Well they are all in on it.
6 feet under.
That MA1 was the weakest fake video I’ve seen
I never thought Biden was in the White House. Castle rock productions !
At least they know the true facts.
Well Lin wood put in his telegram a meme that lets you ask questions and bottom line if it has aborted baby parts (MRC-5 ) they all do then you decline on religious principals. His meme is to legally decline but I can’t get it to post here. Sorry. Or go to my page and it’s on there plus so much about the shot https://t.me/coffin19experimentalshot
There is a religious exemption accepted in Fla schools for vaccination. All of my children attended school in fla with out vaccinations for the last 20 years. . You can also get a medical exemption. Know your rights. They cannot force the vaccination on you.
It’s heart breaking. Sheep to the slaughter. It euthanasia. I keep trying to tell my Gov DeSantis in Fla. I post on his Twitter , I email him but he keeps pushing that shot. It will be his down fall.
Exactly. Huge collection of proof , articles and videos on telegram https://t.me/coffin19experimentalshot
I call it coffin-19 shot
What’s that solution ?
Yes the very people we were trying to help by telling them the truth so they weren’t blind sided are the ones that have maligned us and that think we are crazy and need help ?♀️
Yes I agree but then how do you show it ?.... it’s child porn and 10x worse.
Violates your religious beliefs could be a good one. I mean seriously ... injecting aborted baby parts into your body ?
Let’s call it the experimental coffin-19 vaccination
I’m not sure all the truths that are going to come out but I’ve heard that those that voted for Biden and Hillary and Obama etc will want to hide under a rock. The Red Pill that unites us is abhorrence to pedophilia. Those and so many others are monsters. The depth and horrors of their deeds will make everyone cry. I still cry about it and I’ve known for a long time. Anyone with a soul will be Devastated. It’s all about the children .... always has been. And when they finally wake up to their own championing of abortion and how evil it is, and when they see it through Gods eyes ... they will weep. A “load of bricks “will fall on them that they may not survive the horror and guilt of their actions.
The point is that Biden probably is NOT in the White House. Sets look very convincing. In the photo of Biden the wall paper is diff than in Trumps Oval Office picture. And there are cars outside the windows when actually it’s just grass there.
When does a bird sing ? Related perhaps??♀️
Charlie ward said he got a copy of the inauguration in England at 7 am in his email inbox Jan 20 , that’s 10 hours before the inauguration.
Go celebrate you “ victory “ Biden shill.
Georgia patriot on twitter posted it. @Gp3Lo
It was on twitter , I can’t figure out how to post the paragraph that went with photo
Castle rock pictures has this set available
Yeah , it’s like when sales people used to call asking for my dad by the name John and we knew it was a sales call because everyone called him Jack