I have looked through a few threads, and seen a few people say various amounts, but never for my weight. I am about 220lbs, never taken ivermectin before but i want to try and kick this cold i have fast. I bought the 1.87% apple horse paste, could anyone help me out with how much to take how often? Thanks in advanced!!
No joke, watching rsbn and other shit.....hearing these people speak, its like they think we are fucking stupid. I have already multiple pics of stupid math, less votes more percentage.....i am so sick of this nonsense.
My question is, and sorry to bring this up, but anyone know how i can get their gofundme out there. They have to travel for surgery and will be missing work. I have been here for a while and hope that this is not seen as some kinda scam bullshit, but i did reach out to LT, other than that i honestly dont know what to do. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks frens.
Title says it all, a child of mine has terribly sensitive skin. We have tried various things, mainly no fragrances, but wondering if anyone had any good outcomes from strickly natural solutions. Thanks frens!
I got an email a few days ago from one of the banks i do business with. It read something like privacy notice and language practices now. I decided to read it and to my astonishment it said that from here on out they would only communicate in English.
Is this a company simply cutting costs? Or is it a sign of the good times coming? I dunno but i found it interesting
I jumped on many rfk spaces tonight, mind you these are democrats if you dont know, and they said things i have been waiting to hear for so long. Apologizing to maga and saying we were right. While i dont need any reassurance, it was very emotional for me. These people now realize what we have been fighting for for so long. I love the unity, hate on me if you will. NCSWIC
So i am now 1.5 weeks in following one of the posts on here, 4k lycine and C per day. 2k each in the morning and in the evening. I have also quite nicotine and slowed way down on drinking.
The chest pains I was having off and on(more on), have pretty much went away all together, which is great because a few timws i thought i was having a heart attack, and I am not old.
While this is fantastic, the main thing i am absolutely shocked about is my blood pressure. I have had high bp for about 20 years at least, since i was really young. I just took my blood pressure today and I am now pretty damn close to 120/80....129/73.....i havent been anywhere near this since i can remember. A huge shout out to those on here who posted this protocol, it seems to definitely work.
As far as my energy level goes, i also just quit caffeine and am going through pretty bad withdrawals so right now cannot comment on the energy, but overall my body just feels more solid. Dont get out of breathe like i used to, and actually dont sweat like i used to either.
I plan to stay on 4k each for a month, and then drop to 2k per day. I will give yall updates, thanks again!!!!
What happened to this? Did it ever happen?
I simply refuse to watch any live tv, 99 percent of the time. However just wanted to check on the debate as rumble went down. I turned on fox and holy shit they literally have a bunch of queer bois and deep voiced women on there hahahaha how csn people watch that junk
They are conducting a nation wide survey on the covid bio weapon. Thats all lol.
He is now fully on his way to waking up. I got him to watch europa, mind you this guy knows the history that has been taught to us in indoctrination camps very well, so when he seen the alternative narrative, it blew his mind.
He realized how much more sense it made and immediatley was able to make the connection to what we are seeing now.
He just said he is going to watch a netflix hitler doc to see how much shit they lie about. I informed him things are going to get difficult to watch as you can pick our the fallke and gay shit easily.
This is truly amazing seeing him wake up, and it couldnt habe happened to a better friend!
So i have quite a few buddies i grew up with, so we have known each other for decades. For about 6 years now i have been telling them various things, and they all have brushed it off.
Finally today, i got a text "dude u have been calling this shit for years!"
Sorry i had to share, as he is the only one i think not too proud to admit it. The rest act like they knew it all along, but thats fine with me at least they see it!
My little girl just came into the world and is beautiful and healthy! God is great! I am doing my part frens :)
Read title
Pleae forgive me, i am ignorant to new movies and hollywood as a whole, however tonight i have sat down to watch the newer wonka movie. It is completely a documentary about small businesses in America.
Even if they didnt mean to make it that way, which i highly doubt they didnt, it is.
You have the small business owner immediatley starting off in a neraly insurmountable debt, having a great product that all other companies want. Instead of simply trying to make their product better, they try to sabotage and bring down the superior product.
They pay the right people off, making them fat with cash, to bring hell upon these companies. I havent finished it yet, but there is alot behind this whimsical musical movie.
I may be off the rails, but its all here.
A mod jsut removed a post to make sure i dont dox myself accindently, and then continued a conversation wtih me on whether it should be up or not. We probably have the best mods around, yall should consider yourself blessed.
As writing my post, i kept in my the possiblilry of me doxxing myself, and honestly i would like to share with you guys more than worrying about some fed knowoing who i am. My guess they probably already do. We cannot stay afraid of the goverment, the govermnet should be agraid of the people. After all, dont we own the govermnet?
Nonetheless thank you again mod for having the wherewithal to know you should question it. Cheers mate!
Get out and do something physical today. Clearing out my woods of invasive bullshit aws. Stay strong frens.
Hello, I am currently exploring options to start my kids in homeschooling. I am looking for a good christian based curriculum, and while my wife and I have found a few, I figured it wouldnt hurt to ask on here as well. Any tips/recommendations are welcome, thanks frens! And my kids are still young, so besides the current private pre school my oldest is in, they've never been to school.
I dont post nearly as much as i used to, but i want you all to know.......every night that i lay down I pray to the only one above for all the well being of you all. This is not just a blip in the radar, we are a movement. We will not be stopped, we will have freedom. Keep doing what your are doing frens, i cannot wait to meet you all in then end!