believing Trump is still president (which I never claimed), and accuse ME of having cognitive bias.

Little child, grow the fuck up. You’re just plain wrong, here. Maybe Trump is still president, maybe he’s not - I do not know, and do not claim to know. But this “evidence” is not evidence at all either way. Because it’s not something different than what’s been done for 100+ years. Period. Full stop.

You may now commence ignoring every point I made, and engaging in ad hominum attacks, as you magical thinkers are wont to do…

PompeiusMagnus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh fuck off with the cognitive dissonance bullshit. I’m not arguing for or against Trump being in charge. I’m letting you know this “evidence” is not evidence either way.

PompeiusMagnus 2 points ago +3 / -1

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